Consumer Behavior Paper

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    Automatic Effects of Brand Exposure on Motivated Behavior: How Apple Makes You “Think Different” ´ GRAINNE M. FITZSIMONS TANYA L. CHARTRAND GAVAN J. FITZSIMONS* This article first examines whether brand exposure elicits automatic behavioral effects as does exposure to social primes. Results support the translation of these effects: participants primed with Apple logos behave more creatively than IBM primed and controls; Disney-primed participants behave more honestly than E!primed participants

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    Banking Ethics

    pecuniary values leaves intact the Goldman Rule: pursue profitable opportunities regardless the effects on others. The Goldman Rule rests on the assumption that increases in profitable opportunities increase the opportunity cost of ethical behavior. Ethical behavior refers to self-imposed actions to avoid taking advantage of others that result in lower profits. The Goldman Rule suggests that financial institutions

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    Chilean Drug Store Collusion

    Paper Report Marketing Law and Beyond “Drug Stores Collusion Scandal” Martin Doren Ross Petty April 29th 201 Brief Background In December of 2006 the Chilean public prosecution of Santiago has imposed legal charges on the three main Drug Retailers of the country, Farmacias Ahumada (FASA), Cruz Verde and Salcobrand. These companies were charged of Collusion, it means that they decided to raise and fix the prices of their products in a similar way so they would had a bigger margin and take

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    It Act

    IT Act Paper What were the advances in information technology that resulted in new ethical issues necessitating the creation of each act? Do Not Call Implementation Act, 2003 Before the 2003 Do Not Call Act existed so many telemarketers would call at all hours of the day and in turn resulted in so much unsolicited phone calls. People tried everything in their means to stop these calls but had no foundation to rely on. Due to the complaints of so many people to the Federal Communications Commission

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    International Marketing

    – E-marketing is growing at a dramatic pace and is significantly impacting customer and business market behaviors. As a result, most firms have started developing e-marketing strategies for the web. However, the evolution and strategic direction of e-marketing strategies in international environments has not been discussed and is the focus of this paper. Design/methodology/approach – In this paper, the authors examine two issues based on extant literature and our previous research in this area. The

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    that reviews the implementation strategy for their products which includes the protocol to be used in the global standardization of the merchandise. Factors influencing local and foreign buyer behavior There are many factors that could influence the local and foreign buyer behavior but in this paper, we will focus on four major aspects of influencing. The four key components that we will elaborate on are Cultural, Social, Personal, and Psychological factors. These four key components can be

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    Clebrity Endorsement

    Impact of Advertising on Consumers’ buying behavior through Persuasiveness, Brand Image, and Celebrity endorsement Shumaila Ahmed and Ayesha Ashfaq ABSTRACT The present research paper is focusing on the impact of advertising on consumer’s buying behaviors. Brand image, persuasiveness and celebrity endorsement in the advertising are the key factors, which raise the consumers’ intentions towards the product and buying behaviors. The buying behavior is strongly influenced by

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    Ethical Perspectives of Friedman, Drucker and Murphy

    professor, management consultant and self-described ‘social ecologist,’ who explored the way human beings organize themselves and interact much the way an ecologist would observe and analyze the biological world (Drucker Institute, 2013).” Drucker’s paper from 1981, or 32 years ago, was trying to answer the same questions which today’s business society and government are trying to answer: What is business ethics/social responsibility and who is responsible for both? These are difficult questions to

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    Branding Strategies of Mcdonalds

    a brand that will expand and mature in a saturated market place. To make effective branding strategies is always crucial for a business entity as they have to live with the decision for a long time. Strong branding strategies can affect the consumer behavior by developing emotional connection and strengthening the buying habits. The brand for a business entity is the symbol, design and name that differentiate the product or service of an organization from other. The brand

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    Survey on Impact of Television Advertisements on Youth Buying Behaviour

    Introduction: Rapid technological development and the immersion of technology into the lives of today’s consumers have created a digital divide between generations. Most students entering our colleges and universities today are younger than the microcomputer, are more comfortable working on a keyboard than writing in a spiral notebook, and are happier reading from a computer screen than from paper in hand. It is important to note that these technologies such as cable television, the Internet, laptop

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