different aspects of strategic decision-making from a business, corporate, and entrepreneurial perspective (lecture materials) * Exposing students to the complexity and ambiguity of strategic decision-making through the analysis of situations faced by real companies (case studies) * Interpreting (through discussion), and applying (through exercises), fundamental strategic management concepts Prerequisites: MKT 300 Managerial Marketing; SCM 303 Introduction to Supply Chain Management;
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methodology and resultant outcome towards the company’s stock turn-over with respect to the objectives set. Moreover, this research essay investigates on the promotional strategy towards rescuing the Coke brand of the Coca-Cola Company. This case study is picked on the basis of analysis of scrutinizing the contribution made by making a decision to
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Drink Industry: Case Study of Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper Krisadee Rungsatcha MBA 500: Essentials of Business Management June 23, 2013 Larry Frazier Abstract The beverage industry nowadays is very competitive. Each brand pushes all strategies to be the number one in the market and try to win more consumers and achieve their goals. The main competitors in these industries are Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Inc., and Dr. Pepper Snapple Group. Coca-Cola is the largest beverage
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as well as the extensive research and documentation required for government contracts. If a part fails to perform correctly it can cause minor glitches as well as problems that can carry serious repercussions, such as in the National Semiconductor case. When both the culpable component and company are found, the question arises of how extensive these repercussions should be. Is the company as an entity liable or do you look into individual employees within that company? From an ethical perspective
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CASE: IB-84 DATE: 06/27/08 PEPSI COLA PAKISTAN: FRANCHISING & PRODUCT LINE MANAGEMENT 1 In July 1991, Irfan Mustafa faced several dilemmas. As West Asia area vice president and chief executive officer of Pepsi Cola Pakistan Incorporated (PCI), Mustafa was charged with developing a strategy to grow share and profitability across PCI sales but focusing particularly on 7-Up. Pepsi Cola International had shifted focus to its global brands and, since acquiring 7Up International in 1986, had withdrawn
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Project Report on Pepsi Cola International by Commerce Solutions in Internship Report, Pepsi, Project Report Executive Summary Purpose of this project is to study the strategies which Pepsi is doing in Pakistani market for its product Pepsi cola. Pepsi International is a world renowned brand. It is a very well organized multinational company, which operates almost all over the world. In Pakistan It also has proved itself to be the No.1 soft drink. Now days Pepsi is recognized as Pakistanis National
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THE BUSINESS OF WATER CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND BUSINESS ETHICS CASE STUDY ANALYSIS SUBMITTED BY: PRIYA BHATTER Who are the main stakeholders of beverage companies such as Cocoa Cola and Nestle in this case? How would you prioritize their stake and how legitimate are the different stakes? Consider the following stakeholders for beverage companies such as Nestle and Cocoa Cola in terms of legitimacy and importance of the stakes held. Shareholders and Board of Directors: These are directly
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Case Study: Bottled Water Industry Team 3 James Barlow, Julianne Schneider, Robyn Sumner & Katie Austin GBA 490 Dr. Drnevich 26 March 2008 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The strengths of The Coca-Cola Company’s Dasani brand include its availability and convenience, prominence of the parent company, geographic coverage, financial stability, assets, distribution channels, and image of social responsibility. Dasani’s availability and convenience stems
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Chapter 11 Case Study: Pepsi Background of the Company- 1965-PepsiCo, Inc. was established through the merger of Pepsi Cola and Frito-Lay. Caleb Bradham, a New Bern, N.C. pharmacist, created Pepsi Cola in the late 1890s. The 1961 merger of the Frito Company, founded by Elmer Doolin in 1932, and the H. W. LAY COMPANY, formed Frito-Lay, Inc., founded by Herman W. Lay, also in 1932. Herman Lay, former chairman and CEO of Frito-Lay, was chairman of the board of directors of the new company; Donald
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Carolina, United States, in 1893 by Caleb Bradham, who made it at his drugstore where the drink was sold. It was later labeled Pepsi Cola, named after the digestive enzyme pepsin and kola nuts used in the recipe. Bradham sought to create a fountain drink that was delicious and would aid in digestion and boost energy. In 1903, Bradham moved the bottling of Pepsi-Cola from his drugstore to a rented warehouse. That year, Bradham sold 7,968 gallons of syrup. The next year, Pepsi was sold in six-ounce
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