these things make us a wise man on choosing the right or wrong. Let’s go back to business. God created life, so we must respect his ways on how to deal with it. Lord thy God told us in His 10 Commandments, “Thou shall not kill”, which also synonymous that WE DON’T HAVE THE RIGHT TO KILL. RH BILL is concern in preventing life formation. Do killing lives and preventing lives aren’t the same? In Biology, it says that when the two gametes
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arcade or should I say movie theater room when I hear my grandma yell, “Kids come up it's time to eat.” Yay! I couldn't wait to devour the Sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, turkey, ham, and best of all the oreo salad. When everyone was packed with food Ellis handed out the cookies we made earlier. I watched my uncle reaction as he cringed biting into the cookie that probably had the most sprinkles out of all of them. The meal was definitely worth all the obstacles it took to get here. We all move
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Biology Topic A: Science and fiction 9Aa Genetic information The features of an organism are called its characteristics. Our characteristics are controlled by genetic information. This information Organisms can be classified in to different species. A species contains individuals with the same physical characteristics and common ancestors. It’s a group of organisms that can reproduce with each other and produce an offspring that will also be able to reproduce. Organisms of the same
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many see animals were killed because of waste. Many sea animals such as sharks have been over killed for food. So we want to inform you on everything you can do to prevent this from happening. And we want to show you how joining the environment club will help. “It has been estimated that for every life that has been taken by a shark 4.5 million sharks are killed by humans.” When people kill the sharks most of the time they just leave them there to die so they are wasting them. Most people are
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Foodborne Illnesses: Shigellosis Imagine, your guardian forgot to wash their hands before preparing your dinner, now you are not feeling so well. You may have contracted a foodborne illness. A common foodborne illness in America today is shigellosis. Shigellosis is a problematic foodborne illness, luckily it is easy to prevent, but can be hard to get rid of. Shigella is starting to become a worry in the United States. “In the United States, most Shigella is already resistant to the antibiotics
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reintroduced but it was not their arrival which brought back the plant life that was absent while elk were overpopulated. Since Elk travel in herds they do not scare to wolves as easily as one might think. Additionally, their size makes them harder to kill and takedown making them a tougher target for wolves. Contrarily, grizzly bears are the main predator for large prey such as the elk and buffalo because they make for larger and more powerful hunters. The elk population in Yelllowstone has subsided
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Last year on my cousin's birthday I went to the zoo. When I walked in I seen a zookeeper carrying a bucket of food . I had to see the monkeys first but it was my cousin's birthday so she wanted to see zebras When we seen them they were in a small cage and when a zookeeper came out with food the zebra seemed very happy. I thought it was just for the food but it was because of the human. I was reading the story of “let people own exotic animals” and Zuzana Kukol the author was really saying stuff
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in nature therefore no actions are inhibited and there are no restrictions on anything. Their willingness to do anything for their benefit ultimately creates a state of war. All people are created equal that even the “weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret machination or by confederacy with others”, which allows for a constant war against each other, which he describes as “bellum omnium contra omnes” or war of all against all (Hobbes). Within this state of nature, life
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oldest today. Their central element was education, the study and ideas of justice and righteousness. They were obedient to the law and followed the Ten Commandments. They forbid working on holidays or on the seventh day of the week, and having certain foods to eat. There are also certain laws that must be followed. This law is also known as the Mosaic Law. Customs, Practices, and Traditions: Today some Jews are Rabbis. Rabbis are religious teachers. They also celebrate Hanukah. Hanukah is a holiday
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When man is faced with the incomprehensible struggle for survival, he is able to adapt and adjust not only his way of thinking but his way of being. Adapting is one of the greatest strengths that man is capable of doing in order to survive. Even when someone is thrown into the toughest and most unfathomable situation, the will to live kicks in and allows someone to find that inner strength to adapt, survive, and push through whatever obstacles are thrown at him. Man needs a purpose to survive whether
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