...Delinquency Deterrence Response Julieanith Rodriguez CJS/140 9/27/15 Rani Moore Delinquency Deterrence Response The threat of punishment does deter juvenile delinquency, it just a matter of finding the right techniques and convincing juveniles that if they are found committing any criminal activities they will be punished severely. Crime deterrence is very important, finding ways to stop juveniles from participating in criminal activities before the crime happens. Making it so difficult that it would not be even worth to try. According to Siegel (2005), general deterrence holds that the choice to commit delinquent acts can be controlled by the threat of punishment. Finding ways to convince adolescents that if they participate in any criminal activities they will be punished is the key to deter crime. Juveniles decide to commit crime because they feel like they can get away and nothing will happen. Specific deterrence holds that if young offenders are punished severely the experience will convince them not to repeat their illegal acts. Although this strategies seems to have a negative effect, most juveniles that are severely punished end up reoffending. It seems like the experience of punishment motivate some adolescent to reoffend. (Siegel, 2005). Situational crime prevention suggest that by convincing juveniles that their illegal activities are risky, that the gain is minimal and there are no chances of success they will choose not to commit crime. Basically...
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...Delinquency in America: 1 A Search to Find Solutions to Delinquency in America Richard Micheal Stanford Criminal Justice 230 Delinquency in America: 2 Introduction A Search to Find Solutions to Delinquency in America In this paper, some of the factors that go into some of the things that happen in the lives of youth today will be examined. It will also look at what impact family and community have on youth and the morals of society. Together we can find possible solutions to drastically reduce delilnquency. Delinquency in America: 3 Family Structure, Life, and Involvement There is a rise in delinquency and a blatant lack of respect from the youth of today. This increase has been caused by a significant shift in the family dynamic since the 1950’s and 1960’s, today’s constantly changing society, the devaluation of morals in society, and desensitization caused by media and entertainment. As sad as it may be, this is the way things are today. When one thinks of the traditional American family they picture something like the Cleavers from Leave it to Beaver or the Cunninghams from Happy Days. The father would go to work all day and come home to dinner on the table. The mother would do her own equally important work keeping the household together daily. Children even had their duties; they would go to school, play some kind of sport, play in the neighborhood until dinner and just be kids. Let’s look at the role the father played fifty to sixty years ago. For the...
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...Juvenile Delinquency Youth Violence in schools and outside of schools is an issue that is damaging the whole world. It is not something that is happening recently it is happening for a long period of time, and we as the parents are the one that have to find the way on how to help our teenagers, as well as the family members, friends, and the teachers too and one of the ways is by knowing the causes of why so many youth end up in juvenile delinquency. Based on an Article back on 1999, students between the ages of 12 and 18 approximately 186,000 where victims of violence crime in school and 476,000 while away from school (National Center for Educational Statistics 2001). That is a situation that should have not be acceptable, one of the biggest causes of Juvenile Delinquency is the lack of attention that parents give to their children. There are parents who give poor directions to children, fail to structure their behavior and do not reward or punish appropriately. “…our prediction was that the highest levels of antisocial behavior would occur where poor attachment between parent and child was combined with poor controls.” (Hoge, Andrews, and Leschied, 1994, p. 547). Two other causes are a child being abuse physically and mentally at an early age, and low self-esteem. There are many much factors and causes that if we all take in consideration and with the help of the government we can help our youth to children of good and grow with being descent. References Sharon Mandel Ilanna...
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...STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM What are the causes and consequences of juvenile delinquency? REASON FOR SELECTING AREA OF RESEARCH The researcher has been residing in the community of Dunsinane for a number of years. During this time the researcher has observed the damaging effects of juvenile delinquency on the social and economical development of said community. The researcher has decided to conduct a research to gain insight into the causes and effects of juvenile delinquency and also to find ways to deal with this social problem, as well as to find solutions that will eventually help in eliminating this problem. METHOD OF INVESTIGATION In order to collect accurate and concise data for the study the researcher, Cassandra Gordon has decided to use printed questionnaires. There are a number of advantages in using this method; some of these methods are that: • It requires less time to be completed. • It can be done at the convenience of the person required to have it completed. • It is highly confidential, as participants do not have to mark their names. • Questionnaires are very cost effective when compared to face-to-face interviews. • Questionnaires are easy to analyze, data entry and tabulation can be easily done with the use of questionnaires. • Questionnaires also reduce bias. There is uniform question presentation as the researcher’s own opinions will not influence the respondent to answer questions in a certain...
