The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. The brain produces our every thought, action, memory, and feeling. It controls our voluntary movements, and it regulates involuntary activities such as breathing and heartbeat. The Brain is a jelly like mass of tissue, weighing in at around 3 pounds, and constitutes about 2 percent of total body weight but uses 20 per cent of the oxygen used by the entire body when at rest. The brain can go without oxygen for only three to five minutes before
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extroverts have too much adrenaline C.introverts have a relatively low level of brain arousal D.extroverts have a relatively low level of brain arousal E.none of the above Question 6 of 23 1.0 Points The exotic becomes erotic hypothesis states that: A.inborn temperament influences young children to engage in gender congruent or non-gender congruent behavior B.exhibiting gender incongruent behavior leads to more exposure to the opposite sex, increasing the arousal for the same
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dysfunctions. The relationship between cocaine and cocaine dependence on brain physiology is its effects on particular brain regions and receptors leading to synaptic plasticity mediating altered ability of learning and consolidation [pic](Martinez, Narendran et al. 2007; Thomas, Kalivas et al. 2008; Mameli, Halbout et al. 2009). I argue that cocaine dependence is the result of such neurological changes which occur in the brain which induce cocaine dependence. To justify this argument, I will demonstrate
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quit and to change their behaviors. Drug abuse is a serious public health problem that affects almost every community and family in some way. Each year drug abuse causes millions of serious illnesses or injuries among Americans. Abused drugs include Amphetamines, Anabolic steroids, Club drugs, Cocaine, Heroin, Inhalants, Marijuana and Prescription drugs. Drug addiction is actually a disease and quitting is more than having a strong will or good intentions. Drugs change the brain which causes quitting
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Chapter 2: Neuroscience & Behavior * Neurons * Nervous system cells * Highly specialized cell that communicates information in electrical and chemical form * Types: * Motor- signals muscles to relax and contract * Sensory- conveys information to the brain * Interneurons- communicates information from one neuron to the next * Parts of Neurons * Dendrite- receives information from other cells * Soma (Cell Body)- contains the
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be altered in the brain regions controlling certain behavior types. The generation of appropriate behaviors in response to environmental signals requires communication between various brain regions. Communication between the prefrontal cortex (PFC), striatum, hippocampus, and the amygdala is important in appropriate choice of action (Figure 1). The PFC
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information about its external and internal environment so it can make efficient appropriate responses for survival and/or reproduction. The two major parts of our nervous system are the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS is made of the brain and spinal cord. The cranial nerves, spinal nerves and ganglia make up the PNS. The cranial nerves connect to the brain. The cranial and spinal nerves contain the axons (fibres) of sensory and motor nerve cells.
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conducted in animals and human beings (Miczek et al., 1994). Consequently, four theories have revealed that humans are biologically predisposed to be violent. These include the evolution theory, biosocial theory, and the intensity of hormones. Moreover, brain functioning or dysfunction is a biological cause of aggression. All these factors are dependent. Furthermore, these aspects have been found to be intertwined with social factors. Evolution theory holds that violence is contributed by people’s wishes
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Gabriel Test 1 Study Guide (Topics and Concepts) for Chapter 1 and 2: Chapter 1 * Define psychology Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes * Identify and explain psychology’s four primary goals.description, explanation, prediction, influence * Understand the meaning of a theory a theory organizes facts systematically and guides scientific reaserach * **Compare and contrast basic and applied research Basic research is to seek new knowledge and expore
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brain’s natural biochemical reaction to an abnormally stressful situation or series of stressful situations. It all begins with a person perceiving a situation in such a way as to create fear, which in turn begins the fight or flight response. When you have fear, your brain immediately goes to work sending the information on two different paths simultaneously. One path is extremely fast and is designed to react first, ask questions later; ‘better safe than sorry’ is the amygdala’s motto. The other path
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