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    To Torture or Not to Torture

    To torture or not to torture is an ethical dilemma for whoever is in charge of making that call. The results may or may not seem justified to some or unjustified to others. With the theological/consequential view, is “result oriented”, if it takes torture to get the results intended, that’s the course of action is taken to do so. This is an action that one can view as ethically unbiased to the one who makes the call to torture or not to torture and the worthiness explicitly based on the results they

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    them to think thoroughly, encourage them to examine issues from many different angles, and provide them with decision-making strategies (Eyal, Berkovich and Schwartz 2011, 396). The main ethical perspectives include utilitarianism, libertarianism, deontology and virtue of ethics. In McNulty and Davis’s case “Should the C-suite have a Green Seat” ethical dilemmas have been identified. Narinex is in a situation to decide whether it should hire a chief sustainability officer or not. This ethical dilemma

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    Banking Industry Meltdown

    together in groups” (Fraedrich/Ferrell, page 151). Moral philosophies also used in the business world to formulate business strategies as well as a way of resolving ethical issues. The moral philosophies used in business decisions are teleology, deontology, the relativist perspective, virtue ethics, and justice theories (Fraedrich/Ferrell, page 153). The first philosophy is teleology which derives from the Greek term for end or purpose and teleology refers to “moral philosopher in which an act is

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    Ethical Leadership

    actions and behaviors and how followers perceive their decisions. There are many ethical theories, affecting leadership ethics primarily associated with the teleology or deontology theories. Teleology, as an ethical theories focusing on the positive outcomes, therefore, the actions are considered to be ethically. While, deontology theories are focusing on the actions rather than on outcomes. Examples of actions and behaviors that are intrinsically good, irrespective of the on end The first applies

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    Corporate Governance and Ethical Responsibility Research Paper

    Corporate Governance and Ethical Responsibility Research Paper LEG500- Law, Ethics, and Corporate Governance May 2013 This purpose of this research paper is to state the importance of corporate governance and ethical responsibility in a business, and to be able to justify the health and safety rights that employees have in corporations. According to Solomon (2010), corporate governance is a keystone aspect of a business, in which companies are directed and controlled. Corporate governance

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    Virtue Theory

    definitely afford it. Deontological Ethics Deontological ethics deals with duty, and maxims, or universal law. Unlike virtue theory dealing with just ones virtues, deontology deals with the effects of the mass. With utilitarianism it was ok to steal to save a life as long as it maximizes happiness without truly hurting others. But with deontology if stealing for anything should become a maxim then the world would be without ethics. Conclusion During my time in the Army the word values was imprinted

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    bias, emotion, experience, culture, gender, age, socioeconomic group, and any other factor the individual deems important. In essence, the individual is his/her own higher power. Entitlement-based ethics or egoism is a special type of relativism. Deontology, the study of duty, which we explored in Modules 3 and 5, describes a variety of positions that understand ethics in terms of duty or obedience to universal principles regardless of the consequences. These universal principles could come from God

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    Is Euthanasia Immoral

    purposes of relieving pain and suffering for that person using Kantian theory to best support this claim. This paper will consider the ethical complexities of euthanasia. It will take into consideration and briefly explain the ethical theories of deontology, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics to analyze whether the use of active euthanasia is indeed a moral act and if it is morally permissible for doctors to end the lives of their patients by use of euthanasia and should laws allow it? Euthanasia is

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    Tutorial 2 Professional Development

    Discussion Questions 1. Apply the ethical decision making model presented in week one lectures (adapted from Beemsterboer, 2010; Velasquez et al, 2009) to the case study. a. identify the ethical dilemma In the above case study the ethical dilemma is whether to give the contract to company A which is a fair option among the two or give the contract to company B because it is run by Nirmal’s friend Devraj. And the dilemma is weather to choose fairness or friendship. b. list the facts of the

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    Ethics Comparison and Similarities

    from a Star Trek movie “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one.” We have also heard mention of the greater good. This means it is morally correct to do what is best for the majority of the people. Deontological ethics, also know as deontology, involve judging the morality of an action based on adherence to a rule. The theory is that rules and obligations bind

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