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    Tissenba Experiment On Soccer

    Some important past research was conducted by other people, like tissenba (a YouTube channel). Tissenba did the experiment that we are about to test, but used too many variables. Tissenba also showed us he only tested the experiment once, in one weather condition, so he didn’t control the variables of the experiment. Also, gave us important research for our experiment. This website showed us about problems with the experiment, how to design the experiment; analyze data

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    Personal Narrative: Tryout In Jamaica

    the seventh grade, I decided to try out for the football (soccer) team. I never had cleats at the time and the tryouts proved how bad I was at the sport. In Jamaica it is a norm for everyone to play football whether one is good or not. I usually play several times a week with my friends and family but i never got the experience I had needed if I was to play for my high school team. After the tryout in the seventh grade I just continued to play football recreationally. In the ninth grade I made a late

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    Athletes and the Money They Make

    they can keep their job and still receive their paycheck. Athletes have to risk an injury every time they go out on the field to play. Football leads all other sports when it comes to injuries, the most common injury are traumatic injuries such as a concussion. According to a survey on an article by Adam Hadhazy, a freelance writer, out of 2,000 retired football players they surveyed “almost 61 percent in the sample indicated that they had [suffered] a concussion in their career.” There are athletes

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    Patriots Cheating Scandal

    Last year, the New England Patriots were investigated on whether or not the footballs used for the AFC Championship Game were purposely deflated. I personally believe that the Patriots, mainly Tom Brady, cheated by doing so. Whether it was completely intentional, the quarterback is to let the equipment team know whether or not the ball is up to par. Even if he did not know that it was legally underweight, playing for multiple years should have allowed him to know that the ball was too deflated

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    Helmet Vs Helmet Case Study

    Helmet v.s. Helmet Have you ever wondered what the NFL and military does for the U.S.? Or why one gets paid more than the other? Today, an E-1 in the army with less than two years’ service makes $18,378 per year. An NFL player with less than two years’ experience makes $500,000 per year. Service men and women should get paid more and NFL players should get paid less because of their contribution to society. Between 2012 and 2015 the Department of Defense paid $10.4 million dollars to the NFL for

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    Boundary Objects In Professional Football

    communities to with each holding its own understanding of the representation. One boundary object that I believe is apart of my professional field working football is Technology. To go a little more in depth there are two different companies serving as boundary objects. The first one is Strivr which is a virtual reality design that helps gives football players an extra edge with 3D film outlook. The second is a company called HUDL which helps athletes and coaches watch film on

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    Nfl Impact On American Culture Essay

    Most Americans are familiar in some way with the sport of American football. Football came about in the late 1800s, but there was not a unified league across the country until the National Football League (NFL) was formed in the 1920s. Once the NFL became televised, more people were able to start following the sport and it quickly became one of the most watched sports in the United States. Since the beginning of the NFL, football has had an impact on American culture by influencing how people interact

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  • Premium Essay

    Narrative Essay About Football

    to win the Superbowl. I was so excited that I jumped up in the air and I told my dad, “Daddy when I grow up I want to play football and I want to score a lot of touchdowns just like 10 does.” Fast forward to the Fall of 2014, and I am in my 3rd yr in football, and I was killing it. I was starting cornerback, andwe won a championship. And I just went to Tennessee for a football tournament with kids that were a grade above me. Everything was going so well for me, but the one thing I was missing was

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  • Premium Essay

    A Rhetorical Analysis American Football

    the surrounding air. The blinding lights cause bugs to swarm, and the deafening sounds that resonate from the hard steel bleachers cause a heart to pound. It sounds like unbearable hell, but in reality, it's the sport the nation loves. Football. American football has many components to it. The two main

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  • Premium Essay

    The Impact Of The NFL On The Economy

    The National Football League (NFL) has been around for over ninety years making it the third longest active sport around. Football is most popular sport in the United States, therefore it impact the U.S. economy. The NFL makes over billions of dollars each year, so it has a huge impact on the economy. Other than being the most popular sport, it is also the most profitable sport. . When the NFL and players struck a deal to end the league’s lockout, they didn’t just save the football season, they saved

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