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...1. Assumptions we make lead us to the behavior we exhibit when explaining or reacting to Juvenile delinquency. Explain how these assumptions about human nature shape our explanations and reactions to juvenile delinquency. a) The assumption of juvenile delinquency in the 17th century was primarily focused on how human beings were characterized by reason, free will, and hedonism. This means that humans are basically selfish by nature. Every action they perform is only to benefit themselves. Life is about survival of the fittest and each person has the ability to reason and make his or her own decisions. So this assumption describes delinquency as a direct result of the actions performed in order to feed our naturally selfish human nature and will eventually lead to deviance, therefore punishment will occur. b) The modernistic approach to delinquency focuses on the fact that human beings are products of forces over which they have no control. Science, including biological, psychological and even geographical forces all shape a person’s tendency to deviate. So with that thought in mind, a modernist would describe the reason why juveniles’ deviate is because they are psychologically “odd”. So this assumption says delinquency is a result of a child who was basically “wired” wrong and essentially abnormal. c) The post-modernistic assumption says that the struggles of everyday life cause deviant behavior. The environment a person is brought up in, their individual knowledge of the...
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...2015 Richard Samante Prof. Martinez 2015 Richard Samante Prof. Martinez Juvenile Delinquency in Manila Juvenile Delinquency in Manila CR-21 CR-21 CHAPTER I Introduction A. Background of the study Delinquents is from the legislatic point of view the minors committing criminal act are not called criminals but delinquents. The persons under eighteen who commit violations of law are called delinquents. The penal codes of almost all the civilized nations make special provisions for the treatment of delinquents in law courts. There is a consensus among criminologists that delinquents should be reformed rather than punished. Earlier, it was mentioned that, throughout most of the world, juvenile offending has been recognized for hundreds of years. It would be logical to wonder exactly how juvenile offenders in historical times were handled. For one thing, as indicated earlier, there were, however, juvenile institutions and other procedures for handling juveniles that were created in America during the 19th (Roseheim et al. 2002). Historical accounts of the development of the juvenile justice system throughout the world indicate that before separate institutions and proceedings for juveniles were established in the 19th, juveniles were often treated as if they were small adults. Even children of royal families in England, for example, were exposed to adult situations, such as sexual activity among adults, and were thought to be ready for adult roles in society if they...
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...Juvenile Delinquency Sabrina Porchia University of Phoenix August 20, 2012 Today the legal attitude toward the juvenile lawbreaker is that a child too young to be able properly to distinguish between right and wrong or fully to appreciate the nature of his acts ought not to be criminally responsible for what he does or fails to do. Juvenile delinquents account for a great number of the illegal acts committed in the United States, especially those that involve taking another's belongings. Many juvenile delinquents break the law repeatedly. Delinquents come from both well-to-do families and poor families, and almost as many arrests are made in rural communities as in cities and their suburbs Children often test the limits and boundaries set by their parents and authority figures, a few of those children though, consistently participate in problematic behaviors that affect their family and social functioning—delinquency is a legal term for criminal behavior carried out by a juvenile and is often the result of escalating problematic behavior. To avoid the lasting stigma of criminality, the term delinquent, rather than criminal, began to be applied to young adjudicated offenders (Loeber & Hay 1994). From a juvenile justice perspective delinquent behavior is divided into two categories: “status” offenses and “delinquency” offenses. Status offenses are the acts which would not be considered offenses if committed by an adult such as truancy or running away. Delinquency offenses...
