...analyzing the marketing strategies of these two countries and compare them with Western-based consumption marketers. It has been projected that in the near future the youth in China is going to be the main part of consumer spending in that country alone. The current population of the People’s Republic of China is estimated to be about 1,390,510,630. China’s population makes up around 19.3% of the world’s population (World Population Statistics, 2014). According to The Hindu (2014), the population in the age-group of 15-34 increased from 353 million in 2001 to 430 million in 2011. Every third person in an Indian city today is a youth (Shivakumar, 2014). The most significant component to successful marketing is to gain the loyalty of the youth. Today’s consumers relate to brands that help define who they are and who they will like to be in the future. The youth in China are now deciding what they want for their own lives. In the past, their parents and elders were deciding and choosing what was best for them. The families did not have much money. Unlike the youths in the U.S., the youths in China are more focused on more of what they need. They want to figure themselves out and define who they are. They are finding more way to individualize themselves and be unique. Most consumers under the age of 28 are...
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...Keepers of your Urban Youth: Opportunities to meet the needs of Low-Income Youth Communities Alison Lazarus If you've ever happen to attend or stumbled upon a youth recital of any sort, you know that this is where all things grand begin. Give young people an opportunity to showcase their talents, and they will welcome their creativity as they showcase their hard earned work. Studies show that when the youth engage in out- of-school programs, it enables them to embark on their imagination, build skills, learn cooperation, confidence, persistence, empathy for others, as well as create social bonds that are lifelong. Journal of Adolescent Health declares that about 14 million children and adolescents regularly spend after-school time without adult supervision, with approximately 4 million of these being 13- and 14-year-olds. Research has shown that unsupervised out-of-school time is associated with various negative youth outcomes such as diminished academic and behavioral functioning and involvement in risky behaviors, including criminal behavior and substance use. And still, low income communities face numerous barriers to access meaningful afterschool programs. After all, the out-of-school alternative private lessons are often not of fordable for many parents in low income communities. To add insult to injury, the public schools have removed a substantial number of arts program from its curriculum, leaving many urban youths disengaged with the community. When...
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...nations, targeted at the younger consumer. With both nations' emergence into the global market, the reality is that young people are using their consumer power as purchasers of material goods in an intense manner. The youth market is seeking some type of identity. One can find that young people in both nations are looking for individual expression and the ability to live a life that is in accordance with their own notions of the good and not something that is externally dictated to them. “Status and luxury are important goals for China’s consumers, especially for the youth” (Forbes, 2011). While many companies are struggling in China, some have found a path to success. An consulting company in China uses its strengths of networking and social media to successfully navigate the complexities of China’s youth. While the youth market is a difficult target, the Chinese youth market poses additional challenges for companies attempting to enter China. An important segment, Chinese youths have both the desire and means to spend. Disposable income is growing for younger and urban households, and the younger Chinese tend to spend more than save. With rising income levels, the youth are able to afford more diverse and discerning tastes in their purchases. “The Chinese youth are interested in expressing their identity through personal choice. This desire to separate and differentiate makes the youth market a broad and diverse demographic” (Fobes, 2011).For young people in both nations, being...
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...Age >20K | In % | In Million | Youth | 0.05 | 4 | Young | 0.19 | 15.2 | Middle | 0.25 | 20 | Senior | 0.36 | 28.8 | Elderly | 0.15 | 12 | Situational Analysis: Consumer Market | | In million | Total Households | 100 | Present Market Sales | 15 | Projected Mkt Sales Over 10 Years with Mrktng Activities | 40 | | | Market % Growth over year | 11.5 | Age | Youth | 15-24 | Young | 25-34 | Middle | 35-44 | Senior | 45-64 | Elderly | 65+ | Potential Segments | Age | Income | Household | >10 | >20K | Households With Children | <35 | | | | | | In Million | Total Households | 100 | Percentage of Households > 20K | 80 | Percentage of Households <20K | 20 | Households Types | Non family | Family With Children | Family Without Children | Age Group | In % | In Millions | Age Group | In % | In Millions | Age Group | In % | In Millions | Youth | 0.04 | 1.14 | Youth | 0.06 | 1.14 | Youth | 0.06 | 1.71 | Young | 0.14 | 3.4 | Young | 0.29 | 7.2 | Young | 0.18 | 4.4 | Middle | 0.15 | 3.7 | Middle | 0.43 | 10.6 | Middle | 0.23 | 5.6 | Senior | 0.29 | 10 | Senior | 0.22 | 7.6 | Senior | 0.32 | 11.1 | Elderly | 0.38 | 7.7 | Elderly | 0 | 0 | Elderly | 0.21 | 4.2 | Segment Vs Purchase Profile by Household type | | Youth | Sports | Standard | Youth | 0.2 | 0.18 | 0.07 | Young | 0.27 | 0.56 | 0.53 | Middle Age | 0.51 | 0.15 | 0.3 | Senior | 0.02 | 0.11 | 0.1 | Characteristics...
