Introduction Honda Motor Company, Ltd. is a Japanese public multinational corporation primarily known as a manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles. Honda has been the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer since 1959, as well as the world's largest manufacturer of internal combustion engines measured by volume, producing more than 14 million internal combustion engines each year. Honda surpassed Nissan in 2001 to become the second-largest Japanese automobile manufacturer. As of August 2008
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Available online at ScienceDirect Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 152 (2014) 852 – 855 ERPA 2014 Role of technology in accounting and e-accounting Aysel Güneya* a Bilecik Şeyh Edebali UniversityApplied Sciences Faculty, Bilecik, 11210, Turkey Abstract Technological developments changed methods for carrying out tasks within the scope of accounting activities and transactions related to accounting was started to being carried out through electronic
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%,%/,2*5$3+< Abila, R. O., and E. G. Jansen. 1997. From local to global markets: The fish exporting and fishmeal industries of Lake Victoria: Structure, strategies and socioeconomic impacts in Kenya. Socioeconomics of the Lake Victoria Fisheries No. 2. Nairobi: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), Eastern Africa Programme. Aerni, P. 2001. Aquatic resources and technology: Evolutionary, environmental, legal, and developmental aspects. Science, Technology and
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University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper Leading and Motivation ERASMUS STUDY: Academic Year: 2010-2011. Jesús Jiménez Rodriguéz: Jesús Medina Gonzalez: Universidad de Jaén Course: Strategic management Mentor: mag. Bojan Mevlja koper, November 5. Introduction Today the study of leadership and motivation are very important in the business world. The efficiency
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Word Count: 2453 KAM is a perfect example for micromarketing. (Barrett, 1986) Introduction: Key Account Management (popularly known as KAM) is an organizational form emphasizes partnerships and strategic alliances with customers and suppliers, and focus on relationship building through repetitive, rather than single, sales transactions. It involves the sales and marketing process like customer selection, customer satisfaction, channel management, relationship management, etc. in building
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1-Introduction: Founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who met in 1995 at Stanford University as Ph.D students, the two began collaborating in the following year on a search engrain referred to as “Backrub” which was a system that checks backlinks or estimate the importance of a web site. Backrub was operating on Stanford servers for more than a year. On September 15, 1997 was registered as a domain. ‘The name-a play on word “googol,” a mathematical term for the number represented by
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IRACST – International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management (IJCBM), ISSN: 2319–2828 Vol. 2, No.4, August 2013 FACTORS AFFECTING THE EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF TEXTILE INDUSTRY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES – A REVIEW OF LITERATURE Yoganandan.G & Jaganathan A.T Assistant Professor(s) in Management Studies K.S.R College of Arts and Science Tiruchengode, India Saravanan. R Director and Head, Department of Management Studies Sri Krishna College of Technology Coimbatore, India. SenthilKumar
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increase productivity for generations. Understanding what drives an employee and their happiness in the workplace is the critical task for managers and the success rate of the company. This paper describes why employees are unhappy at work, the effects of not being satisfied, what is needed to make employees happy and how supporting those employee needs will benefit the organization What is Employee Happiness, Does it Matter? Most people when they hear employee happiness they think about
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Executive Summary The world these days is continuously moving quick getting along a few progressions in our lives, society and many others. In other part associations do envelops from time to time those encounters which are for a few absurd and along these lines difficult to overcome new circumstances. Human capital management is the compelling utilization of HR in other to improve authoritative execution. This part in association is an awesome beginning stage, to effortlessly deal with the
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MBA-700 International Economics Abstract The choice to outsource is a major strategic decision not made lightly by companies in today’s global marketplace. Though it brings probable results of cost reduction, loss of control in your product or the quality of service rendered makes this a decision that should not be taken lightly. Though a concept decades old, outsourcing is a topic that brings out fervor in individuals fighting for or against it. It’s a debate centered on moral, economical, and political
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