and Its Background Introduction There are many students and even some young professionals that are addicted to DotA. This is one of the computer games that can be played by many players and is one of the most popular games to young students. Many students get addicted to this game and they even spend long hours inside the computer shop just to play the game. There are studies that getting addicted in playing computer games affects their studies and this is the cause why they are lying to their
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THE Effects of THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PANTAWID PAMILYANG PILIPINO PROGRAM (4P’S) on the economic status OF THE THIRTY (30) BENEFICIARIES OF BARANGAY LATI, BALINDONG, LANAO DEL SUR CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM A. Rationale Poverty has been a problem in the Philippines since time immemorial. Unfortunately, the number of Filipinos suffering from the aforementioned social problem is increasing every year. This is in spite of the poverty alleviation interventions being implemented by the government and
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Introduction Today’s college sex scene is often depicted in media headlines and academic studies as a plague pinning the millennial generation at its core of iniquity. However, a recent study on the “hookup culture,” demonstrated that the chief change in sexual habits for Generation Y is not the amount of sex contemporary college students are having, but the context in which they are choosing to have sex (Monto and Carey 2014). According to this 2014 study, college students are increasingly feeling
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San Beda College Manila College of Arts and Sciences “Fraternities: Its effects towards the academics, intrapersonal, and social status of Bedans” (A course requirement in ENG04) Dr. Nerissa M. Revilla Bajacan, Karla Mae S. Emplica, Kevin TJ A. Nieva, Jason C. Sia Reyes, Giuseppe Arvin S. 3AFM July 9, 2014 Date: July 8, 2014 Dear Respondent, We are Bedan students from the Department of Legal Management and Financial Management. We would like to know your opinion about Fraternities:
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technology habits of young people have changed dramatically over the past decade, thus, making it more difficult to market to this segment in the traditional way. The following study attempts to shed light on the behaviors and attitudes of young consumers, and how they interact in the digital world. The report discussing young consumers, ages 14 to 28 years old, presented a descriptive study based on the hypotheses that there is no difference between high school aged students and college aged student
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AMONG FEMALE COLLEGE STUDENTS “Do Female College Students Eat More than Male College Students when Stressed?” Maxine Mempin and Tresha Mae Torino University of San Carlos, Talamban Campus Cebu City, Philippines Abstract College has been found to be stressful for many young adults (Pierceall and Keim, 2007). This study examines the relationship between academic stress and compulsive eating of college students in the various universities/collages in Cebu City, Philippines. Students (male and
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a person is in college is proven to be one of the most stressful eras in someone’s life. A study was done in 2009 concerning the cause and effects of stress. “The purpose of this study was to identify lifestyle habits and coping strategies that may be significantly associated with high or low stress tolerance among millennial college students.”(pg.362) There were different methods the professors used to test their purpose. Some of the stated causes of stress on college students were moving away
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deprivation that affect all ages are drowsy driving, snoring, and decreased performance. Statistics show that “twenty percent of all serious car crash injuries in the general population are associated with driver sleepiness, independent of alcohol effects (Wickboldt et al., p4).” Teens are already known for their reckless driving, but most will not believe that the underlying problem is due to a lack of sleep. Most of these symptoms are usually unnoticed because it has become prevalent in the American
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Abstract This paper will look into one of the most commonly used and sought for drugs found on college campuses in the world today. Adderall and other forms of the “smart drug” have become more and more popular when it comes to students and young professionals trying to get an advantage. It will discuss both the positive and negative side effects of taking these smart pills along with the specific affects/reasons for ingesting them whether they are prescribed or not. Introduction Adderall,
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hero” context or his site. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The foregoing study is about the influence of playing computer games to the students above 16 yrs. old, specifically the researchers tried to find out the answers to the following problems: 1. Is there a positive effect in playing DOTA? 2. How does DOTA affect the performance of a student? 3. Are they aware of what it can do to them? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Nowadays, DOTA game is one of the most popular games here in our
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