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...Effect of Technology on the Young Generation Name University In today`s world, the development of the younger generation is greatly affected by digitization. Technology changes the experience of childhood not only socially but also in both economical and cultural aspects. Technology has the greatest influence on the world today, and we are constantly surrounded by it and life will almost be impossible without it (Davies, 2010). In the below summary, I have outlined briefly how the media has changed the lives of the young generation: The article basically outlines the social, economic and cultural changes that have come about due to digitization. The media is so much engrossed in our lives that it would be impossible for our young generation to survive in its absence. The internet, video and television dictate the morals, cultures and characters the young pick up as they grow up. There are some economic aspects of change brought about by the digital age. In today’s era, Children seem to be staying younger longer. This creates financial dependence which is worsened by the stagnating youth labor market and consequently leading to delayed entrance into adulthood. In addition, there has been tremendous rise in the spending power. The main concern here is not only on the money young people spend but their influence on family decision concerning expenditure and how they might be incorporated into consumer life. The spending power...
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...Notes Describe (EXPLAIN) how political, legal and social factors are impacting (BRINGS ABOUT CHANGE/INFLUENCE) upon the business activities of the selected organisations (SAINSBURYS AND BRC) and their stakeholders( PEOPLE OR GROUPS WITH AN INTEREST IN A BUSINESS) INTERNAL STAKE – EMPLOYEES, VOLUNTEERS. EXTERNAL (CUSTOMER, LOCAL, GOVT, LOCAL COUNCIL. ( A Written Report - Maximum of 800 words) Analyse (ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES. INVESTIGATE) how political, legal and social factors have impacted on the two contrasting (OPP COMPANIES) organisations. ( A Written Report - Maximum of 800 words) Political Factors * Immigration (definition) – govt want to restrict amount of imms coming in. reducing immigration in sainsbury’s will mean they’ll have less choice of food. No diversity. SKILLS Impact. * BR RED CROSS – work with refugees. They need people who speak a particular language so this might restrict skills. Diversity. People from certain countries not allowed in. Benefit payments * Less people on benefits, more in employment. If they’re reducing benefit payments those who shop in sainsbury’s will have less to spend. – sainsbury’s * BRC, less people on benefit – more people to work however, more people in trouble if benefits are being cut they will need more help from charity. Brc will have more work on their hands. Reducing companies debt/ cutting back on govt spending * GOVT They do help business like sainsburys set up business to support places with...
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...Theories CJS/240 Sunday Septemeber11th, 2011 Individual Theories There are so many reason why young people commit crimes in today’s society whereas others strive to excel. Many of these reasons tend to vary depending on the home that the youth grew up in or around, or even how smart or challenged the youth is, however; all of these factors are caused by different settings , and consequences or punishments need to be put into place to keep the youth from becoming a criminal. Just because a youth has grown up in poor situations or circumstances there is no reason for the youth to become a criminal because of their history. There are so many theories that are put into place to fit each reason or excuse that a young person gives as to why a crime or criminal act is attempted or committed. According to the routine activities theory a young person will commit a crime if they know that the opportunity is there. A teen might be aware that there is a home that is easy to get into because there are not police officers around, and it would be a way for them to obtain some cash since they are broke and need to come up with money quick. The idea of this theory is that since a teenager realizes that his or her needs fit the opportunity that has become available to them that they will commit the crime. I seriously believe that this theory has completely forgot that just because a young person does not have a lot of supervision, and could have some poor initial morals, that they see the...
