syllabus and the study guide We provide lots of exam focus points demonstrating what the examiner will want you to do We emphasise key points in regular fast forward summaries We test your knowledge of what you’ve studied in quick quizzes We examine your understanding in our exam question bank We reference all the important topics in our full index BPP’s Practice & Revision Kit and i-Pass products also support this paper. Note FIA FAB and ACCA Paper F1 are examined under the
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CONTENTS Introduction Part One: Foundations Chapter One: Introduction to Advertising 1 Chapter Two: Advertising’s Role in Marketing 34 Chapter Three: Advertising and Society 68 Part Two: Planning and Strategy Chapter Four: How Advertising Works 103 Chapter Five: The Consumer Audience 135 Chapter Six: Strategic Research 169 Chapter Seven: Strategic Planning 205 Part Three: Effective Advertising Media Chapter Eight: Print and Out-of-Home Media 239 Chapter
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Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Ann´e 2007 e Num´ro attribu´ par la biblioth`que e e e ———————————— Essais en Finance d’Entreprise THESE POUR LE DOCTORAT EN SCIENCES ECONOMIQUES DE L’ECOLE DES HAUTES ETUDES EN SCIENCES SOCIALES Pr´sent´e et soutenue publiquement par e e David SRAER le 29 Juin 2007 Directeur de th`se e M. Jean Tirole Directeur d’Etudes ` l’E.H.E.S.S. a JURY M. Denis Gromb, Mme. Ulrike Malmendier , M. Brunos Biais, M. Jacques Cr´mer, e Professeur
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Pablo Fernandez IESE Business School, University of Navarra Ch 12 Equity Premium: Historical, Expected, Required and Implied Equity Premium: Historical, Expected, Required and Implied Pablo Fernandez Professor of Finance. IESE Business School, University of Navarra Camino del Cerro del Aguila 3. 28023 Madrid, Spain e-mail: January 29, 2013 The equity premium designates four different concepts: Historical Equity Premium (HEP); Expected Equity Premium (EEP); Required
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Introduction The business as per the generally acceptable notion is a profit making entity and takes into account function of monetary transactions as the criteria measure for the success of its operational activities. Corporate social responsibility in the past is considered as unwanted activities which are imposed on business by law and governing bodies as unnecessary burden which is against the basic principle of profit making for the business organizations. Business organizations have been
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FOREWORD At no time during the last three or four decades have the communication skills of individuals in the business world come under closer scrutiny than today. And never before have those who work in the business world needed better, more effective communication skills. The emerging technology appears to be increasing, rather than decreasing, the need for effective communication skills. As more individuals have ready access to desk-top equipment to process written communication, fewer
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Introduction In 2004, Wal-Mart claimed to have the largest data warehouse with 500 terabytes storage (equivalent to 50 printed collections of the US Library of Congress). In 2009, eBay storage amounted to eight petabytes (think of 104 years of HD-TV video). Two years later, the Yahoo warehouse totalled 170 petabytes1 (8.5 times of all hard disk drives created in 1995)2. Since the rise of digitisation, enterprises from various verticals have amassed burgeoning amounts of digital data, capturing trillions of
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animal Books by Elliot Aronson Theories of Cognitive Consistency (with R. Abelson et al.), 1968 Voices of Modern Psychology, 1969 The Social Animal, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1995, 1999, 2004; (with J. Aronson), 2008 Readings About the Social Animal, 1973, 1977, 1981, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1995, 1999, 2004; (with J. Aronson), 2008 Social Psychology (with R. Helmreich), 1973 Research Methods in Social Psychology (with J. M. Carlsmith & P. Ellsworth), 1976 The Jigsaw Classroom (with C. Stephan
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FRONTLINE JANUA RY 1 3, 2 012 WWW.FRONTLINE.IN INDIA’S NATIONAL MAGAZINE RS.25 WORLD AFFAIRS IRAQ FOOD SECURITY PDS CLIMATE CHANGE DURBAN Exit America 49 What people say 96 Uncertain stand 114 Remembering TAGORE On his 150th birth anniversary VOLUME 28 NUMBER 27 TH E STAT E S Fiery trap in Kolkata 41 SC IE NCE Higgs signal? 44 WOR L D A F F A I R S Iraq: Exit America War crimes in the trash Russia: December Revolution Pakistan: Volatile
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文勇的新托福精选阅读(原黄金29篇)真题[2010年4月3日 5.8版本] 俺常常收到同学们的邮件,要我推荐各种各样阅读材料,问我iBT的复习资料中 Barron, Longman, Delta等等哪个更好。我其实很无奈---因为尽管这些机构很大牌,但大牌丝毫都不意味着文章“质量高”(比如你可以想想三鹿奶粉)---说这些机构的文章质量不高,并不是说文字写得不好,而是说这些文章的句子结构, 论述方式, 出题思路与ETS的并不一致(有时候甚至大相径庭):用这样的材料训练,实在是 事倍功半。 于是,我们实在应该去找找由ETS出的iBT文章来做:(我们能够找到的|由ETS编纂的标准iBT文章有) 1. OG[1]之中的13篇文章[2];(其中3篇为第三版OG之中的文章) 2. 13次(套)TPO[3]之中的3*13=39篇文章[4]; 3. 早期[5]报名之时ETS赠送的3篇在线测试题 4. ETS官方给出的模考软件之中抽出的1篇文章; 于是这个文档在我的一时兴起之下,出现了: OG拿在手上,可以一个个字的敲成电子版;TPO的所有考试都是在自己的计算机进行,于是可以一边花钱参加考试
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