CORE RISKS OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS GUIDANCE NOTES ON PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING AND TERRORIST FINANCING 16 September, 2012 Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit BANGLADESH BANK FOCUS GROUP Coordinator Mr. Md. Eskander Miah Deputy General Manager Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit Bangladesh Bank Member Mr. Rafiqul Islam Joint Director Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit Bangladesh Bank Mr. Kamal Hossain Deputy Director Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit Bangladesh Bank Mr. Md
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banking will continue to be the most popular method for future electronic financial transactions. On the other hand, Mobile Banking refers to provision and availability of banking and financial services with the help of mobile telecommunication devices. The scope of offered services may include banking transactions, administering of accounts and access to customized information. Fast expanding mobile telephony in Bangladesh has opened up windows of opportunity for creative partnerships of banks
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Introduction Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited commenced its operation in Bangladesh by acquiring the Bangladesh operations of Credit Agricole Indosuez (CAI) in 2003. The high performance of Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited is a reflection of the qualities and attributes that has been accepted by people advocating good management practices in the corporate sector. The event marked the first ever acquisition of multinational bank by a Sri Lankan bank and is a direct consequence of Commercial Bank
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Working Paper 3/2010 Investment Climate Series Investment Climate in Bangladesh: Enhanced Role of the Capital Market Dr. Prashanta K. Banerjee Md. Mohiuddin Siddique Economic Research Group Working paper No: 3/2010 Investment Climate Series Investment Climate in Bangladesh: Enhanced Role of the Capital Market Authors Dr. Prashanta Kumer Banerjee1 Mohiuddin Siddique2 Mentors Mohammad Musa Ph.D3 Farook Chowdhury4
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ICT in Microfinance: A Bangladesh Perspective Md. Badruddozza Mia, Coordinator of Computer in Development Programme, PROSHIKA The movement for harnessing the potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for the development of the poor is gaining momentum around the world. Microfinance has already played a remarkable role in poverty reduction endeavours in the less developed countries. Better financial services for the poor through the appropriate use of ICTs could help the microfinance
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Introduction Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited commenced its operation in Bangladesh by acquiring the Bangladesh operations of Credit Agricole Indosuez (CAI) in 2003. The high performance of Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited is a reflection of the qualities and attributes that has been accepted by people advocating good management practices in the corporate sector. The event marked the first ever acquisition of multinational bank by a Sri Lankan bank and is a direct consequence of Commercial Bank
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Electronic Banking in Bangladesh Mohammad Shamsuddoha Assistant Professor Department of Marketing, University of Chittagong Chittagong, Bangladesh. E- mail: Abstract: In Bangladesh, Banking industry is mature to a great extent than earlier period. It has developed superb image in their various activities including electronic banking. Now modern banking services have launched by some multinationals and new local private commercial banks. Electronic banking is one of the most
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Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction Internet Banking is growing popular day by day in Bangladesh. A number of private as well as local banks are going online now considering the demand and necessity of fast banking. Internet banking not only provides banking facility round the clock but also helps a country to get attached to the international economy as well as business. People throughout the world are now getting engaged with more activity and business and hence need the fast and anytime access to his/her
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TERM PAPER ON GREEN BANKING AND ITS PRACTICES IN BANGLADESH Submitted to: Mrs.Dipannita Battacharjee Assistant Professor Department of Marketing Studies University of Chittagong Submitted By: M.Ariful Aziz Kanon 4th Year, BBA (Hons.) ID-07304020 Session: 2006-2007 Department of Marketing Studies University of Chittagong. Date of Submission: …… July 2012 Introduction: Green Banking is no more new concept in today`s world.The concept
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An essay On “Monetary Policy of Bangladesh” Course Code: MBA 510 Course Title: Macro Economics Submitted to: Professor Abdul Bayes Department of Business Administration East West University Submitted by: Minhajul Abedin ID: 2013-1-95-019 Section: 01 Date of submission: 24 august, 2013 Monetary Policy of Bangladesh Decisions regarding the monetary policy are very important for any country in today’s world. To control the supply of money by targeting a rate of interest, and
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