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...APPRECIATION One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed the first interview the director called for the last interview and made a lasting decision. The director discovered from the CV that the youth's academic achievements were excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, never had a year when he did not score. The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarships in school?" the youth answered "none" The director asked, "Was it your father who paid for your school fees?" The youth answered, "My father passed away when I was one year old, it was my mother who paid for my school fees. The director asked "Where did your mother work?" The youth answered, "My mother worked as clothes cleaner. The director requested the youth to show his hands. The youth showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect. The director asked," Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?" The youth answered, "Never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books. Furthermore, my mother can wash clothes faster than me. The director said, "I have a request. When you go back today, go and clean your mother's hands, and then see me tomorrow morning. The youth felt that his chance of landing the job was high. When he went back, he happily requested his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings, she showed her hands to the kid. The youth...
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...other pleasures except sport and it occasions more health and social problems than it seems. Being an expensive short-lasting fashion, exercises make people forget about everything except their beauty, even their own death does not matter anymore. They train the bodies but neglect the minds. According to the author it’s better to be a couch potato but not a self-righteous young person with rippling muscles. The title of the article reflects the contents of the article in full measure: one is bound to train not to have cellulite, one is bound to train to follow the fashion, one is bound to train to come to term with oneself, and finally, one is bound to train to be healthy. As the article is written in ironic way it is quite easy to read but the real sense is caught only by the end. It makes the reader understand that he/she is either a silly “hunk” or a lazy “potato”. The passage is written in a very chatty informal publicistic style to draw reader’s attention, to persuade them to get the author’s point of view and to entertain them. It is chosen for the target audience who consists of young people. The title ‘Muscle binds’ contains an oxymoron as the word ‘muscle’ has a positive connotation and is associated with health and the word ‘binds’ is negatively connotated, its meaning is ‘tightened’. At the very beginning the readers swallow the bait that makes it easier to convince them of the truth of the author’s words. The vocabulary is emotionally coloured (‘oldsters’...
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...thought was that watching young people surely could not generate an entire four-page report. You see, I have never taken an interest in watching people that I did not have any direct contact with. I took the escalator down to the first level and I ordered some Chinese food and a diet coke. I found an empty table and proceeded to let the observation begin. Much to my surprise, I began to pay close attention to a group of very young white kids at a table about three rows up from where I was sitting. The first thing I noticed about them is that they each had body piercings and tattoos covered most of their arms. I wondered how they would feel about the dramatic body art they were advertising in about twenty years from now. Next, I saw two young white boys sporting blonde spiked Mohawk hairstyles standing around just outside a video game store. They appeared to be staring very intently at something on the back of one of the games that they each had purchased. This only lasted as long as it took for them to notice three young black girls, who could not have been more then thirteen or fourteen at the most, as they walked by. These girls wore the most revealing and tight little shorts I think I have ever seen on anyone before. When the girls saw that the boys were looking at them, surprisingly, they seemed to get offended. I wondered why since they were showing off everything that should be left to the imagination. Lastly I noticed a smaller group of young girls, maybe thirteen, they...
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...A) Manuscript Ladies and gentlemen… 2 days ago we all sat in our living room and watch TV. We all saw the news, where the focus was all the riots, about how they were destroying the shops, we all wonder, why? In my opinion it is unemployment – the youth are bored and disillusioned. Cause the percent for unemployed in UK is going down, and for that the young people without job are now saying stop, they want more jobs, and so they can earn money to live for and to provide their family. The prime minister says that there is something wrong with our society in UK. But how do we know that the young people not only are doing this for the free stuff and money, but for the chance to prove their government wrong about their statement. It is the young unemployed people that started the riots. If we ask our society what cause the problem we will answer: The kill of Marc Duggan, who is a young man who was shoot by the police without any reason of his death, this touch a lot of the people in UK. It started with this peaceful protest, but it took over. The people who were on the streets had nothing to do with the killing of Mark Duggan. It is the people that not have money to provide for themselves and their families, to take an education and after getting a good job, that are among the riots. The schools in UK are costing too much, and that’s results that many youth not going. This is of cause an important factor, but it is not the only reason, it is a combination...
