the late 1940’s. Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, and Elvis Pressley introduced this Genre. Classic Rock evolved in the United States and stemmed from a combination of various music genres. Those music genres that Rock stemmed from were blues, African-American genres, jump blues, jazz, and gospel music. Elvis Pressley who is an inspiring rock artist added his own twist to rock music by adding a fast paced upbeat sound and gave rock music life. Hip Hop was formed in the early 1970’s. Artists such as James
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Started with 2 slants of nutrient agar and 2 slants of nutrient broth. 1 agar Petri dish. # 11 We inoculated nutrient agar using the needle by one streak from bottom to top. Broth was inoculated as well. One slant and one broth incubated at 25 C and other slant and broth at 37 C. Purpose 1… To determine optimum temp for bacteria Purpose 2… To start collecting morphological characteristics of colonial growth of the bacteria. Color of bacteria in Petri dish is yellowish beige. There are numerous
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remember this moment. It was the only time I have ever felt that I had no worry in the world. The view itself would make you never want to leave. The sky blended perfectly from a fire tangerine orange to a soft baby blue. In between the loudest light of red and the quietest shade of blue, lay the deep purple of a night sky waiting for it’s time to take over the sky. The motion of the water drew you in closer to the shining sun just above the water with the moon shining directly above you like a spotlight
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Music and American Youth in the 1960s Richard Whaley COMP/155 December 6, 2013 University of Phoenix Music and American Youth in the 1960s When defined, how music influenced and shaped American Youth in the 60s and changes that it created. Music combines different aspects of American social and cultural identity, through economic status, race, gender, religious beliefs, and
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Japanese / Kanji Lyrics 歌詞 空は青く澄み渡り 海を目指して歩く 怖いものなんてない 僕らはもう1人じゃない 大切な何かが 壊れたあの夜に 僕は星を探して 1人で歩いていた ペルセウス座流星群 君も見てただろうか 僕は元気でやってるよ 君は今どこにいるの 「方法」という悪魔に 取り憑かれないで 「目的」という 大事なものを思い出して 空は青く澄み渡り 海を目指して歩く 怖いものなんてない 僕らはもう1人じゃない 空は青く澄み渡り 海を目指して歩く 怖くても大丈夫 僕らはもう1人じゃない 大切な何かが 壊れたあの夜に 僕は君を探して 1人で歩いていた あの日から僕らは 1人で海を目指す 約束のあの場所で 必ずまた会おうと 「世間」という悪魔に 惑わされないで 「自分」だけが 決めた答えを思い出して 空は青く澄み渡り 海を目指して歩く 怖いものなんてない 僕らはもう1人じゃない 空は青く澄み渡り 海を目指して歩く 怖くても大丈夫 僕らはもう1人じゃない
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for I wasn’t expecting it to be such a focal point and sound so wonderful. The rest of the band with percussion and horns brought the whole jazz experience to true fruition. I have had some experience with music of this nature mainly by visiting blues bars with my father as I grew up “mainly Burbank’s Bar in Sharonville”. However this was totally different and I found that the band to be very pleasant to listen to. Having never listening to jazz in any true fashion I was unsure what I was going
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point painted an image of pinkish-orange color clouds that mingle with the blue sky. Opposite to the mountain side was a long coastline that stretched along the white sand while the waves gently washed over the sand. I could see from faraway that there were so many people walking back and forth in their bikinis and swimsuits. Some people were laying on the sand under a big umbrella to enjoy the gorgeous view of the deep blue color of the ocean’s surface that connected to the afternoon
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John Doe MU 010 Blues and Hip Hop Essay Comparing the Blues and Hip Hop To the inexperienced listener, the blues and hip hop might appear to be worlds apart musically and culturally. While these two genres are almost a century apart in their formation, they actually share numerous qualities in terms of musicality, culture, and purpose. The blues is a predecessor to hip hop and is one of the biggest influences on what hip hop became. Both genres inherited many musical elements from traditional
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COLOR CODE HOMEWORK The color code that best describes is the color blue. I am driven by intimacy because I am thoughtful, sincere, loyal, and reliable. I can also be judgmental, worry prone and moody. Finding this out about my personality is helping me to mode myself into having the personality I want to have. I want to be red personality like my father. My father is proactive, decisive, responsible and a leader. My mother is the total opposite of him. My mother is driven by the peace, her color
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DOCUMENT RECORDS (established 1998) has uniquely sourced, re-mastered , digitised and re-issued the vast majority of Afro-American acoustic blues, jazz, spirituals and gospel recordings (1900-1945) from the original 78 recordings. This astonishing project encompasses over 25,000 different tracks was made possible by the support of collectors, academics and ethnomusicologists. DOCUMENT’S 8000 series is sourcing , digitising and re-issue much of the "old timey" pre-war country catalogue
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