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...Juvenile Delinquent Albert Stuckey AIU Online Abstract This paper is a definition essay that defines the term juvenile delinquent. Juvenile delinquent is a person who’s under the legal age of 18 and breaks the law. This essay will give the reader in detailed information regarding the term juvenile delinquent. Juvenile Delinquent Juvenile delinquency is a term that basically means a person under the age of 18 years old (or age set by state officials) that commits that act of breaking the law. In many courts the punishment for committing a crime while under the age of 18 doesn’t sound too bad to some people. In some cases the crime in which the juvenile commit can lead to the youth being charged as an adult. Neglect Definition: To pay no attention or too little attention to a child’s basic needs from a parent or guardian. Unpredictability: not knowing what behavior will lead to a physical assault. The child is always walking on thin ice without knowing the rules or guidelines. The angrier the parent, the more severe the abuse, the abuser believes to have control they need to put fear in the child. Delinquency is a child who is beyond a parent(s) control and shows signs of being antisocial is label as a juvenile delinquent, and is subject to legal action. http://www.yourdictionary.com/antisocial Juvenile delinquent is a person who’s under the age 18. This person is found to have committed a crime in states which have declared by law that a minor lacks responsibility...
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...Juvenile Delinquency Youth Violence in schools and outside of schools is an issue that is damaging the whole world. It is not something that is happening recently it is happening for a long period of time, and we as the parents are the one that have to find the way on how to help our teenagers, as well as the family members, friends, and the teachers too and one of the ways is by knowing the causes of why so many youth end up in juvenile delinquency. Based on an Article back on 1999, students between the ages of 12 and 18 approximately 186,000 where victims of violence crime in school and 476,000 while away from school (National Center for Educational Statistics 2001). That is a situation that should have not be acceptable, one of the biggest causes of Juvenile Delinquency is the lack of attention that parents give to their children. There are parents who give poor directions to children, fail to structure their behavior and do not reward or punish appropriately. “…our prediction was that the highest levels of antisocial behavior would occur where poor attachment between parent and child was combined with poor controls.” (Hoge, Andrews, and Leschied, 1994, p. 547). Two other causes are a child being abuse physically and mentally at an early age, and low self-esteem. There are many much factors and causes that if we all take in consideration and with the help of the government we can help our youth to children of good and grow with being...
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...Juvenile Delinquency Children all have an individual to look up to or some sort of interest that can help shape them into who they may become. Children are not born hating the world or hating their surroundings. Situations proposed to young individuals will have an extreme impact on their learning experiences. Juvenile delinquents are typically made, usually come from an already bumpy and problematic background. Juvenile delinquents are a person under the age of 18, which is classified as a juvenile, has committed a crime and the state will declare the minor has lack of responsibility. This person will not be tried as an adult in the court of law. If a young person has now found himself or herself in the justice system there are many opportunities to turn their lives around. Many program are offered, in class and online to have the youth understand the seriousness of crimes and what this unfortunate path leads to. Prevention classes help the young into making more mature and correct decisions for their future as a member of society. Family structure is important for all people of society. A study in 2011 from The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University stated “simply having dinner together as a family, five to seven times each week, substantially lowers your child’s risk of experimenting with drugs, including using tobacco, alcohol and marijuana.” Keeping individuals involved in positive environments is a major key to the right path....
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...Delinquency Deterrence Response Rupert Pulliam CJS/240 July 24, 2014 William Fuller Delinquency Deterrence Response Some juveniles are not deterred by punishment when continuously committing crimes. However, I think it depends on the individual. Some juveniles become a victim of their circumstances, for example when he or she is released from prison if that behavior, people, and places do not change then that individual will continue to get into trouble. In addition that individual has to want to change, he or she has to change their thought process. Also if that individual does not have a good support system when transition from prison to home, he or she will more than likely get back into trouble, he or she may feel as if no one cares anyway. General deterrence is based on the fear of punishment, if a juvenile delinquent fears a long prison sentence, then he or she may decide not to commit the crime. However, General deterrence do not stop some juveniles because they know, they will not receive a harsh sentence. Specific deterrence is based upon moving criminals to s a secure facility so that the punishment is so harsh the criminal would not want to commit a crime once released. Situational Crime Prevention is aimed at reducing criminal opportunities. Speaking from experience, this does not work well at deterring criminal activity either. Chicago, Illinois has installed video surveillance cameras in high crimes area of Chicago and for the last 3 years Chicago has been...
