DICE AND PROBABILITY LAB Learning outcome: Upon completion, students will be able to… * Compute experimental and theoretical probabilities using basic laws of probability. Scoring/Grading Rubric: * Part 1: 5 points * Part 2: 5 points * Part 3: 22 points (2 per sum of 2-12) * Part 4: 5 points * Part 5: 5 points * Part 6: 38 points (4 per sum of 4-12, 2 per sum of 3) * Part 7: 10 points * Part 8: 10 points Introduction: While it is fairly simple to understand
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Euro Watch Company Report 1 ) The Euro Watch Company assembles expensive wristwatches and then sells them to retailers throughout Europe. The watches are assembled with two assembly lines with below specification: Line 1: Old equipment Less reliable Defect rate of 2% Capacity: 500 watches per hour Line 2: New equipment More reliable Defect rate of 1% Capacity: 500 watches per hour We need to find the smallest number of defected watches each line produces independently in a given hour
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Problems Question 1 #1 c only, Be sure to 1) identify all of the paths in the diagram and their lengths, 2) indicate which is the critical path, 3) work out the ES, EF, LS, LF for each activity, 4) what are the slack times for each activity? Solution Path | Expected Path Time | 1-2-5-12-16 | 44 | 1-3-6-13-16 | 39 | 1-3-7-14-16 | 41 | 1-4-8-9-10-11-15-16 | 35 | 1-4-8-10-11-15-16 | 38 | The critical path in this diagram is 44, that is 1-2-5-12-16 as the slack time is 0. Activity
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TIMED APPROACHES EXAMPLE (Controller) Greenwood Tower Jackson Low two inbounds. (Pseudo) Jackson Low Greenwood ready to copy (Controller) November six two one sierra romeo, Diamond fifty at one eight four eight, RNAV runway 36 approach. November seven nine two foxtrot golf, Beach fifty-eight at one eight five zero, RNAV runway 36 approach. (Pseudo) Copy two inbounds (initials) (Pseudo) Aero (Center SuperStar six two one sierra romeo, level at six thousand, estimating Sidon VORTAC one eight four
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a) Marketing concept Deutsche Lufthansa is the flag carrier of Germany and the largest airline in Europe in terms of overall passengers carried. The name of the company is derived from Luft (the German word for "air"), and Hansa (after Hanseatic League, the powerful medieval trading group). The airline is the world's fifth-largest airline in terms of overall passengers carried, operating services to 18 domestic destinations and 183 international destinations in 78 countries across
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Introduction A. Attention- Getter: Who hasn’t wondered, what is the purpose of life? 1. Who hasn’t thought to themselves, what will my life be like in the future? 2. Will I be happy? 3. What about my family and friends? 4. Have you ever wondered if you will be rich. B. Reason to Listen: Well what if I told you, there was an easy way to answer some of life’s most interesting questions. 1. That simple mathematically equations can decipher your fate. 2. That there is a
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Look at the words and expressions in italics, and then rearrange the letters in bold that follow each expression to make a word with the same or a similar meaning in the same context . 1. Help a customer. ssaits 2. Agree to do something. nnscoet 3. Make something clearer. aylrifc 4. Book a restaurant table. veerres 5. Control a process or activity. ergateul 6. Examine information in detail. alseyan 7. Collect information. tgaehr 8. Speak to an audience. rsedsad 9. Choose something. celeste
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KPMG 经典 24 题 The Classical 24 Numerical Reasoning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled powerstations is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputes 答案详解 1. E (28x200+25x100)/(100%-10%)=9000 2. C (20x250+16x300) x6%=588 8 3. B Permanent: 150 Temporary: 250 Region E (permanent: temporary)=3:2 Region SE Total: 400 (New) Permanent: 400x3/5=240 Temporary: 400x2/5=160
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1 1 以法莲山地的拉玛琐非有一个以法莲人,名叫以利加拿,是苏弗的玄孙,托户的曾孙,以利户的孙子,耶罗罕的儿子。 2 他有两个妻,一名哈拿,一名毗尼拿。毗尼拿有儿女,哈拿没有儿女。 3 这人每年从本城上到示罗,敬拜祭祀万军之耶和华。在那里有以利的两个儿子何弗尼,非尼哈当耶和华的祭司。 4 以利加拿每逢献祭的日子,将祭肉分给他的妻毗尼拿和毗尼拿所生的儿女。 5 给哈拿的却是双分,因为他爱哈拿。无奈耶和华不使哈拿生育。 6 毗尼拿见耶和华不使哈拿生育,就作她的对头,大大激动她,要使她生气。 7 每年上到耶和华殿的时候,以利加拿都以双分给哈拿。毗尼拿仍是激动她,以致她哭泣不吃饭。 8 她丈夫以利加拿对她说,哈拿阿,你为何哭泣,不吃饭,心里愁闷呢。有我不比十个儿子还好麽。 9 他们在示罗吃喝完了,哈拿就站起来。祭司以利在耶和华殿的门框旁边,坐在自己的位上。 10 哈拿心里愁苦,就痛痛哭泣,祈祷耶和华, 11 许愿说,万军之耶和华阿,你若垂顾婢女的苦情,眷念不忘婢女,赐我一个儿子,我必使他终身归与耶和华,不用剃头刀剃他的头。 12 哈拿在耶和华面前不住地祈祷,以利定睛看她的嘴。 13 原来哈拿心中默祷,只动嘴唇,不出声音,因此以利以为她喝醉了。
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We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 [it5099@vecit~]$ cal 08 1998 August 1998 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 [it5099@vecit~]$ cal 1800 1800 January February March Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 1 1 5 6 7 8
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