Ethics Paper Marie Hammond HCS 335 01/13/2014 Susan Fajfasz Abstract This document is going to talk about the importance of patient information and how private it is. There are many article, magazines, and newspaper ads that deal with confidentiality and the HIPPA rules and regulations that limit doctors from giving patient information to a third party. Doctors are not able to give out patient information without the consent of the patient, in this paper though it will be talking about nurse
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Confidentiality in the Classroom RD Grand Canyon University: EDU 536 December 21, 2011 U.S. Education – Current and Future Trends Confidentiality is a hot topic – in the classroom, in business and in everyday life. Guarding personal information prior to the onslaught of identity theft was important but not to the extent that it is today. In today’s classroom protecting confidential information is a 3-fold process – protecting the student’s records, protecting personally identifiable information
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patients, their families, and with one another. In nursing the importance of confidentiality has always been the forefront of patient care. The current Code of Ethics for Nurses (ANA,2001) is clear in its intent and meaning as it relates to the nurses primary role in promoting and advocating patient’s rights relating to privacy and confidentiality. Every nurse has always understood the need for patient confidentiality even before (HIPPA) was law. Truth being with advanced technology, new demands
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declare the following to be my own work and that to the best of my knowledge and belief does not contain any material published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the text. I authorise the University to test any work submitted by me, using text comparison software, for instances of plagiarism. I understand this will involve the University or its contractor copying my work and storing it on a database to be used in future to test work submitted by others. I understand
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Attorney Troy Ellerman showed the reporters transcripts of the grand jury testimony in hopes that the case would be dismissed on the grounds that grand jury information had been leaked. Fainaru-Wada and Williams continued to keep their promise of confidentiality when a judge ordered they spend time in jail. They refused to talk about the case even after Ellerman admitted to leaking
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Ethical Implications: Breach of Confidentiality Grand Canyon University: NRS-437V Ethical Implications The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) , was made to protect the rights of patients with regard to who could have access to their health information (HHS, 2011). HIPAA is not taken lightly and at the organization this author works, a Confidentiality Agreement is signed yearly to assure that the guidelines are followed. Under certain circumstances, however
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the hands of their doctors. Maintaining confidentiality ensures quality care by showing that patients can rely on physicians to cherish the bond of trust between the patient and doctors, and maintain privacy. When breaching confidentiality, professionals will need to make judgments about the significance of the information to both patients. The right to Helen’s confidentiality should be protected because the potential harm caused by breeching her confidentiality outweighs the potential benefits of Penelope
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compare and contrast three separate areas within each of the two ethics codes. All areas of the ethics codes are important; however the three that have been chosen are of particular interest to the writer. Two of the areas that are addressed, confidentiality and sexual intimacies, come from duties to the client and the last area, reporting colleagues, comes from duties to the profession. ACA CODE OF ETHICS AND AACC CODE OF ETHICS, WHAT ARE THE SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES? In the field
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Legal Aspects of Professional Psychology “Professional psychologists study mental processes and human behavior by observing, interpreting, and recording how people and other animals relate to one another and the environment.” The psychologists express theories that have possible explanations and concentrate on an individual behavior that influence a person’s action where understanding and explaining thoughts, emotions, feelings and or behavior is in attention. However there is a legal aspect of
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Attorney-Client Confidentiality Paper The Court System CJS_220 February, 2013 The attorney-client confidentiality covers all communication between any person looking for legal advice and a lawyer, is protected legally because this type of communication is considered “privileged” and to be confidently. The disclosure of any information to third parties about any type of mention for what the issues are about with the case is strictly condoned. The attorney-client confidentiality is covered under
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