9 -7 0 4 -4 5 8 DECEMBER 15, 2003 KENNETH S. CORTS JOHN R. WELLS Alusaf Hillside Project At the beginning of 1994, Alusaf was considering building the world’s largest greenfield primary aluminum smelter, a 466,000-ton-per-year facility at Richard’s Bay, a deepwater port on the east coast of South Africa’s province of Kwa-Zulu Natal. Alusaf was the sole primary aluminum producer in South Africa, operating 170,000 tpy of capacity at the existing “Bayside” facility at Richard’s Bay. Alusaf’s
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About Hyundai Motor Company Established in 1967, Hyundai Motor Co. has grown into the Hyundai Motor Group, which was ranked as the world’s fifth-largest automaker since 2007 and includes over two dozen auto-related subsidiaries and affiliates. Hyundai Motor, which exported its first independently-made vehicle, the Pony, in 1976, now exports over one million high-quality vehicles ranging from sedans, SUVs, trucks and buses. In 2010, Hyundai Motor sold about 3.6 million cars worldwide, up 16.3 percent
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OAO TNK-BP Holding ABOUT DATAMONITOR Datamonitor is a leading business information company specializing in industry analysis. Through its proprietary databases and wealth of expertise, Datamonitor provides clients with unbiased expert analysis and in depth forecasts for six industry sectors: Healthcare, Technology, Automotive, Energy, Consumer Markets, and Financial Services. The company also advises clients on the impact that new technology and eCommerce will have on their businesses. Datamonitor
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ROYAUME DU MAROC __________________ ORDRE DES EXPERTS COMPTABLES _________________________________________________________________________ Régi par la loi n° 15-89 Réglementant la profession d'Expert Comptable et instituant un Ordre des Experts Comptables Promulguée par le Dahir n° 1-92-139 du 14 Rajeb 1413 (08 Janvier 1993) ___________________ GUIDE PRATIQUE D' A U D I T AIDE À LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DU RÉFÉRENTIEL DE NORMES ROYAUME DU MAROC __________________ ORDRE DES EXPERTS
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spiritual exprimat prin gustul artistic și capacitatea de creație. Mai mult chiar, tehnologul și artistul se confundau la început într-o singură persoană. Arta, tehnica și știința nu sunt domenii incompatibile, contradictorii sau concurente, ci doar specifice și solidare. Ele se implică și se condiționează reciproc. Designerul știe că funcționalul, ergonomicul, esteticul și economicul conlucrează pentru a se ajunge la eficiență. Încălţămintea a avut întotdeauna un rol important
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CHAPITRE 1 MODULE A Texte 1 La présentation de l’entreprise Pulvérix AUTREFOIS (1) 1930. Pierre Favier, ouvrier (2) mécanicien à Paris, met au point (3) un moulin (4) à légumes à main. La même année il présente son premier modèle à la foire (5) de Paris. Devant le succès remporté (6), il prend des risques et fonde (7) sa propre (8) entreprise dans un atelier de 45 m. L’affaire connaît un dévelopement régulier et emploie (9) une vingtaine de personnes à la veille (10) de la Seconde Guerre
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ETUDE CORRIDORS POUR L’EXPORT DES MANGUES DU MALI ET DU BURKINA FASO VERS L’UNION EUROPEENNE RAPPORT FINAL Mme Aoufa Ezzine Consultante internationale Transport et logistique Janvier 2009 1 RAPPORT FINAL ETUDE CORRIDORS POUR L’EXPORT DES MANGUES DU MALI ET DU BURKINA FASO VERS L’UNION EUROPEENNE PLAN Contexte de l’étude ............................................................................................................. 4 I- La filière mangue ................................
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The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia GAAP-based financial reporting: measurement of business performance charteredaccountants.com.au Professor Stephen Taylor, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (the Institute) is the professional body representing Chartered Accountants in Australia. Our reach extends to more than 53,000 of today and tomorrow’s business
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dall’Investor Relations Office. Alla finestra del suo ufficio di Via Turati a Milano, di fronte a una foto del padre Domenico, il Chairman del gruppo, Luca Garavoglia, rileggeva uno dei passaggi chiave della bozza di comunicato stampa: “Per il futuro, ci aspettiamo di riuscire a contenere le sfide degli attuali mercati che si preannunciano difficili nel breve termine”. Da quando, appena laureato, aveva preso le redini del gruppo nel 1994, in seguito all’improvvisa scomparsa del padre, Luca Garavoglia
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Usuellement, un déchet (détritus, ordure, résidu, etc.) désigne : la quantité perdue dans l'usage d'un produit, ce qui en reste après son utilisation[1]. De nos jours, ce terme tend à désigner n'importe quel objet ou substance ayant subi une altération d'ordre physique ou chimique, ou qui ne présente plus d'utilité et le destinant à l'élimination ou au recyclage. Il est alors parfois nommé recyclat). Ce terme est aussi en usage pour les objets répandus dans la nature par l'homme, le vent, etc. Quand
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