Effects Of Online Gaming In The Studies Of The Students

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    IMPLICATIONS OF USING ONLINE REVIEW MATERIALS AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES IN THE PERFORMANCE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS REGARDING THEIR MAJOR SUBJECTS An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty Of the College of Business Administration and Accountancy Mabini College Daet, Camarines Norte In Partial Fulfilment Of the Requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy BINAOHAN, ARIANNE JOY V. DELOS SANTOS, DENVER S. DIPASUPIL,

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    See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235265707 Effects of mobile gaming patterns on learning outcomes: A literature review ARTICLE in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING · DECEMBER 2012 DOI: 10.1504/IJTEL.2012.051817 CITATIONS READS 7 995 3 AUTHORS: Birgit Schmitz Roland Klemke Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, Bonn Open Universiteit Nederland 23 PUBLICATIONS 41 CITATIONS

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    Games. [Online]. Retrieved on 29 October 2012 from http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/technology/2011/12/the-benefits-of-video-games/ ACEI. (n.d) . Childhood. [ Online ]. Retrieved on 8 November 2012 from http://www.acei.org/childhood.html Bates, C. (n.d). Fat Britain: Tackling the obesity epidemic. [Online]. Retrieved on 11 November 2012 from from online Brady, S. (2006). Video Game Violence Changes Attitudes in the Real World. [ Online ]. Retrieved on 19 November 2012 from ambik kat online Bushman

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    the first game to attract people’s attention. To win, you had to be the first to defeat your opponent in this virtual game of table tennis. Soon after, the video gaming industry began expanding at an unimaginable rate. It took only 30 years to develop this multimillion dollar industry. New technology is opening doors for more advanced gaming systems and the industry is always increasing. We have come from a virtual two-dimensional game of table tennis, to realistic graphics with an abundant amount of

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    Running Head: Online Game Addiction Perception of and Addiction to Online Games as a Function of Personality Traits Searle Huh University of Southern California and Nicholas David Bowman Michigan State University Online Publication Date: April 26, 2008 Journal of Media Psychology, V 13, No. 2, Spring, 2008 Abstract With the growing popularity of online video games, there have been anecdotal reports suggesting that these games are highly addictive, with some gamers spending

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    legalized, the demand for gaming increased along with it. With the relatively recent creation and advancement of the Internet, this demand was soon transferred to Americas quickest growing craze… Online gambling. Online gambling and its legality have caused a great deal of controversy in the recent past. The industry is so profitable and the demand is so high, that despite government acts to make it illegal, people still find their way around it. There are those that argue that online gambling should be

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    changing environment, technology is becoming more prevalent as the expected knowledge or common knowledge in all aspects of society. Some of the most noticeable aspects of society affected by technology are: schools (at all age levels), social life (both online and in person), and businesses (concerning the use of technology for normal operation). In theory, the groups of people most affected by the changing technological environment are children and young teens. According to Gerhard Lenski, the younger

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