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    Anthem By Ayn Rand: An Analysis

    irrational morality.” Ayn Rand put this philosophy into her book, Anthem, which is about a world in the future where the government controls everything one sees, does, and who they even are. In the book, the main character is Equality 7-2521, who can’t even say they are an individual and repeating refers to himself as “we”. The government there

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    National Anthem Rhetorical Analysis

    Hello all. My name is Nawaf Reaz, and I’ve heard the National Anthem being sung since I started school. As a child, I never really understood the lyrics or why we sang it, but now growing up, I’m beginning to find meaning within this song. It commemorates the American flag which both represents us and is a symbol of our country. The song itself is also a symbol of our country, of what we are and what we strive to be. But most importantly, it shows how privileged we are to be alive in this country

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    Women In Ayn Rand's Anthem

    world. Men have almost always been the dominant beings. Ayn Rand’s Anthem she questions the societal norm of women in a world of dystopia and male dominance. With the idea that women are to be a obedient and nurturing females Ayn Rand's portrayal of women in Anthem steers women into a place of inferiority. One way that women are thought to be inferior is when it comes to the women’s responsibilities to society created in Anthem they are obviously unfair. When it comes to the government,

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  • Premium Essay

    Ayn Rand's Anthem Analysis

    wrote the story Anthem, which was published in 1938, the story is about a communist society. Rand wrote about a controlling society because at the time her country, Russia was a communist society. Communism is “advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.” In Anthem the society has many rules so that everyone is equal, there is no war, and there is an order. In Anthem, everyone is supposed

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  • Premium Essay

    Individualism In Ayn Rand's Anthem

    Anthem Theme Essay In Anthem, a big theme is individualism. Because of society, you are not allowed to be yourself. It is like an ant colony; you have to do everything that makes the ruler happy even if it doesn’t fit you. Another way individuality is taken from the people is that they cannot say the word “I”, and refer to themselves as “we”. At the end of this novel, the main character, whose name is Equality 7-2521, breaks out of his “colony” and starts a new life as an individual. In this book

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    The National Anthem: The Forgotten War

    1812 should stay in the Webster City Middle School history books. Based off of the fact that this is the first and only time that the capital burned down, the nation gained pride, not only that, but during the battle at Fort McHenry, the National Anthem was created. A reason you should keep the war of 1812 in the History Books is because this is the first and only time that the capitol building burned

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  • Premium Essay

    Collectivism In Ayn Rand's Anthem

    fundamental rights of human beings, collectivism has been the central topic of debate for many years. Ayn Rand, the author of Anthem, voices her strong opposition to the philosophy, as it is not only a stepping-stone into a totalitarian government but also an idea that can easily evolve as a justification for unfair treatment and opportunities. Rand addresses her concerns through Anthem by formulating the main character as a person who carries ideas that oppose society’s constructs, which ultimately leads

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  • Premium Essay

    Anthem And Fahrenheit 451 Comparison

    These stories in actuality remind us of what we could become in the future. There are many classical works of literature that shows us the future of our society. There is Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury where knowledge and reading are sin. There is Anthem by Ayn Rand which handles the topic of collectivism, and only doing what the party tell you to do. There is Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, where the main topic of discussion is how media distracts and brainwashes you, while also

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  • Premium Essay

    Individuality In Ayn Rand's Anthem

    your entire life. In this world you aren't curious, nor have a mind of your own. Individuality does not exist and Independence is a burden to a society where free will does not prevail. A society that is abound by Ayn Rand exists in the novella, Anthem. Anthem depicts a society that controls not only the decisions of its citizens, but also every occupation, mating ritual, and early retirement of anyone who lives in the aftermath of this fictional society. Place man in the shoes of Equality 7-2521

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    Technology In Ayn Rand's Anthem

    The society ‘Anthem’ takes place in is based solely on the collective, no individualism allowed. This limits the people in the community greatly, and since all the people of the world live under a select group of rulers, in similar communities, new technology is severely limited and must go through 50 years of tests in order to be approved (Rand 74). Any new technology proposed by the council of scholars must be agreed upon by the others, and only the scholars can make new discoveries. Equality had

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