Bacteria Viruses

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    Biotechnology Biotechnology is the way in which man uses other organisms to make useful products. Yeast has been used for centuries to make beer, wine and bread. Moulds have been employed in cheese making, and bacteria in yogurt making. Single- Cell Protein (SCP) Microorganisms are single cell organisms which can be cultured to rapidly produce foodstuffs rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. Microorganisms are grown in large fermenters where nutrient, pH and temperature are constantly monitored

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    Prokaryote Research Paper

    (range & units): Unique characteristics (how is each microbe different from the others): Bacteria Prokaryote Cell wall are composed of peptidoglycan-a polysaccharide. Bacteria move with finger like flagella about 20 nm in diameter, which grow at the tip and rotate counterclockwise in bundles to cause runs and rotate independently clockwise to cause tumbles. Pili in bacteria is used to exchange of DNA. All bacteria have cytoplasmic membrane are phospholipids made of ester linkages in bilayer. Cytoplasm

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    Infected Patient

    much like cocci. Escherichia, or E. coli, is a rod shaped bacteria. There are many strains of E. coli and many are not harmful to humans and animals. There are some, however, that will cause illness in the form of gastrointestinal distress. There is often vomiting and diarrhea. The last, Mycoplasma, are very small with no cell walls. They are the smallest known bacteria and when first discovered they were mistaken for viruses because of their small size. Despite their small size, they can

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    Trp Operon

    examples listed in Chapter 14, but if you want to choose an operon not described in your book, please ask me for approval. Make sure you do not pick the same operon as your classmates; we want to expose ourselves to as many regulation proteins and bacteria as possible. In your initial discussion board post, please include the following: The Tryptophan(trp) Operon 1. Describe an operon, the regulatory proteins, the cellular process and the molecules being “sensed”. 2. Include details about

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    Clinical Microbiology Lab Final

    Technique……………………………………………………………………………………… page 2 Acid-Fast Stain Technique………………………………………………………………………………………… page 3 The importance of the Gram Stain Technique to a physician……………………………………. page 4 The importance of varying shapes/colonies formation of bacteria……………………………. page 5 Spore Stain Technique………………………………………………………………………………………………. page 6 The Importance of incubation/protocol techniques…………………………………………………... page 7 The importance of various types of media for bacterial growth…………………………………

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    Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

    Antibiotic resistant bacteria Microbes are all around us, they pretty much fill our whole world. They are in the air we breathe, the food we eat and even in our bodies. There is different types of microbes such as algae, fungi, protozoa, viruses and bacteria, they all have a different functions and structures. But the one microbe that is becoming a threat to us is bacteria because it is becoming antibiotic resistant, which means to us this is going to become a very big problem. Antibiotic resistant

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    Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an inflammation of the digestive tract persisting for a long period of time. A typed of IBD would include chrons disease. 700,000 Americans are currently diagnosed with this disease. Chrons disease can affect different parts of the digestive tract and will likely advance far into the bowel tissue layers. To what causes chrons disease still remains a mystery. Scientist believe a person’s heredity and immune system are a factor in what causes this disease. If ones

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    Registered General Nursing Student

    independently living cells that, like humans, live in communities. Microorganisms include a large and diverse group of microscopic organisms that exist as single cell or cell clusters (e.g., bacteria, archaea, fungi, algae, protozoa and helminths) and the viruses, which are microscopic but not cellular. While bacteria and archaea are classed as prokaryotes (Gr. pro-before+ karyon-nucleus) the fungi, algae, protozoa and helminths are eukaryotes (Gr. eu-true or good+ karyon-nucleus). Microorganisms are

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    Immune System

    The immune system is a network of cells that join together to combat the body against the attacks of a foreign invaders. These foreign invaders are mainly microbes such as parasites, fungi, and bacteria. Viruses are also considered foreign invaders to the body. The immune system’s job is to keep these foreign invaders out of the body. If some of them do come in the body, then it’s job is to kill them. A pathogen can be viewed as an infectious agent. It causes illness or disease to its host. It

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    Reflective Practice

    influenza and high blood pressure. Some diseases are contagious which can be transmitted from one individual to another such as influenza. Pathogens which consist of micro-organisms causing this disease include a whole spectrum of bacteria, fungi and viruses. These organisms can be transmitted from lack of hygiene, hand to mouth after contact with infectious material, insect bites, sexual transmission, so on and so forth. Only some diseases such as influenza are contagious

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