major candidates, then it could all come down to the House of Representatives voting on who is the president. In the 2000 election between George W. Bush and Al Gore it was a close race and since the third party candidate Ralph Nader acted as a spoiler for Gore because Nader was a partially democratic and attracted 3% of the votes that Gore could have gotten as shown in Document 5. This shows that the electoral college can help third party candidates can persuade the
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the final decision of the year 2000 Presidential election with George W. Bush and Al A. Gore running closely side by side. There was debate in the legitimacy of the electoral votes cast in Florida earlier in time, so the suspense rising in America’s final decision is enormous. Looks like Gore holds this trophy for popular votes with a close 543,895 votes winning over Bush. According to previous elections, Gore has this competition conquered, the results come in; George W. Bush is our new president
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giver penge til folk i bytte for varer eller tjenesteydelser. For eksempel hvis nogen hyrer en tjenestepige, hun bliver betalt penge for bl.a. at gøre huset rent osv. Som tjenestepige kan hun ikke bare vade ind i et huset og gøre som det falder hende ind. Arbejdsgiveren har en hvis magt over hende, og de kan sige hvad, hvordan og hvor hun skal gøre
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com/site/danskfag/litteratur-1/litteraere-genrer/novelegenren 4) Kan teksten karakteriseres som realisme? Hvorfor? Ja fordi at de her drenge ville skælde sig væk fra alt og alle og der er ikke nogen der skal bestemme over dem, ikke en gang politiet. Og vil gøre oprør i mod alt og alle der står i vejen for dem. 5) Udarbejd en karakteristik af fortælleren. og der er blevet brugt en indirekte personkarakteristik til
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but God has the last say so. It was predicted long ago that mankind was going to ruin the earth with all the consumption of gas and polluting the air. If we start now trying to go green we probably can pro long the crisis. You can get tips from Al Gore the former Vice President. He has written books and has video tapes on how we can save our planet. The most talked about effort is called “going green.” Buy all natural cleaning products, use a reusable shopping bag and build energy efficient buildings
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i eller uden for rammen af, hvad vi kan se? • Panorerer, traveller eller tilter kameraet? Hvilken effekt? • Kontinuitetsklip, eliptisk klip, krydsklip, montageklip eller matchklip? • Hvordan gøres der brug af lys, skygge og farver? • Hvordan gøres der brug af reallyd, effektlyd, lydbro og musik? Er der speak eller voice over? Husk, censor og jeg har set filmen et par gange, så du kan sagtens forklare uden at
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İŞ KANUNU Kanun Numarası : 4857 Kabul Tarihi : 22/5/2003 Yayımlandığı R.Gazete : Tarih : 10/6/2003 Sayı : 25134 Yayımlandığı Düstur : Tertip : 5 Cilt : 42 Sayfa: BİRİNCİ BÖLÜM Genel Hükümler Amaç ve kapsam Madde 1 - Bu Kanunun amacı işverenler ile bir iş sözleşmesine dayanarak çalıştırılan işçilerin çalışma şartları ve çalışma ortamına ilişkin hak ve sorumluluklarını düzenlemektir
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parents grew up during this time and loved this type of music I enjoyed this type of music and still do. I heard songs from Leslie Gore, Elvis, Dion and the Belmont’s Ray Patterson just to name a few. Sometimes I would cry and sometimes I would be happy depending on what song I was listening to let me explain. When I heard the song Sunshine Lollipops and Rainbows from Leslie Gore I would be happy I thought that if we had sunshine rainbows and lollipops (I love lollipops) then the world would be peaceful
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won the office again four years later[6]. He was Governor of Arkansas when he ran for President in 1992, defeating “incumbent George Bush and third party candidate Ross Perot in the 1992 race”. Together, Bill Clinton and his vice president Al Gore “represented a new generation in American political leadership” [7]. Presented as liberals by virtue of their association with the Democrat party, Clinton was not as liberal as his opponents like to believe. He did begin his presidency with plans
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bredt spektrum af handlingsmuligheder mellem at gøre ingenting og at smadre et land, når konflikten dukker op?” (side 12, linje 1-3) Det er altså her tydeligt, at Øberg er utilfreds og stærkt uenig i at man skal blande sig i et lands konflikter med militære midler. Han mener at den bedste konflikthåndtering gøres med fredelige midler så som samtale og styrkelse af demokratiet. Han mener fred kan læres, og det skal gøres nu når vi har med et land at gøre, hvor en civil befolkning på 98% ikke griber
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