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    The Leadership

    YTL CORPORATION BERHAD 92647-H the journey continues... annual report 2013 C o n t en ts Corporate Review Financial Highlights Chairman’s Statement Managing Director’s Review Operations Review Corporate Events Notice of Annual General Meeting Statement Accompanying Notice of Annual General Meeting Corporate Information Profile of the Board of Directors Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities Audit Committee Report Statement on Corporate Governance Statement on Risk Management & Internal

    Words: 85387 - Pages: 342

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    Purchasing Strategy

    What is a strategy. Strategy has been defined as a course of action including the specifications required to achieve a specific objective (UK Chartered institute of management accounts ,1996). In the context of organizations, it is the development of resources to achieve specific objectives against competition from rival organizations. All the resources of the organization which includes financial, manufacturing, marketing, technology, manpower etc are marshaled in pursuit of these objectives

    Words: 1901 - Pages: 8

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    Global Warming

    This essay establish the cause and effect relationship between the climatic change and human activity .It also gives the insight that global warming is not only caused by business activity but individuals are also responsible for it. It also outline the individuals responsibility towards saving the earth from global warming. GLOBAL WARMING IS NOT CAUSED BY BUSINESS ACTIVITY ʻ Global warming is too serious for the world any longer to ignore its danger or split into opposing factions on it

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    Pollution for Economic Growth?

    iron, steel and building materials, plus limit the number of vehicles on the road during heavy pollution days. Fines could possibly range from 50,000 Yuan to 500,000 Yuan. China produces 70% of the world’s iron and steel along with half the world’s cement. (Times, 2013) The biggest problem China’s government faces are that the country needs these jobs for the millions of new migrants to the big cities. Shutting down factories will slow growth and limit the number of new jobs that will become available

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    Renaissance and Surrealism

    The Renaissance is an art movement that commonly refers to a corresponding historical time period falling in between the 14th and the 17th centuries. It began in the part of Europe which is now known as Italy, during a time when the area was organized into city-states and other political territories formed in the few centuries following the fall of the Roman Republic. This region was a large center of trade and thus, there was much wealth to draw many artists and scholars. However, there was a shift

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    Mineral Resource

    DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OF BALOCHISTAN Introduction Balochistan is the largest province of Pakistan with 44 percent landmass of the country but has 5.6 percent of the population. The province which is almost half of the country’s land mass has been receiving least attention by successive governments since independence. Therefore the huge potentials of this province to become a strong economical hub could not be exploited and till today it remains the poorest of all four provinces. Apparently

    Words: 7694 - Pages: 31

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    altitude of more than 4,000 meters. The 576-km railway is being built on frozen earth. The bad climate and sandstorms of the tundra require the concrete of the bridge to have superior mechanical properties and high durability. By adding portland cement, silica fume, superfine fly ash, and superplasticizers, reactive powder concrete (RPC) is used in the sidewalk systems of bridges with compressive strength of 160 MPa. The research shows that RPC has high strength, excellent frost durability, and

    Words: 1723 - Pages: 7

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    Art History & Skyscrappers

    Public art “humanizes” cities. It gives cold cement, brick and metal a new appearance and sometimes texture. Public art makes buildings that jut out of the landscape and walls that separate people into more of a natural, refreshing place while connecting groups of people together in a harmonious way. Making nature and building one in places like that of Fallingwater house in Pennsylvania where Frank Lloyd Wright combined a summer cottage with a waterfall, allowing the water to flow around and under

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    Coastal Plains Research Paper

    The Coastal Plains are one of the 5 physiographic regions of Georgia. POINTS OF INTEREST: Antebellum Homes: These houses were built before the civil war. It was the style of home in the Southern United States. It was from the end of the American Revolution to the beginning of the Civil War. An example of an Antebellum Home is Barrington Hall. Tubman African-American Museum The Tubman African American Museum is located in Macon. It is close to the Georgia Music Hall of Fame and the Georgia Sports

    Words: 1862 - Pages: 8

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    Market Analysis

    nternship Report on Real Estate Business / Companies / Industries / Marketing / Development / Housing Association of Bangladesh ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Research for internship program is a very complicated job, especially for a student of MBA who is quite inexperienced in this field. A research project of this nature cannot be completed without active support from different sources. But it becomes easy to me after getting cordial help from the respectable teachers of the Marketing Department. I have been

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