Creating Shared Value

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    Shaping Organizational Culture

    company begins with the appointed leadership of organizations. They do so by enforcing their assumptions and expectations of organizational culture onto their followers. High-level superiors are the major sources for communicating norms and core values in organizations. Therefore, it is imperative that leaders convey the organization leadership and cultural principles to their followers for utilizing their leadership powers to support and preserve an organizational culture that is ethical and healthy

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    Human Resource Management

    the main idea that many companies look into to ensure they achieve their organizational goals. Culture in an organization includes shared meaning, sense making and understanding within an organization. Culture collectively entails the dominant perspectives, values visions, standards and varied models of behavior that an organization as set. The joint beliefs, values and specific expectations that individuals hold in an organization also comprise organization culture. On a broader perspective, organization

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    Progressive Leadership

    Exceptional leaders walk their talk. In their daily lives, they align their deeds and actions with their personal values and, in the workplace, they align their deeds and actions with organizational values. This means that the leadership practice of modeling the way starts with clarifying organizational values and communicating them to all staff and stakeholders. Once organizational values are clarified and communicated, it’s up to you as a progressive leader to be steadfast to your commitment to them

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    Change Plan

    identify who is responsible for the collection and frequency of data collection. All data should be collected frequently enough to make certain that information is recorded correctly. Evaluating the data collected is vital in determining the overall value of each vocational technical class offered. The level of the evaluation will depend on the availability of staff and funding. The results of the evaluation and any suggested changes needed to enhance the efficiency of the vocational technical offerings

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    Functionalist’s accounts of education Functionalism is based on the view that society is a system of interdependent parts held together by a shared culture or value consensus. Each part of society, such as family, economy or the education system in this case, performs functions that help to maintain society as a whole. For some sociologists/functionalists, such as Durkheim or Parson for example, the real function of education is to act as a means of promoting consensus, by socialising people into

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    Week 6 Knowledge Check

    goal B. Collection of people working towards a common goal C. A group who follows the same rules D. Employees working towards their specific goals Incorrect : A team is a group responsible for creating, managing, and changing rules to meet a goal” (Jones, 2007, p. 223). Materials Creating High-Performing Groups and Teams 2. What are teams grouped by areas of expertise? A. Cross-functional B. Functional C. Virtual D. Top management Correct : Functional teams are typically

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    must be made. Wilkinson (1993) defines the term, race as “a category of persons who are related by a common heredity or ancestry and who are perceived and responded to in terms of external features or traits,” whereas ethnicity often refers to “a shared culture and lifestyle.” It must be noted that race is social construct rather than biological concept. The fact remains that different societies construct different systems of race classifications and these systems change over time. Ethnic group

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    MSc Marketing Summative Assignment Coversheet Programme: MSc Marketing | Module Title: Marketing Management and Strategy | Anonymous Student Number: Z0955291; Z0955920; Z0958180; Z0954471; Z0953921; Z0954457; Z0951733; Z0955761; Z0955848 | Submission Deadline: 28th November 2014 | Word Count: 1991 words, including footnotes | DECLARATION By submitting this work online I confirm that this piece of work is a result of my own work except where it forms an assessment based on

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    Organizational Culture

    who they are, what they stand for, what they believe in, and what is important to them. One of the better, and simpler, definitions of organizational culture I found is “the shared values and assumptions that guide behavior in an organization” (Çakar, 2010). The fundamentals of corporate culture can include a company’s values, employee expectations, customs, factual or mythical organizational history, language, climate, etc. In some cases, organizational culture is designed and employees are encouraged

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    Organizational Commitment and Communication

    tends to inhibit group communication that does not promote the leader’s idea and autocratic leadership ignores communication altogether. Transformational leadership promotes communication because the success depends on the creation of a shared vision. This shared vision is accomplished by effective communication of goals and ways to achieve them. This communication also motivates and adds enthusiasm to the group (Robbins & Judge, 2011). Transformational style leadership seen at Google today

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