Business Model Canvas

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    Nyt Paywall

    underlying two-sided business model is changing. With the Advent of internet, news content is easily and freely available from various sources but lacks quality journalism and credibility. Revenues from online advertising are not large enough to compensate for decline in revenues from print advertising & subscription. Newspaper industry is experiencing new realm of new content delivery and in process of understanding and establishing sustainable sources and revenue model. The change from print

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    Strategic Innovation Case 1

    by customers and subsequent mail delivery DVDs by the US postal service. Their total revenue was $ 6,6m. Netflix had only one distribution centrum based in Sunnyvale, California. Every DVD in the US was distributed from this place. Netflix new business model (announced at the beginning 2000) was (in 2013 still is) based on monthly subscription. Every customer could borrow 3 DVDs at the same time and they could pick whatever they like. Given that historical background, it is reasonable preferred long-term

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    Brokerage Brokers are market-makers: they bring buyers and sellers together and facilitate transactions. Advertising The web advertising model is an extension of the traditional media broadcast model. The broadcaster, in this case, a web site, provides content (usually, but not necessarily, for free) and services (like email, IM, blogs) mixed with advertising messages in the form of banner ads. Infomediary Independently collected data about producers and their products are useful to consumers

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    Case 6: Netflix A. Summary “Since launching the company’s online movie rental service in 1999, Reed Hasting, founder and CEO of Netflix, had diligently strive to improve on the company’s service offering and better enable the company to outcompete its competitors. Hasting’s goals for Netflix is to build the world’s best Internet movie service to build the world’s best Internet movie service and to deliver a growing subscriber base and earning per share every year. In May 2010, Netflix’s strategy

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    reported a net loss for the previous two years, NetFlix business model has revolutionized the way people will rent movies. They have several opportunities to differential themselves from their competitors, i.e. Blockbuster, Hollywood video or HBO and Cinemax. These differentiating advantages are a single monthly subscription fee ranging from $15.95 to $19.95, the subscriber can rent unlimited amount of DVDs each month. With no late fees, Netflix’s model was built on the assumption that consumers value convenience

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    consumers. An analysis of the company’s strategy, its potential customer market, and its financing needs shows us that while Chase has been great at researching and identifying a potential multi-million dollar business, her ability to raise funds, manage operations, and grow the business at speeds required to keep the competition at bay is in question. Competition: There are no large competitors for Zipcar with only two other car sharing services in US in the west and one in Canada, though large

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    Factors Amazon has a fixed cost business model, they use the Internet to gain highest possible leverage out of their fixed assets. They sell music, books and consumer electronics, which means they are selling ownership of a physical product, this is called asset sales. They have a massive IT infrastructure that needs maintenance to keep their costumers. Amazon let individuals and companies pay a small fee to use their infrastructure, using it as storage for their business. This is cheaper for the customers

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    employing a mere 30 employees and offering a limited selection of 925 movies available for rent via an online pay-per-rental model costing $4 per rental plus $2 shipping and late fees applied. In September of 1999 the month subscription concept was introduced, thereby eliminating the pay-per-rental model in early 2000. Netflix built a reputation on their business model of flat-free unlimited rentals without due dates, late fees, shipping and handling or per title rental fees. Netflix had their

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    Key strategic issues Prior to 2008, Netflix had successfully dominated the DVDs-by-mail industry by developing an effective network of distribution centers that made delivery of over 120,000 titles across the United States in one business day possible. In recent years, technology has advanced to the extent that household are rapidly shifting from renting physical DVDs to watching movies and TV shows streamed over the Internet to over 700 different devices. While the company has benefited from a

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    Ebay Analysis

    sellers to determine whether a person is worthy of doing business with or not. A negative feedback on eBay is akin to having a bad credit score with a bank. By providing a marketplace for “new and scarce goods, end-of-life products, and used and vintage items,” eBay provides a valuable service in which they attempt to “make inefficient markets more efficient.[1]” While other Internet business models have failed in recent years, eBay’s business is thriving. In 2002, with more than 61 million registered

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