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    A Competitor Firm Has Outsourced Its Production Abroad. You Could Do the Same. You Are the Major Employer in the Town Where You Are Located. You Have to Decide Whether Also to Outsource Your Production

    Good Business Bad Business and Sustainability The coursework is to complete a discussion of an organisation, policy, or product and evaluate the ways in which the object could be regarded as ‘good’, and ‘bad’. You may choose a specific case to evaluate; or build a hypothetical case using suitable real world examples. A competitor firm has outsourced its production abroad. You could do the same. You are the major employer in the town where you are located. You have to decide whether also to outsource

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    Business Ethics and Moral Philosophy

    personal role conflicts with a work role? (Others roles include: student, parent, child, organization member, etc.) Moral Philosophy Perspectives 1. Teleology — egoism - enlightened egoism - utilitarianism 2. Deontology 3. Relativist Perspective 4. Virtue Ethics I. Teleology — consequences (consequentialist theories) egoism — right behavior is based on good consequences for the individual enlightened egoism — some basic “rules” or policies

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    Adelphia Communications Scandal

    Running head: Adelphia Communications Scandal TUI UNIVERSITY Errol Hammonds Case #1 ETH 501 Business Ethics and Deontology Dr. Bonnie Adams 21 October 2013 Adelphia Communications Scandal Adelphia – which means “brothers’ in Greek – used to be one of America’s largest cable companies. John Rigas [] founded the company and served as CEO and chairman. His son Tim had the position of Chief Financial Officer and two other sons were

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    Too Big to Fail

    Too Big to Fail The financial collapse of 2008 was something all of us felt in one way or another. At the time, this author’s employer kept itself intellectually honest by acknowledging the fact that it may have turbulent waters ahead due to the credit crisis. Much of this author’s employer’s day-to-day operations was funded by credit – or, borrowing money. When credit was frozen, there was serious concern that operations of this author’s firm could halt. Worse, the organization confirmed a resonant

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    Ethics of Abortion

    when the mother’s life is at risk. And others think that there is a range of different circumstances that make abortion morally acceptable. In this paper I will present the issue of abortion, explain the three classical theories of utilitarianism, deontology and virtue ethics on how to solve the issue and contrast this response with the perspective brought to the issue of abortion by ethical egoism. I will also present you with my personal opinion as to why I believe abortion should be in fact morally

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    Comparing Dementia And Alzheimer's Case Study

    to occur. I begin by discussing what Kantian deontology is and the three formulations of Kant’s categorical imperatives before applying it to the case. I then weigh both sides of the argument before proving using Kantian theory my argument in addressing the dilemma in the case. Deontology is a kind of normative ethics wherein the moral rightness of an action is based on the adherence of duty or obligation (Alexander & Moore). The concept of deontology is in opposition against consequentialism in

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    Ethics Essay Week 1

    White Virtue ethics describes the character of a moral agent as a driving force for ethical behavior, rather than rules (deontology). Virtue ethics is a collection of normative ethical philosophies that emphasizes on being than doing. Virtue ethics focuses on the character of the moral agent instead of the rules and consequences. The differences between virtue ethics, and deontology lies in the way moral dilemmas are approached and solved. ( Deontologist says

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    Ethics Essay

    Virtue ethics, which are also called virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics are principles that individuals use to guide their actions. These principles can be moral decisions. Moral decisions are those made by what an individual perceives as right or wrong. The decisions can also be non-moral in nature, which pertains to an individual’s desire to improve themselves or a group/team affiliation for the greater good. The idea that an individual should strive for excellence

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    Ethics Essay There are similarities and differences that apply to virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. Each theory addresses morality on some level, with that also comes the application of ethics. Virtue theory is based on personal character. Since each person is different, their personal character traits are different and unique. Utilitarianism is based on principles that allow for the good of a group of people rather than an individual. Deontological theory determines which

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    An Ethical Analysis of Whistleblowing

    convictions are that Dr. Chopra and his team acted ethically in coming out with the truth to help safeguard and protect the health of fellow Canadians. This will be demonstrated through the lens of four moral theories namely, Aristotle’s virtue ethics, deontology and Kantian ethics, utilitarian ethics. The advantages and disadvantages of each school of thought will be presented, followed by a discussion of Dr. Chopra’s whistle blowing according to each philosophy. Aristotle’s virtue ethics stems from the

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