another area under the general umbrella of research in Sensation and Perception, you are encouraged to do so. Browse your textbook if you simply cannot think of something to write about. Paper Requirements: All papers must be written using an APA format. Papers must be double-spaced, using 10- or 12-point, Times New Roman font, with proper margins. Papers should be limited to 4-5 pages (not including the title page or references), so be concise. You must use at least three scholarly journal resources
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Careers in Accounting Jenifer Smyder ACC100 – Accounting I Dr. Kazem Khan Strayer University December 2, 2014 NOTE: This is your title page for the research paper in APA style. YOUR RUNNING HEAD IN ALL CAPS (a shortened version of your title no more than 50 characters). Be sure to type the words, Running head: and then place your shortened version of your title in all caps. Subheadings in the paper will derive from your brainstorming/prewriting research questions that are formed into
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APA STYLE GUIDE Based on Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. (2009) Reference Citations in Text References Print Sources (paper) Articles, books, reports, government documents, corporate author, etc. Electronic Sources (online/web) articles, ebooks, reports, broadcast, data, blogs, wiki, podcasts, etc., More Help with APA APA Web Sites and Tutorials PDF version (5th Edition) Return to Library Home Page American Psychological Association or APA style
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Aspects of Cases, Was It Justified? Jeremie Rancier National American University Abstract When juveniles are being questioned there are concerns to worry about. They have rights just as an adult does, however these rights should be within limits. The rights of having legal counsel should always be given. The thing about this could be that what is considered legal counsel. Can a parent be considered or even a probation officer? They aren’t technically attorneys and can’t really be considered
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text in your posts and to cite the source of this material (please see the Grading Rubric section of this syllabus). This is to help you become accustomed to supporting your thoughts and ideas factually and using proper citations and references in APA format. Students who edit their posts after the deadline will receive a zero. It is required that you post your original post prior to being able to see the posts of your classmates. You are also required to read and respond to your classmates’ postings
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opinions, but these must be strengthened by scholarly references. PS: Prepare your paper in Word format. It should be double-spaced with one-inch margins all around. The citations and the reference list in the paper should be formatted in accordance with APA 6th edition guidelines. Papers must include: cover page, table of contents, introduction, section headings and subheadings, conclusions, APA compliant in-text
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APA Style: How to handle common online references Created Feb 2011. Adapted from the sixth edition of the APA Publication Manual, © 2010 and the APA Style blog. How do I create Reference Entries for Online journals, newspapers, and books? Online book: Dewey, J. (1922). Human nature and conduct: An introduction to social psychology. Retrieved from Online article—newspaper, journal, newsletter—with a DOI: Clay, R. (2008). Science and ideology. Monitor on Psychology,
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Running head: SAMPLE APA PAPER FOR STUDENTS RUNNING HEAD: Yes, it will say, ―Running head: . . . .‖ Use an abbreviated form of the title (not exceeding 50 characters, which includes spaces). The abbreviated title is in capital letters. This will appear in the top left corner of every page —1 inch from the left margin and ½ inch from the top. All elements in the dotted boxes are not visible on your final paper. 1 in. Margin. All written material is within 1in. margins around all
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Running head: SAMPLE APA PAPER FOR STUDENTS RUNNING HEAD: Yes, it will say, ―Running head: . . . .‖ Use an abbreviated form of the title (not exceeding 50 characters, which includes spaces). The abbreviated title is in capital letters. This will appear in the top left corner of every page —1 inch from the left margin and ½ inch from the top. 1 in. Margin. All written material is within 1in. margins around all sides of the page, on every page. Only the header is outside the 1 in. margin. PAGE NUMBERS:
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Ephesians Historical Background Perry L. Julian Colorado Christian University Ephesians Historical Background We must understand Ephesus if we want to understand the Book of Ephesians. Ephesus was a large prosperous city in Asia Minor. One of the seven wonders of the world was in Ephesus. It was a large temple dedicated to a goddess named Diana (Artemis). The temple and streets were lined with immoral goddess prostitutes. It was a very wicked city and immorality flourished and flooded over
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