Chapter 33: Animal Nutrition * Nutrition: food is taken in, taken apart, and taken up * Herbivores (plants or algae) vs. Carnivores (other animals) vs. Omnivores (All) * Most animals are opportunistic feeders – eat outside their standard diet when their usual foods aren’t available * Animals must eat * But, to survive and reproduce balance their consumption, storage, and use of food 33.1: AN ANIMAL’S DIET MUST SUPPLY CHEMICAL ENERGY, ORGANIC MOLECULES, AND ESSENIAL
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body fluids. At physiologic pH, it exists mainly as ammonium ion. Reference serum levels are less than 35 µmol/L. Excess ammonia is excreted as urea, which is synthesized in the liver through the urea cycle. Sources of ammonia include bacterial hydrolysis of urea and other nitrogenous compounds in the intestine, the purine-nucleotide cycle and amino acid transamination in skeletal muscle, and other metabolic processes in the kidneys and liver. Increased entry of ammonia to the brain is a primary
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Biology- The scientific study of life. Life is structured on a size scale ranging from the molecular (smallest components of life) to the global (Earth) scale. Biology encompasses a large variety of life on earth. Uses of Biology in every day life: Molecular Biology – (Biology that deals with the smallest components of life such as cells, DNA, RNA) is used to solve crimes and reveal ancestry. Ecology- The scientific study of interactions among organisms and their environment is used to address
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Chapter 40 4 main categories of tissue: Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, Nervous. I. Epithelial Tissue (Epithelium): forms interactive surfaces with environment on external and internal body surfaces; functions as barriers. Formed from continuous sheets of tightly packed cells Covers outside of body; or lines organs and body cavities Apical surface: the free surface exposed to air or body fluids Basal surface: cells at base of epithelium are attached to a basement membrane
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MULTIPLECHOICE SECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Read all instructions carefully. Please answer all questions. Each question is worth 0.5 points. The Multiple Choice section is worth 40 points. **Do not enter your answers here.** Type in the letter you select as the best answer on the Answer Sheet provided by your instructor. 1. Which of these would be a valid hypothesis? A) Human history is determined by a series of supernatural events. B) Humans should help in the conservation of
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Water Hydrolysis: Addition of H2O to break it apart. Dehydration: Removal of H2O to form a bond. Carbohydrates Monosaccharide: 2 common types Glucose (Hexopyranose RLRR), fructose Disaccharide: 3 common types glucose + fructose alpha glucocsidic bond = sucrose (table sugar) glucose + galactose beta galactosidic bond = lactose glucose + glucose = maltose Polysaccharide: 4 common types Starch: alpha 1,4 & 1,6 bonds btwn glucoses. amylose and amylopectin Glycogen: different branching than starch. Found
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AS Biology Unit 1 page 1 AQA AS Biology Unit 1 Contents Specification Biological Molecules Chemical bonds Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Biochemical Tests Enzymes Eukaryotic Cells Prokaryotic Cells Cell Fractionation Microscopy The Cell Membrane Movement across Cell Membranes Exchange The Gas Exchange System Lung Diseases The Heart Coronary Heart Disease The Digestive System Cholera Lifestyle and Disease Defence against Disease Immunisation Monoclonal Antibodies 1 – Mathematical Requirements
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NaNotechNology applicatioNs for cleaN Water Micro & NaNo TechNologies series editor: Jeremy ramsden Professor of Nanotechnology Microsystems and Nanotechnology Centre, Department of Materials Cranfield University, United Kingdom the aim of this book series is to disseminate the latest developments in small scale technologies with a particular emphasis on accessible and practical content. these books will appeal to engineers from industry, academia and government sectors. for more information
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CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination CAPE ® BIOLOGY SYLLABUS Effective for examinations from May/June 2008 CXC A10/U2/07 Published by the Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the author or publisher. Correspondence related to the
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NINTH EDITION Burton’s MICROBIOLOGY FOR THE HEALTH SCIENCES Paul G. Engelkirk, PhD, MT(ASCP), SM(AAM) Biomedical Educational Services (Biomed Ed) Belton, Texas Adjunct Faculty, Biology Department Temple College, Temple, TX Janet Duben-Engelkirk, EdD, MT(ASCP) Biomedical Educational Services (Biomed Ed) Belton, Texas Adjunct Faculty, Biotechnology Department Temple College, Temple, TX Acquisitions Editor: David B. Troy Product Manager: John Larkin Managing Editor: Laura S. Horowitz, Hearthside
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