Audience Purpose Tone

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    Target Audiences

    Target Audience The Mass Media is becoming more competitive than ever to attract more and more audiences in different ways and to stay profitable.Audience profiling allows media businesses to narrow down their audience/ customers to find their target audience. It is always best for a media business to find their target audience before they market a new product so they can get the best results and profit. A target audience is an audience that is most relevant and connected to the media product that

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    Homework: persuasive Speech Self-Assessment May 3, 2014 The topic nursing was appropriate for my audience. Even though the majority of my audience. My specific purpose in the speech was to persuade my audience about the benefits of nursing and the choices in career path that they can choose. I feel that it was achieved successfully in the amount of time I had. Additionally, my thesis statement was also clearly which I am sure we can all relate to that you will never forget the way someone makes

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    Abraham Lincoln Analysis

    use overly fancy words, he chose his words carefully and made sure that anyone of any education level could understand what he was saying. Another aspect that made Abraham an effective speaker is the length of his speeches. Lincoln did not bore his audience with two hour long speeches; he gave very brief but powerful and effective speeches.  Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is a very memorable speech. The speech’s opening, “fore score and seven years ago…” is a very poetic and eloquent way to start a speech

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    Speaker Evaluation

    sides of the stage. The audience was mostly a young crowd of Chabot students. The audience seemed to enjoy the speeches. The Duo Interpretation of Literature speech seemed to be the crowd’s favorite. There were a total of six speeches through out the event. My favorite speech was delivered by Franciska Karpovich. She delivered a Persuasive Speech about Gender Shaming. The speech focused on “Slut Shaming”. She spoke about the psychological effects of Slut Shaming. The purpose of her speech was to persuade

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    Compare And Contrast Thoreau And Martin Luther King

    controlled system of government, Thoreau and King both show differences of acting against the government for sake and will. Within their differentiations in strategies for seeking justice and individuality, Thoreau and King both come across the same purpose: the power is within the American citizen. Thoreau was a philosophical transcendentalist

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    Address To The Nation Pardoning Richard Nixon Analysis

    Nixon”, explains his reasoning behind pardoning Richard Nixon. Ford’s purpose is to demonstrate that pardoning Richard Nixon is the moral thing to do. He adopts a sentimental tone, academic diction, and establishes ethos in order to appeal to the minds of the American people. Ford establishes throughout his speech that pardoning Richard Nixon in the ethical thing to do by using a sentimental tone. The seemingly sentimental tone is adopted when talking about how the ordeal is “threatening [Richard

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    A Contextual Study Into Up the Duff

    the Duff by Kaz Cooke: A textual Analysis The theories behind media and communication are significant when understanding what influences an individual or audience in interpreting and deriving meaning from a text. The cover of the novel, ‘Up the Duff’ by Kaz Cooke is a text that informs, entices and draws the attention of the targeted audience in a clear and concise manner while also providing meaning to the content within the book, and serving as a marketing tool for the novel which is essentially

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    Sherman Alexie Rhetorical Analysis Essay

    internal division to this time period in his past. By using this shift, Alexie adds to his emotional tone because it creates an appeal to pathos that makes his audience feel both sympathy and empathy. Alexie made the decision to include this shift in order to assert how he recognized the inequality Indians face in society, and to declare the painful and conflicting emotions of his past. His audience of Indian youth may feel the same way, which therefore creates a connection

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    Rhetorical Analysis Of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

    Gehrig’s purpose is to show the world how strong-willed and fearless an individual can be in the face of adversity. He adopts an optimistic tone in order to demonstrate his will power to his fans and anyone afflicted by ALS. Lou Gehrig, is positive with the other baseball players and his fans, Gehrig was able to utilize ethos effectively thoroughly in his speech. His ethical proof is important for the author among the audience; Gehrig was known as being determined and hard-working and his audience had

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    Evaluative Writing: Dissimilarities And Differences

    Evaluative writing, as diverse as other forms of documentation, can differ from platform to platform and from purpose to purpose. However, as these writings fall under one category: evaluation, it certain similarities can be anticipated. Both Courtney Jones and Tatiana (her last name is not provided) demonstrate the stylistic similarities and dissimilarities in tone, content, and usefulness across two diverse publishing platforms. Courtney Jones, a writer for Booklist—a part of the American Library

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