Emotional Intelligence

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    Hochschild's Analysis

    (2003) concept of emotional labour. Critics have positively appraised and defended her thesis, where they argue that the concept is applicable and relevant in the workplace. However, many scholars have negatively evaluated her thesis by highlighting many

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    Academic Performace

    thirty (30) student assistants from the College of Education. who worked in school year 2011 - 2012. The main objective of the paper is to present the relationship between the academic performance of the respondents and their level of physical and emotional stress. Spefically, this paper aimed to present the following: I. Profile of the Respondents Table 1.1 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents in terms of their Gender Gender|Frequency|Percentage| Female|25|83.33| Male|5|16.67| Total|30|100|

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    Zero-Tolerance Managers

    “The most basic premise of learning in an organizational sense is the detection and correction of error” (Moss and Sanchez, 2004). The need to correct errors, among other things, can explain the importance of feedback, particularly the constructive type. Feedback is of utmost importance and not properly addressing issues related to it can lead to a feedback back gap. Once this gap is discovered it is necessary to determine appropriate managerial strategies to close it. The feedback gap results from

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    Competency Goal 3

    Goal 1: Isra will stabilize her mood and maintain her safety. Isra was observed in a pleasant mood when the QP met with her for the session. Isra listened as the QP shared how feelings are indicator of how situations in your life make you feel. Isra established that the boy in the story was angry, irritated and rejected. Isra acknowledged that is possible to experience more than one feeling at one time because she has experienced more than one feeling at once. Isra reflected on the boy going

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    Shankman's Chapter 2: Chapter Analysis

    comfort zone by accepting feedbacks and interactively reflect on them is an important quality of a leader. In the Chapter 3 of Shankman’s book, people will easily make the irrational decision if they let the immediate emotion controls over them. The emotional self perception requires people, especially leaders, to understand their emotion carefully and how emotion and situation interact with each other. In the Chapter 2 of Shankman’s book, it states that sometimes hearing the feedback is

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    experience something emotionally gratifying. This new gum will help adults retrieve some of their favorite memories so this will bring in customers that are looking to remember some things very vividly. Because many people will love this emotional aspect of the gum it will drive up sales. | Utilitarian Motivation: drive to acquire products that can be used to accomplish something. This gum will release some ADHD medicine so that students will be able to concentrate better

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    Favorite Brand (Toms)

    brand or a favorite brand is important. However, why it is so important is the key to being so successful. That brand has to speak to the consumer, reach out on an emotional level and keep the consumer coming back. “Brands deliver emotional connection to a business’ products and services. Most purchase decisions have critical emotional components” (Shoultz, 2015). For these reasons, we will discuss my favorite brand and its success, TOMS Shoe Company. TOMS TOMS Shoe Company is a unique and inspired

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    Emotionally Focused Couples Paper

    Paper BSHS/385 July 13, 2015 * Emotional focused therapy has been used as a emotion focused base with individuals, couples, or their families. This type of therapy is a short term session that usually last from 10-30 minutes that provides three states: exploration, clarification, and action stages. This type of emotional therapy is used so that emotions in the human body activated and help the client realize and change problematic emotional levels or self experiences that are not wanted

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    Locus Of Control Assessment

    The purpose of the Locus of Control and Multiple Intelligence assessment is to discover strengths and learning skills and specifically how you can apply this to crucial thinking I scored a five on the Locus of Control assessment, which means that I am an internal locus of control ("Locus of Control," n.d.). This means I rely on a person’s actions and efforts to rely on success, rather than outside influences or causes. The Multiple Intelligence Survey found key strengths in musical, nature, and

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    Emotions: Textbook Analysis

    Emotion in the textbook is defined as “the critical internal structure that orients us to, and engages us with, what matters in our lives: our feelings about ourselves and others.” I chose to analyze my emotional competence with my best friend, Charmaine. The category system for emotions provided four options to explore: active-negative, active-positive, passive-negative, and passive-positive. Looking into my friendship with Charmaine, I began with one of the features, valence. Valence is described

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