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...There is no doubt that various studies and experts can give many theories as to the cause(s) of juvenile delinquency. Many of these causes include economic background and status, influence of peer (groups), repeated exposure to violence inside and outside of the home, images portrayed in the media and the easy access to firearms. Although all of these matters, alone or combined, can turn any child into a juvenile delinquent, parenting is one of the primary causes. Parents are live-in examples for juveniles whom learn by example. There are other sources children can be influenced by, but parents are the most important source simply because they are the primary caregivers, role models and first leading examples for children. Families are one of the strongest socializing forces in life. The images parents and family members portray determine what young children learn to be right or wrong and take as lifelong morals and standards. Parents and family life have a great deal of influence over children and basically mold and shape them into adults. Many if not all parents know that parenting is a complex task with no easy answers or solutions. No child comes with an owner’s manual or parenting tips on how to raise children. Parents learn how to raise their children from how they were raised and things they have experienced in life. Parents with more than one child learn from the way they raised their previous children. Parenting is like trial and error, trying different...
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...Abstract This essay identifies some of the factors that contribute to teenage delinquency. Many experts disagree on the fundamental ideas about the causes of teen violence. There has been long lasting disagreements surrounding the Nature Vs Nurture controversy. Nature refers to the idea that teenage delinquents are born naturally violent as a result of genetic disorders, it is assumed that the genes an individual has inherited makes some teens behave violently. Nurture refers to the ways that people learn to behave violently as a result of their surroundings. The causes of teenage delinquency are greatly based on nurture due to the juvenile youth experiencing or witnessing parental violence in the home, living in a violent neighbourhood and witnessing violence in the media. Teen violence is a growing epidemic that is increasing rapidly and the negative behaviours of teens can result in crimes murders, rape, robbery and threaten an individual with physical harm. Teenage Delinquency is the product of nurture. A person’s upbringing can be negatively influenced by the socialization agents’ family, peers and media. Firstly, Family has a strong influence on the individual’s positive or delinquent behaviour. The absence of family resources may cause youth to engage in criminal behaviour. Families play an important role in the development of children; however when children are brought up with parents that are too harsh, children start disrespecting their parents...
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...Juvenile delinquency Raising children is no easy task. Especially if you are a single parent such as myself. My daughter is 16 years old and at risk. It is hard to play the role of both parents, but through various activities and sports after school helps to reduce the number of juvenile delinquents. Children need structure and rules. There are a couple of options in my home, The first option in my home is that my teens get involved in after school sports or an activity that will keep them busy. This gives them a chance to become part of a winning team with a support system to learn from and experience new things with. In addition, self esteem is another enrichment that comes from being a part of a team, it gives the kids a sense of self worth. Not only do they feel better and have a better image about themselves but they are part of a group and fit in. These activities are competitive and promote a positive image and thus attract peers and friends with similar qualities. My daughter is involved with soccer and the track team at Huntington Beach high school. With these two activities she has just enough time to eat do homework and then off to bed. If my kids choose not to become involved its okay, because option 2 comes into play . A list of choirs that should keep them busy until the next school year or two. Which incidently my kids hate. Without question I rarely have any problems with them electively choosing option 1. ...
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...Causation Study: Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency By Latoya Benn St. John’s University CRM 224 Dr. Zhou May 5, 2015 Abstract This paper will explore the Gluecks 1950 longitudinal study of 1000 delinquent and non-delinquent boys from a Life Course Criminology perspective. We will examined the issues of change and continuity over the life course. We will discuss the project’s creation and the main objective of the project. We will address the major elements of the project such as who participated in the project, year the project was conducted, the methodology used, how the data was collected, research questions the project could help answer, major findings, and strengths and weaknesses of the project. Background Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck investigated the results of various forms of correctional treatment over 15 years and found that juvenile courts and reformatories were ineffective. They believed that a better understanding of causation was essential for crime prevention and therapy, the present study (Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency) was planned to unravel the complex causes of delinquency. The main objective of the study was to uncover the causes of juvenile delinquency and adult criminality and in assessing the overall effectiveness of correctional treatment in preventing criminal careers. This project was a rather large project especially in the era that the study was done. The Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency study started in 1950 and subsequent follow-up...
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