understanding of green economics and thereby not sufficient measures of public policy. The paper deals with overview of environmental changes in Latvia during the period of last twenty years, paying attention to social, legal, political, economic and cultural environment herewith the nature environment. The efforts to measure the state of these environments with quantitative measures, usually scalar measure for each aspect of environment (like Gini index for social environment) are not sufficient to make
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Scott / CULTURAL-PRODUCTS INDUSTRIES REVIEW / March 2004 10.1177/1078087403261256 URBAN AFFAIRS ARTICLE CULTURAL-PRODUCTS INDUSTRIES AND URBAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Prospects for Growth and Market Contestation in Global Context University of California, Los Angeles ALLEN J. SCOTT The article begins with a brief definition of the cultural economy. A first generation of local economic development policy approaches based on place marketing and associated initiatives is described. The possibilities
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High Risk – Low Return: The case against uranium mining in Queensland Australian Conservation Foundation Australian Manufacturing Workers Union Electrical Trades Union Friends of the Earth North Queensland Conservation Council Queensland Conservation Council Queensland Nuclear Free Alliance The Wilderness Society Cover picture: Mine tailings dam failure at Merriespruit, South Africa gold mine. On the day of the failure 50mm of rain fell in 30 minutes, comparable to flooding rain quantities
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Variation to this guideline 7 Records and Disasters 7 Disasters affecting records 8 Disasters affecting Australian organisations 8 Counter disaster management for records 9 Disaster review of your agency 10 Risk Assessment 10 Establish the context 11 Identify the risks 11 Critical needs determination 13 Analyse the risks 14 Assess the risks 15 Treat the risks 15 Monitor and review 16 Planning 16 Project Planning
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This article was downloaded by: [] On: 21 September 2013, At: 09:20 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Sustainable Tourism Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rsus20 Toward sustainable educational travel Joshua Long , Alison Vogelaar & Brack W. Hale a a
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HEALTH ASSESSMENT Winter 2008 FINAL Professor Joann Paoletti Professor Rey Zamudio 1) You have just completed your initial assessment on Mr. K. You have charted that his respirations are eupneic, and his pulse is 58. This type of data would be: 1. objective 2. reflective
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Reflective Cultural Practice Assignment Contents Page Portfolio of Reflective Cultural Practice Assignment 1.1. Introduction In recent times, there has been seen an increased change in the composition of the workforce in organisations because of the rapidly growing globalisation which has made the world increasingly more interrelated (SOURCE). Therefore most business’s around the world including the hospitality and tourism industry need to enter into a cross-cultural alliance to
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Pakistan State Oil (PSO) Company Profile: Pakistan State Oil (PSO) is the largest Oil Marketing Company (OMC) in Pakistan with a well-established infrastructure, wide spread retail network and a dominant position in majority of the products markets with an overall market share of 60%. Currently PSO is engaged in the storage, distribution and marketing of Petroleum, Oil and Lubricant (POL) products including Motor Gasoline(Moggs),High speed Diesel(HSD),Furnace Oil(FO),Jet Fuel, Kerosene Oil, CNG
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Shanghai. This project plan is an opportunity to carry forward the heritage of cheongsam culture in Shanghai, it is also an opportunity for the public to foster great understanding of the significance of cheongsam on Shanghai’s history and culture. Background Information Shanghai is the birthplace of modern cheongsam. In 2007, ‘Shanghai traditional crafts of making cheongsam’ was included in the intangible culture heritage protection lists. Cheongsam has powerful
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Answers Professional Level – Essentials Module, Paper P3 Business Analysis 1 (a) December 2013 Answers Internal growth, sometimes called organic growth, takes place when the company grows by building on and developing its own existing competencies. This is how MachineShop has grown to date. The frequent opening of new stores represents its organic growth. The company appears to be comfortable and successful in this approach. As well as being familiar with this approach, internal growth has a
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