Human Resource Management, 12e (Dessler) Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Resource Management 1) The basic functions of the management process include all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) planning B) organizing C) outsourcing D) leading E) staffing Answer: C Explanation: The five basic functions of the management process include planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Outsourcing jobs may be an aspect of human resources, but it is not one of the primary management
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Human Resource Management, 12e (Dessler) Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Resource Management 1) The basic functions of the management process include all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) planning B) organizing C) outsourcing D) leading E) staffing Answer: C Explanation: The five basic functions of the management process include planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Outsourcing jobs may be an aspect of human resources, but it is not one of the primary management
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poor products, and slow service hurt business. Therefore, monitoring and testing to identify and correct these problems are considered to be sound management practices (Wright). However, the following will analyze privacy in the workplace from an ethical point of view using three workable theories: Kantianism, Act Utilitarianism, and Social Contract Theory. Privacy
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business practices to be arranged to contribute to the development of human rational and moral capacities” (the “positive freedom”)11. In this case the American manager refused to be coerced (forced to adopt the Italian tax-filing practice) and deceived (hiring a commercialista to represent the company and possibly ending up paying more tax than the company actually owes). The manager’s act is moral on
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salaries of the cast members. This would not be classified as an intellectual property legal issue. Intellectual property (IP) typically involves patents, trademarks, industrial design, copyrights and artistic work. Since it is much easier to prove that you own a physical object than it is to prove that you own an invention. In the contract dispute between CBS and the Simpsons it was more of an ethical issue that took place (CBS News, 2011). Disputes such as the dispute between CBS and the cast
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motivate attitudes and actions. Not all values are ethical values (integrity is; happiness is not). By these definitions ethics are determined by the group or individual and their personal standards. Which makes developing a set of ethical guidelines more difficult when it relates to businesses. Religious beliefs, education and even racial upbringing can influence what an individual sees as right and wrong. As such creating a set of ethical standards is hard unless it is based on a common point
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Rights Act of 1964. Affirmative action plan can be defined as plan that outlines the hiring and development policies such as recruitment, training, promotion and evaluations for employees belonging to for the minority or the protected groups within the organization. On the staffing plan highlights the hiring and selection policies for all the employees across the organization without any exceptions. The ethical dilemma faced by organizations who opt for affirmative action plan, is that, they might
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Ethical Principles and Organizational Issues Sidney Holsey ETH/316 February 23, 2014 Irma Flores-Brothers Ethical Principles and Organizational Issues Ethical principles and organizational issues are an area of the corporate world that successful businesses practice and adhere to on a regular basis. The significance is ever important as the growth and development of technology in continuous. Companies need to be conscious of ethical responsibilities of their products and decisions
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Ethics Issues Business ethics is doing business in good faith, and performing tasks without compromising morals, and always doing what is legal. Business Ethics is the “moral guidelines for the conduct of business based on notions of what is right, wrong and fair. Most business people rely upon their own consciences in making business decisions, falling back upon their own moral and religious backgrounds for guidance. However, business people are also affected by their superiors and immediate
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standards of ethics and professional behavior whereas immoral management is a complete disregard for ethical principles that imply an active opposition to ethical behavior. Amoral management lacks the moral awareness of being moral management, either intentionally or unintentionally, and pretends to be more focused on acting lawful not necessarily being lawful. The focus of this case is the ethical dilemma Nike is faced with because of their ongoing use of sweatshops to manufacture their shoes with
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