Church Planting Movement

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    Filipino Theater (Early Beginnings)

    Indigenous Theater The Rituals The native Filipino beliefs are central to gods and deities, who controls forces of nature, the passages of all living things and the vital activities of the tribe. And to communicate to gods special mediums are to be used. The babaylans, tambalan, albularyo are these medium. There are many rituals but the ritual which is drama is where the shaman goes into a trance and kills the sacrificial animal common to these rituals which represent as the supplicant

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    The Spread of Christianity

    secret at hidden locations. It suffered pressure from the Jewish faith and the Pagan religion amongst other difficulties. However, the Christian faith would continue to grow as Jesus’ followers helped spread his teachings. Officially, the Christian church is started by Paul who is one of Jesus’ apostles. Paul is,

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    American Studies

    Jamestown in 1619. Colonists used them because many could not handle the necessary work and some were too busy searching for gold or planting crops. Massachusetts Bay Colony was formed in 1628 Puritans believed they were chosen by God to form a moral society and were intolerant wit people who disagreed. Pilgrims were separatists who wanted to break away from the church of England. Mercantilism is is where a nation can increase wealth and power by obtaining gold/silver and buy a favorable trade balance

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    Reflection About Education

    as they gave me their individual understanding about education (formal of nonformal). They expressed that women in other rural communities like Yelequelleh are making progress through the provision of education by their churches (e.g. the Lutheran Church in Gbono-ta), where women are trained to make soap, bake bread, etc, while Night School is provided for those wanting to sit in class. Yet for them in Yelequelleh they still see a community facing extreme poverty, high rate of women illiteracy and

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    like these occurred in other places. This practice of Pentecostalism was an addition to the Holiness Movement. In 1906, in Los Angeles, California, there was more documentation of “tongues” being spoken. Having the experience of speaking in other languages is called glossolalia. At the Azusa Street Mission, blacks and whites gathered together for worship, which spread the early Pentecostal Movement. During this time the Pentecostal disregarded racial barriers. There were many Pentecostal churches

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    Changin Concepts

    After researching methods including internet and passage, we were able to discover the humanities and the belongings and expansions that the humanities of the Early, High, and Late middle ages had on civilization. The studies of humanities allow us to see the sights in which the changing concepts of temperament and the entity fluctuate in each chronological period and help us differentiate the significant developments of each era. In the humanistic Tradition book, there was a distinctive chapter

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    Theology of Mission

    THEOLOGY OF MISSIONS PAPER INTRODUCTION At the beginning of time, the pinnacle of God’s creation was man. From man God created woman, and they were sinless and called “very good.” Adam and Eve’s purpose was to have dominion over the earth and to multiply. They were given the ability to choose to follow God’s plan or their own lusts, which is a test they failed. Sin entered the world because of their failure to obey God, Adam and Eve were no longer considered pure, resulting in their separation

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    Theology of Missions

    LIBERTY UNIVERSITY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Theology of Missions Submitted to Dr. Jeff Brawner, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the course GLST 500 – D08 Global Studies Survey By Boyd Ouden November 29, 2015 Contents Old Testament and New Testament Texts Related to Missions 3 How God Relates to the Mission field 5 Themes and Patterns of Mission Theology 5 Understanding God through Suffering 5 Evangelizing in the Midst of Suffering

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    Why was the Civil rights act passed in 1964? In 1964 there was a breakthrough in civil rights. The Civil right act was passed as it was needed to be done as it was long overdue, many things pushed forwards this movement for example, Martin Luther King, President Kennedy and Johnson, Support from the Northern whites, The role of the media, White southern racists and organisations Like CORE, SNCC and NAACP. These factors are mainly for why the civil right act was passed and all came together to

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    Festivals of Medival Age

    Festivals were important to people in the Middle Ages because it balanced out from all of their work and stress. It gave them a time to have fun and enjoy life. Many of the festivals related to religion and nature to reminded everyone to be thankful. There were festivals celebrated for every month of the year because of religious purposes. Everyone of all social classes were involved in the celebrations. At these functions they would socialize, sell their goods, and eat foods

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