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    Apa Style

    . 4 The APA referencing system .................................................................................................................... 4 In-text citations............................................................................................................................................ 5 Layout of in-text citations ..................................................................................................................... 5 The reference list ...................

    Words: 6721 - Pages: 27

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    Sampling File

    | Contents In-Text Citations: The Basics 1 APA Citation Basics 1 In-Text Citation Capitalization, Quotes, and Italics/Underlining 1 Short Quotations 1 Long Quotations 2 Summary or Paraphrase 2 In-Text Citations: Author/Authors 2 Citing an Author or Authors 3 Citing Indirect Sources 4 Electronic Sources 4 Reference List: Basic Rules 5

    Words: 6671 - Pages: 27

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    Porter's 5 Forces

    Apart from a good one-page executive summary, which, by the way, earns you bonus marks, three other things are very important too. The first is your charts and graphs. Charts and graphs are visual aids to help you convey your point across more clearly, so you need to respect them. One sign of respect is to give your charts and graphs proper names (eg Chart 1: Historical price for OCBC) and to refer to them in your report by their names. I'm a good friend of charts and graphs, and any group that does

    Words: 623 - Pages: 3

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    Apa Format

    Running head: WRITING STYLE AND MECHANICS Typically, the running head is required only for publication. Check with your instructor regarding the preference for using a running head. Doctoral students must include the running head. The words Running head only appear on the title page. Use no more than the first 50 characters of the title. 1 Pagination and Page Header: Use the header feature in Microsoft® Word to set the page number and to add the running head if one is included. See Appendix

    Words: 4693 - Pages: 19

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    organization. If you are analyzing a sub-set within an organization, you still want to begin with an overview of the larger organization prior to describing the team, department, division, etc. This section should not exceed 1 page. Include citations when appropriate following APA guidelines. Leadership Practices When completing this section, it is important to demonstrate that you can apply what you have learned in this course specific to providing an informed description of the leadership

    Words: 1243 - Pages: 5

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    plagiarism, this paper is written to provide the reader with a brief overview of plagiarism. Below the writer shall provide a brief discussion of the following topics (a) what is plagiarism; (b) why do some college students plagiarize; (c) an improper citation and why this is considered

    Words: 1307 - Pages: 6

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    Apa Style Guide

    5 Page Headers 6 Title Page 6 Headings 8 Numbers 9 Lists 10 Abbreviations 10 Tables and Figures 10 CHAPTER 2 SUPPORTING DOCUENTATION FOR ACADEMIC PAPERS 13 In–Text Citation 13 Direct Quotations 14 Works with no Author or with an Anonymous Author 15 Work by Two Authors 16 Work by Multiple Authors, five or more 16 Paraphrasing 17 Do Not Plagiarize 18 Using Block

    Words: 3618 - Pages: 15

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    library research guides Books Journal articles Dissertations Other materials Electronic books Electronic articles Web Sites Citations In-text p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 th Citations indicate the exact location for sources of information used in the text of the paper; the references (or list of works cited) describes, as a whole, the works from which the citations are taken. PLEASE NOTE: The examples on the following pages are based on the style recommended in the American Psychological

    Words: 2441 - Pages: 10

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    Careers in Accounting

    centered in bold. Title of Paper Here Your Subheading for the Introduction Here The above subheading should consist of a phrase, not a complete sentence. You must write using correct grammar, punctuation, and APA format (proper in-text citations). Briefly describe what your paper will entail. Give a brief background of the topic. Although the thesis statement should be in your introduction, it should not be the first sentence.

    Words: 2300 - Pages: 10

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    employees as a manager. Sometimes we face other public speaking situations; including teaching young people how to do something, making our opinion known at a public meeting, or commemorating special events. Course Objective: The aim of this course is to help students become a more effective and responsible speaker and listener. It will encourage them to communicate more openly in different settings (speeches, group discussion, interviews, etc.). This course will also enhance effective public speaking skills

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