Reconstruction and the West HIS/120 The South After the Civil War, the South was pulverized. It had to make huge adjustment to become sufficient again, this was going to take time and allot of money. It succeeded in compositionally and financially to reinvent itself. In about 35 years after the damage was done it succeeded with steel. Southern iron business grew, especially with supplying the Railroads advancements. he Southern economy was engendered and prospered, in spite of the way that
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course. My State Demands The type of business that I chose is a service business of opening a local bar. I began my research by looking at what I need to do locally first. In Winnebago County you need to call to make an appointment with the local office of the County Clerk. When you have your appointment they want you to have a copy of your lease, a copy of your insurance policy, drawing of your site, complete list of all employees, fingerprints of all owners, know what type of ownership and the
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found themselves in a new world of economic competition * Antebellum agriculture was controlled by large landowners * Post civil war small farmers did not benefit from large-scale production * In Nebraska, Kansas, and South Dakota farmers more adverse growing conditions * Meteorologic anomaly ended returning the high plains to normal dry conditions * Leads to the “dust bowl” Organizing Revolt: The Farmers’ Alliance The Grange * Designed to advance
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innocent people.... If that is not the true meaning of bad things happening to good people, than I do not know what is. As far back as 1325 records show there was Crow Creek Massacre where 486 people, native american people, were killed in South Dakota. In 1783 it is estemiated that there were approxiametly 600,000 indians controlling most lands west of the Appalachian Mountains. By 1890 only 250,000 remained, they were relocated to lands west of the Missippi River, living on reservations, which
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R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14) -- "Fire Safety" Copyright (C) 2015 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) R 是免費軟體,不提供任何擔保。 在某些條件下您可以將其自由散布。 用 'license()' 或 'licence()' 來獲得散布的詳細條件。 R 是個合作計劃,有許多人為之做出了貢獻。 用 'contributors()' 來看詳細的情況並且 用 'citation()' 會告訴您如何在出版品中正確地參照 R 或 R 套件。 用 'demo()' 來看一些示範程式,用 'help()' 來檢視線上輔助檔案,或 用 'help.start()' 透過 HTML 瀏覽器來看輔助檔案。 用 'q()' 離開 R。 > fb=read.table("facebkincreases.txt",header=T,sep="\t") > fb
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History of North Dakota 220- Paper Assignment #1 Charles Domeier 7 October 2015 Preserving historical artifacts of all shapes and sizes is an important part of history as a whole. North Dakota has a lot of history, which in turns means we have a lot of historical sites and artifacts as well. One fascinating artifact is called the earth lodge. Just as it sounds- an earth lodge was a lodge, or home, in the earth. Now it is not underground, but rather it is built using earth and wood for support
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Cherry * NE (Northeast) 1: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey 0: Others * MW (Midwest) 1: Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa 0: Others * WEST (West) 1: Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii 0: Others * Region 3 (South) Delaware, Maryland
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said by writer, Debra Marquart, “Driving west from Fargo on I–94, the freeway that cuts through the state of North Dakota, you’ll encounter a road so lonely, treeless, and devoid of rises and curves in places that it will feel like one long-held pedal steel guitar note”(Marquart 1-5). The passage is from The Horizontal World, Debra Marquart’s 2006 memoir about growing up in North Dakota. In this passage, Debra Marquart conveys her profound love for the upper Midwest region, even as it was marked as
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Part I: Introduction Throughout the eighteenth and mid-nineteenth century, Blackfoot Indians were considered the military lords of the northern high plains. They spoke Algonquin. During this time era, Blackfoot lands stretched from northern-central Montana to southern Alberta, Canada. The Blackfoot was a confederation of three tribal nations: Pikuni (North & South Piegan), Kainah (Blood), and Siksika (Blackfoot). This was a tribal nation that was rich in guns and horses. For a long period of time
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The Wasichu Effect As the moon moved through its cycles and the spring grasses inevitable came and went, a Westward Expansion movement was cultivated that shifted and changed the cultural integrity and foundational wellbeing of the Lakota people forever. Black Elk, a warrior and medicine man of the Lakota, eloquently put forth a personal account of the countless hardships his people and many others had faced at the hands of the Wasichu people and the effects of their ravages. Along with valuable
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