Supermax Prisons Supermax correctional facilities are considered “extended control” facilities by correctional specialists and are the most secure prison type in the correctional system. This is mainly because supermax prisons specialize in solitary confinement, otherwise known as “time in the hole.” Inmates are not directly sentenced to serve time in the supermax, but rather are transferred there as a result of their extremely violent/deviant acts committed in other maximum-security prisons. Also
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also known as the “Alcatraz of the South” and “The Farm” is a prison in Louisiana operated by the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections. Angola is the largest maximum security prison in all the United States. They are able to house 6,300 offenders and have a staff of 1,800. It is located on an 18,000 acre property that was previously the Angola and other plantations directly adjacent from the Mississippi state line. The prison is located at the end of Louisiana Highway 66. Since 1995
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2012 1. According to the Rich Get Richer and Poor Get Prison, discuss the 3 excuses that will not wash, or how we could reduce crime if wanted to from chapter one in the textbook. 2. According to the Rich Get Richer and Poor Get Prison, what causes crime? How and why do the authors distinguish a “cause” from a “source” of crime? What conditions make crime more likely? 3. According to the Rich Get Richer and Poor Get Prison, what excuses have been given for our inability to reduce
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with the most prison inmates. About 98% of them are male prisoners, held in a 10x10 cell. It all began in England in the early 1500s, as prisons where considered dungeons. As Years went by (around the 1800’s) the system changed as the prisoner’s punishments were more cruel and harsh. They were brutally beaten, and whipped. Their cells were unsanitary and very dirty, which they pretty much were treated like animals. There was hope for these prisoners in this era though, with conditions such as if they
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Some organizations that are controlled by the private sector include retail stores, credit unions, and local businesses. Canadian prisons have increased by 75% in the last decade alone, as well as the number of Caucasian inmates has significantly decreased. The population of Canadian prisons is currently at the highest level ever, the number of inmates in federal prison 10 years ago was close to 12,000 today it is over 15,000. The overall spending price in the Canadian justice system rose 23% in the
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those serving time in jail, drug dealers and pushers, some drug addicts, are all considered to be living a low class lifestyle. While it may not be their choice, they did make choices throughout their lives that brought them to this place. People in prison made choices, no they were not good choices, but they were choices nonetheless. They could have made a choice to do the right thing, thereby
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Jail and Prisons Comparison Adis Hodzic CJA/234 Introduction to Corrections Professor Anthony J. Pekich March 6th, 2014 In considering the jails, as well as state and federal prisons, and in modern America, one must understand the historical contexts in which the three institutions were conceptualized and put into practice. Then a discussion of the reasons behind the drastic recent growth off these three ancient institutions must be had. Finally, a review of the security classifications
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ill Offenders Mentally ill Inmates that are held in prison or jails are getting more suicidal thoughts than ever. Just by being there by themselves they drive themselves crazy. Being trapped in those cells make them hallucinate things. A lot of these inmates are being held in solitary confinements, being mistreated, and the population in the jails and prisons are made up of mentally ill offenders. Many of the mentally ill offenders in prisons and jails are being mistreated. A lot of them have experienced
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individual that commits a crime. Punishment is a condition to refer to any change that occurs after a behavior that reduces the likelihood that that behavior will occur again in the future. Rehabilitation is a treatment and training to an offender so that he or she is made capable of returning to society. There are differences between the effectiveness of punishment compared with the effectiveness of rehabilitation of convicted offenders in prison and under community supervision. Punishment and rehabilitation
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Prison Health Care Agency HCS/430 Legal Issues in Health Care: Regulation and Compliance August 4, 2014 Prison Health Care Agency There are many facets in the health care industry. Examples include hospitals, urgent care centers, physicians’ offices, medical labs, and more. One not really spoken about, is the prison health care system. Prison health care is the medical treatment of inmates in the United States Correctional Facilities (Means & Cochran, 2012) this is according to the report
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