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...Young problems. When you leave school you understand that the time of your independence life and the beginning of a far more serious examination of your abilities and character has come. You also understand that from now you’ll have to do everything yourself, and to “fight” with everybody around you for better life. The first problem that young people meet is to choose their future profession, it means that they have to choose the future of their life. It’s not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. You know children have a lot of dreams about their future : to become a superman or a policeman or a doctor … It’s very easy they think, but when they become older and see real world they understand that in all professions need to know perfectly about what you do, you must be well-educated and well-informed. That’s why I think it’s very important to have a good education at school. And if you work hard everything will be OK. Another problem of young people is drugs. This is a relatively new problem but it is becoming more and more dangerous. Million young people today are using drugs, and most of them will die. Usually they want just to try it , then again and again … and after year may be two years they will die . It is true. Because there are no medicine to help you. That’s why never do it, if you do - it goes bad, very bad. I think that police must work hard to protect young people from drugs. Because drugs will kill our young generation and our future will...
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...special focus on young people is a crucial investment not only for today but also for the future. In the Caribbean, youth between the ages 10 and 24 comprise 28% of the overall population. Many of the social challenges in the Caribbean directly affect young people, and young people need to play a stronger role in finding the solutions to addressing these, areas such as HIV and AIDS, migration and youth violence. Youth in the Red Cross add value to the development of humanitarian action at the community level with regard to prevention, education and care of vulnerable groups. They represent a huge untapped resource. Red Cross in the Caribbean is currently undergoing a process of strengthening youth volunteering in the region by developing a better understanding of the emerging roles of young people in Caribbean National Societies and Overseas Branches to help support NSs/OSBs to meet the following Inter-American Objectives and the Framework for Action as it relates to youth: Objective 9: Promote leaders with clear strategic vision, encouraging and leading the internal changes and innovations needed to implement the Global Agenda. Objective 13: Promote active Red Cross youth and initiatives in favour of young people, ensuring effective participation in the institutional life of the National Societies. In their multiple role as contributors- and acknowledging their skills as innovators, inter-cultural ambassadors and peer-to-peer facilitators - young people are educated...
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...homogeneous place to live in. We have become like strangers living in a place that does not accept the fact that we are a part of it; neither do we want to accept this...In other words, only a few people fulfil their responsibilities, which is very sorrowful. Protecting the environment has to be something that we all care about. Concerning our responsibilities towards each others, I hope we stick to love and sacrifice as long as we live and try to make them the main theme of our lives. Thirdly, I wish that all societies accept their pros and cons and try to benefit from everything they have, no matter how difficult and bad things may turn out to be. Hopefully, this should be accompanied by appreciation for the talents and abilities of young people. Age should never control one's activities, especially if this one is really gifted and special among the society. In addition, respect...
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...Module Title: Voluntary Initiative Assignment Title: Voluntary Experience Voluntary Placement Introduction Leys Youth Programme The Leys Youth Programme is a youth mentoring charity working with more than 400 young people in Blackbird Leys, the most deprived area of Oxfordshire. Leys youth sees real success in combining activity-based clubs with mentoring to tackle educational underachievement, making a difference in many young lives. The Leys Youth Programme started in 1999 when two local residents living in the Blackbird Leys and Greater Leys estates in Oxford were approached by a local housing association and asked to start a football club for young people. They teamed up with other volunteers and received financial support from the Oxford Community Church and the Leys Community Church. The Leys Youth club is always looking for Volunteers to help support work with the young people, across Oxfordshire, people who are interested in helping out the club or gain further skills to enhance their personal development they are always welcomed with the club. The Youth Club offers a calendar of training courses for its youths and other organizations working with childrens and young people across Oxfordshire, courses include safeguarding, emergency first aid and introduction to youth work. Reflection of Voluntary work and its value in modern day society Volunteering is work experience with the additional benefit that it demonstrates initiative and commitment...
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