EDUCATION LECTURER : MR MUPONDI DUE DATE : NOVEMBER 2013 QUESTION: What is socialization? How can schools, mass media and the peer group socialize the child? Children are socialized in different ways as they grow. They learn and adopt ways of life from different sources like the schools, clubs, and peers to name just a few. Here the writer is going to explain how schools, mass media and peer groups socialize the child. He is also going to define socialization before he goes deeper with the explanation
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walk or be able to enjoy family outing like they want to . My role of media is getting my story out to the public via the internet or on television. I will make sure that the significance id immediate news delivery on culture is accurate because most news stories try hard to get stories out to the public first that some of the information is in accurate and mislead the audience and viewers. The social responibites of news media is basically informed the society about what’s happening in today’s society
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communication within oneself - interpersonal direct sharing of experience between two people - group communication small group organizational - mass communication communication from one person of group of persons through a transmitting device (a medium or channel) to large, diverse audiences Mass Media Definitions - mass media are industries or businesses that create and distribute the following to large numbers of people: songs, novels, newspapers - MM are key institutions
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Quiz 1 COMM 202 Spring 2014 Name: ___________________ Please highlight your answers to the 20 questions below. 1) One of the traditions of U.S. journalism implied in the Constitution is that the mass media should report news and A) be inexpensive enough for consumers to afford.. B) offer space so advertisers can reach their potential customers. C) provide politicians with a venue to speak uncensored to the citizenry. D) serve as a watchdog of government on behalf of the people. 2)
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Role of Media in Various Sectors Advantages and Disadvantages on Youth Pragati Maheshwari* Abstract In this paper it is observed that media includes sources like print media and electronic media. Newspapers, magazines and any other form, which is written or printed, is included in print media and in electronic, media radio, television and Internet etc. are included. When there are so many channels and newspapers we cannot ignore its importance in the society.Mediacan change opinions because they
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PR notes Ch1 PR is a leadership and management function that helps achieve organizational objectives, define philosophy, and facilitate organizational change. Public relation is a two way communication between organization and publics; PR practitioners communicate with all internal and external public to create positive relationship between the firm’s goals and societal expectations. Moreover, PR tries to affect public opinion through its persuasive communication. The question is who are the publics
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Importance of Media and Democracy: Media democracy is a set of ideas advocating reforming the mass media, strengthening public service broadcasting, and developing and participating in alternative media and citizen journalism. The stated purpose for doing so is to create a mass media system that informs and empowers all members of society, and enhances democratic values. It is a liberal-democratic approach to media studies that advocates the reformation of the mass media with an emphasis on public
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Anul II, Semestrul al II-lea ALINA CHEŞCĂ Limba engleză 2 CUPRINS 1. LAW REFORM IN THE E. U. Law Reform in E.U. The Environment in Europe Specific objectives Summary Self-evaluation tests Bibliography 2. ENTERTAINMENT AND MASS MEDIA Entertainment and Mass-Media Mass-Media and Culture Specific objectives Summary Self-evaluation tests Bibliography 3. THE ECONOMY IN THE EUROPEAN COUNTRIES The Economy in the European countries The Third World Specific objectives Summary Self-evaluation tests Bibliography
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Theory of Communication and Media Technology in Modern Life Details Written by Debora Yona Category: Development Communications Technology Published: May 6, 2014 The development of information technology and continues to grow today. Media continues to grow following the seiringnya time. Utilization of the media will be felt if everyone used it to match what is needed. For example, television is very large striving for perception and behavior, these media provide insight and effects
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great effects upon, and been greatly affected by, young people. Adolescents undergo the process of identity formation as one of their foremost development challenges. This paper addresses what role the mass media play in this process. One avenue of exploration would be to examine how the media can impact the adolescent’s perceptions of social reality, which could lead to the internalization of certain attitudes as the adolescent struggles to develop a stable core repertoire of attitudes, beliefs
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