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Individualism In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Anthem Theme Essay

In Anthem, a big theme is individualism. Because of society, you are not allowed to be yourself. It is like an ant colony; you have to do everything that makes the ruler happy even if it doesn’t fit you. Another way individuality is taken from the people is that they cannot say the word “I”, and refer to themselves as “we”. At the end of this novel, the main character, whose name is Equality 7-2521, breaks out of his “colony” and starts a new life as an individual.

In this book society is based off of collectivism. In this system you never get to meet your parents. You are raised by other people until you are 5. From 5 to 15 years of age, you are in the House of Students, where you learn what you need to know. From there you are immediately put into the work force. You have no choice or say in this system. They control you. There is also no personal life because you can’t be alone because it is against the law. …show more content…
Everyone refers to themselves as “we”. To say “I” is punishable by death, and is called the Unspeakable Word. Most people don’t know the word “I”, and they don’t try to figure out what it is either. This causes people to feel like they are always a part of society, and makes them do everything as if it effects everyone. They are supposed to do nothing for themselves, but for the whole

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