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    Principles of Auditing

    Chapter 2 THE AUDIT MARKET Revision: 11 September 2012 2.1 Learning Objectives After studying this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Distinguish between different theories of audit services including agency theory. 2. Understand drivers for audit regulation. 3. Understand the role of public oversight. 4. Distinguish between different audit firms. 5. Identify some current developments in the audit market. 6. Portray the series of industry codes of conduct and guidance 2.2 Introduction

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    CHAPTER 5 COMPARATIVE ACCOUNTING Chapter Outline China I. There are some unique features in the accounting profession in China. They include the following: A. Until the 1980s, those who carried out accounting work were not held in high regard in society, and this has had an adverse effect on the development of the accounting profession in China. B. Accounting and auditing in China have taken different paths in their development processes. Auditing firms audited mainly

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    Heineken Case Study

    Year of establishment and very brief history Heineken International is a Dutch brewing company, founded in 1864 by Gerard Adriaan Heineken in Amsterdam. It owns over 190 breweries in more than 70 countries and employs approximately 85,000 people. Cruzcampo, Tiger Beer, Żywiec, Starobrno, Zagorka, Birra Moretti, Ochota, Murphy’s, Star and Heineken Pilsener are some of it’s well known brews all over the world. Milestones of Heineken history; 1864 Gerard Adriaan Heineken buys the Haystack

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    Treatment of Goodwill

    Organizacija, Volume 41 Research papers Number 6, November-December 2008 DOI: 10.2478/v10051-008-0023-5 Ac­c­ounti­ng Tr­e­a­tme­nt of Goodwi­ll i­n IFRS a­nd US GAAP Ma­te­ja­ Je­r­ma­n, Ma­s­s­i­mo Ma­nzi­n Uni­ver­si­ty of Pr­i­mor­ska, Faculty of Management, Cankar­jeva 5, 6000 Koper­, Sloveni­a, mateja.jer­man@fm-kp.si­, massi­mo.manzi­n@fm-kp.si­ The ar­ti­cle pr­esents an over­vi­ew of the new accounti­ng tr­eatment of good­wi­ll r­egar­d­i­ng Inter­nati­onal Fi­nanci­al Repor­ti­ng Stand­ar­d­s

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    How Firms Avoid Losses Use of Net Dta

    How Firms Avoid Losses: Evidence of Use of the Net Deferred Tax Asset Account David Burgstahler* University of Washington Gerhard G. Mueller Endowed Professor in Accounting W. Brooke Elliott University of Washington Michelle Hanlon University of Michigan Business School November 26, 2002 _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: This paper investigates whether firms use discretion in accounting for deferred taxes to increase earnings and avoid

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    Enron Case

    Licensed to: iChapters User CASE 1.1 Enron Corporation John and Mary Andersen immigrated to the United States from their native Norway in 1881. The young couple made their way to the small farming community of Plano, Illinois, some 40 miles southwest of downtown Chicago. Over the previous few decades, hundreds of Norwegian families had settled in Plano and surrounding communities. In fact, the aptly named Norway, Illinois, was located just a few miles away from the couple’s new hometown. In

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    Project Report

    Project Report - Working Capital Management WORKING CAPITAL - Meaning of Working Capital Capital required for a business can be classified under two main categories via, 1)     Fixed Capital 2)     Working Capital         Every business needs funds for two purposes for its establishment and to carry out its day- to-day operations. Long terms funds are required to create production facilities through purchase of fixed assets such as p&m, land, building, furniture, etc. Investments in these

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    Economic Consquence

    CHAPTER 8 Economic Consequences and Positive Accounting Theory 8.1 Overview Economic Consequences Sebuah konsep yang menilai bahwa, lepas dari implikasi teori pasar sekuritas yang efisien , pilihan kebijakan akuntansi dapat mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan. Pada dasarnya merupakan perubahan-perubahan dalam kebijakan yang penting, terutama penting bagi manajemen. Bila hal tersebut penting bagi manajemen maka secara tidak langsung kebijakan akuntansi penting juga bagi investor yang memiliki perusahaan

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    Prinsip-Prinsip Akuntansi

    I. LINGKUNGAN AKUNTANSI PENGERTIAN AKUNTANSI Pengertian Akuntansi dikemukakan Accounting Principles Board (APB) Statement No.4 sebagai berikut : Akuntansi adalah suatu kegiatan jasa. Fungsinya adalah menyajikan informasi kuantitatif, terutama bersifat keuangan, mengenai satuan usaha, yang dapat digunakan pihak yang berkepentingan dalam pengambilan keputusan-keputusan ekonomi-sebagai dasar pemilihan diantara beberapa alternatif Jenis Satuan Usaha  Dari

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    Preamble [Not Part of the Accounting Standards Codification] This HTML transformation of the FASB Accounting Standards Codification is provided by Public.Resource.Org as a public service. Please note that these documents are based on the 2011 printed version of the codification, which is out of date. For the latest, authoritative version of these standards, we recommend you consult https://asc.fasb.org/ which is provided by the Financial Accounting Standards Board. End of Preamble [Not Part of the

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