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Comparing Dementia And Alzheimer's Case Study

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In this paper I argue that taking early screening test for diseases such as Dementia is a better approach than waiting for symptoms to occur. I begin by discussing what Kantian deontology is and the three formulations of Kant’s categorical imperatives before applying it to the case. I then weigh both sides of the argument before proving using Kantian theory my argument in addressing the dilemma in the case.
Deontology is a kind of normative ethics wherein the moral rightness of an action is based on the adherence of duty or obligation (Alexander & Moore). The concept of deontology is in opposition against consequentialism in which the moral rightness or wrongness of an action depends on the consequences. Among philosophers, Immanuel Kant is …show more content…
Myrna argues that early detection of such disease is a good idea mainly because a patient and his/her family can appropriately plan and make decisions for the present and the future. Furthermore, she added that this will also be beneficial for the medical community not just the patient and family. On the other hand, Bong thinks otherwise and disagrees with Myrna. He thinks that knowing early destroys the lives of the patient or disrupts their present lives. Moreover, Bong says that it feels more lost by knowing early even without experiencing the symptoms of the said disease. The issue involving the case is on how should we approach detection of diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease for patients who are breadwinners or have important responsibilities towards their family …show more content…
According to Alzheimer’s Association, early detection of can give you the maximum benefit from available treatment. It is true that there is no cure yet for Alzheimer’s but there are available treatments or medicines that can help delay the worsening symptoms. Medicine such as Cholineterase inhibitors and memantine are among the medicines which are used for medication for memory loss. In other words, medication can help the patient maintain a level of independence longer, giving the patient an extended capacity for autonomy. As a result, patients will experience longer autonomy to decide on how to live their lives while their still healthy or his brain is still functioning well. The aim is not only to extend autonomy of the person but also promote the well-being of people who might have Dementia in the future by through advancement in medicine. In this way we can at least little by little realize the kingdom of

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