of expenditures, usually at a fairly detailed level. A company may plan and maintain a budget on either an accrual or a cash basis. Business budgeting is one of the most powerful financial tools available to any small-business owner. Put simply, maintaining a good short- and long-range financial plan enables you to control your cash flow instead of having it control you. The most effective financial budget includes both a short-range, month-to-month plan for at least one calendar year and a
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billion proposed budget for the forthcoming fiscal, 2012-13, is sized at 18.1 per cent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) that is projected to do grow at 7.2 per cent during the year. There are challenges and risks, both domestic and external, that do provide some strong reasons for being not much optimistic at this stage about achieving this growth performance. That does not mean that the growth target itself is overambitious. The actual performance of the Bangladesh economy has otherwise
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ORGANIZATIONS IN BANGLADESH Technical Paper # 4 National Food Policy Capacity Strengthening Programme The National Food Policy Capacity Strengthening Programme (NFPCSP) was initiated to enhance national capacity to implement the National Food Policy (NFP) and the ensuing Plan of Action. The NFPCSP is implemented jointly by the Food Planning and Monitoring Unit (FPMU) under the Ministry of Food and Disaster Management (MoFDM), Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (GoB) and the Food
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Introduction The positive relationship between economic growth and poverty reduction is not automatic. In Bangladesh, development expenditures have been growing in various proportions in agriculture, rural development, water resources, infrastructure, education and health sector. Each of these sectors impacts growth and poverty reduction differently. Allocation on agriculture, rural development, health, education and social safety net impacts poverty reduction at a higher rate and impacts economic
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“TAX EVASION & AVOIDANCE - A REAL PROBLEM FOR BANGLADESH” INTRODUCTION: Tax evasion and avoidance are both phenomena that are probably as old as taxation itself. Wherever and whenever authorities decide to levy taxes, individuals and firms try to avoid paying them. Though this problem has always been present, it becomes more pressing in the course of globalization as this process extends the range of opportunities to dodge taxation while simultaneously reducing the risk of being detected
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have four parts: introduction, data, analysis, and conclusion. The introduction should state the question that you are asking, explain why this question is important, how you plan to answer the question, and how it is related to what others have done. The data section should describe the data that you are using. This may include the description and discussion of the data source, variables that you are using and a table with descriptive statistics. The analysis may consist of a series of graphs, tables
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Flowers have been regarded as an embodiment of human taste and aesthetics. This unique and unparalleled nature of flowers has given rise to its commercial transaction all over the world. Thus, Bangladesh has ventured to enter this expanding export market. Now-a-days flower marketing is growing in Bangladesh. No one could think of exporting Bangladeshi flowers even a few years ago. But this is a reality today and prosperous bonanza for tomorrow. In view of marketing prospect of flowers, a vast agricultural
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BLUEBIRD HOTEL AND TOURISM LIMITED 124, Cox’s Bazar, Airport Road Chittagong, Bangladesh This business plan has been submitted on a confidential basis. On this business plan we hope that we have made a fruitful business and it would be successful. |TABLE OF CONTENTS |Page no | |01. Summary of the total business plan |02
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| |Industry Analysis |5 | |Company Background |5 | |SWOT Analysis |6 | |Porter five Analysis
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you have assigned to us as an important requirement of MSC-446 course. We have found the study to be quite interesting, beneficial & insightful. We have tried our level best to prepare an effective & creditable report. We honestly hope that our analysis will help to give idea of Shumis Hot Cake’s current position and condition on the market and about the future for their Internet marketing. We hope you will find this report worth all the labor we have put in it. We welcome your entire query &
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