Becoming American The Chinese Experience

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    Ancestors in the Americas As compare to ancient times, I feel lucky today for being Asian. As we know, Asian American populations make up one of the fastest growing ethnic groups in the United States, contributing to an increasing racial and ethnic plurality in communities across the nation. History has been told us that Asian Americans suffered too much inequality in the past and the landmark of them. Although racial discrimination still exists somehow in America, as a new immigrant, I feel such

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    Playing With Nitro Analysis

    “Playing with ‘Nitro’” is a text adopted from a one-minute 1990s clip that offers a historical description of Chinese rail workers experience in Canada. Chinese came in Canada as a source of labour in the construction of the Canada Pacific Railway (CPR) in the 1880s. “Nitro” is a clip that was released courtesy of a millionaire named Charles Bronfman and is under the Heritage Minutes of Canada. The clip depicts major themes of anti-racism and exploitation that Cantonese workers went through in Canada

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    Amy Tan Two Kind Analysis

    What exactly is the American dream? For many individuals the so-called American dream might vary. In “two kind” by Amy Tan the mother whom is a Chinese immigrant wishes that her first generation American daughter accomplish everything she couldn’t and even wishes that her daughter becomes a prodigy. This hope to acquire the American dream bring tension in the mother and daughter relationship and she in between these two kind of dreams her mothers dream for her and her own dreams. Also, this writing

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    Cross- Cultural Adaptation in the U.S.

    Cross- cultural Adaptation in the U.S.: Chinese Students’ Difficulties and Transformations Chinese students due to their special characteristics of Asian culture, face great challenges when living and studying in the US. This article plans to identify their difficulties, causes of difficulties, and strategies to transform. Since those difficulties exist, more efforts are needed to explore potentials, make changes quickly and successfully. Language Ability Language ability plays

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    Interracial Dating

    2st century. Why, one may ask? The answer lies in the fact that many people are becoming adventurous in their dating. The 21st century has introduced us to online dating, and single’s mixers, and interracial dating. Make this understood, interracial dating has been around for the ages, but it has become even more prominent in our society’s culture because people are more accepting of each other. Everyone should experience interracial dating because in the end, love knows no color. A positive reason

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    Consumer Behavior in the Asian Market

    If Saab becomes Chinese should it rename? • Vladimir Djurovic, president at Labbrand, suggests the name might not work well in China. “We have already found in previous research projects on car brand names, that names with this term were not a favourite choice in China because they are a little too spiritual”. • Given both Labbrand’s expertise and MG’s experience, the acquisition might be the perfect opportunity for repositioning the Saab brand, especially if the product line were to change. However

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    Chinese Exclusion Act Research Paper

    United States is known as the land of the free, but to some the a place that took away their freedom and treated them no better than slaves. The Chinese Exclusion Act was the first ever law in the United States history where it specifically singled out a group of people for their race. This act was passed on May six, eighteen eighty two. Originally, Chinese immigrants had come due to economic opportunities such as the gold rush as well as political and social problems in China. During the mid nineteenth

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    Reflection on Readings Using Comparison and Contrast Maxine Hong Kingston (Tongue Tied); Richard Rodriguez (Aria); Gloria Anzaldua (How to Tame a Wild Tongue)

    Richard Rodriguez and Gloria Anzaldua respectively, each author interrelates the issue of bilingualism and bi-culturalism as a personal, narrative-style, life experience. Their personal experience all share the same setting; them during childhood deprived of speaking their own language, struggling to get through school and get accepted in the American society and the impact on their lives as a result of such pressure. When comparing the short stories, it is clear that each individual writer share several

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    Asian American Culture Analysis

    The first concept “model minority” describes the culture expectation established on Asian Americans as a society that each person will be intelligent, wealthy, hard working, obedient, and civilized. Although many people perceive Asian Americans intelligent as well as successful, there are still many Asians in America that are struggling. From the excerpt above, it states that “ My culture is pretty strict, so beating is an everyday thing for us.” The idea that Samoan culture is strict can coincide

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    Japanese Immigrants Research Paper

    Japanese immigrants were subjected to work in abysmal conditions in comparison to the Chinese. In contrast to Chinese immigrants, the Issei (Japanese Immigrants) were well educated upon their arrival to California. Japanese immigrants viewed themselves as the ‘superior race above all Asians’. This portrayal was an influential factor that spawned the inception of the first farm workers union in California history. Although, due to racial barriers and increased pressure by organized labor unions

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