How To Tell A War Story

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    Vietnam Experience

    The Vietnam Experience The Vietnam War is one oft the most gruesome wars after 2nd world war. The war was between the years 1959-75. It was twenty years of war to no avail. Millions of people lost their lives – young soldiers from America and Vietnam, and many civil. After several years of war in Vietnam with France, a peace treaty was signed and the republic of Vietnam was created in South Vietnam with Ngo Dinh Diem as leader, and the north was ruled by communists. South Vietnam was receiving

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    Liam O Flaherty The Sniper

    different views on the issue. Some authors have written stories and there have been artists that have drawn pictures to express their thoughts. For example Pat Moriarity drew a political cartoon showing Uncle Sam praying to the gods for some type of help to stop the hatred. Stephen Vincent Benet wrote the short story “By the Waters of Babylon”, showing a naive narrator exploring New York City after the city is hit with nuclear bombs. The short story “The Sniper”, written by Liam O’Flaherty is a setting

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    A Cold War, Indeed

    A Cold War, Indeed Lisa Lloyd Kaplan University The Vietnam War, otherwise known as the Cold War, was one of the worst of so many tragic experiences for the United States, (U.S.) during the 20th century. It is odd how differently this horrific war is viewed through various eyes. The following is the account of what comes to the minds of three individuals when asked about the Cold War. Vietnam Vet, Bob Hutson stated “that was the nastiest war I’ve ever been in. It was definitely

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    Comparing The War Of The Worlds, By HG Wells

    fiction novels? Maybe they're interested in lifeforms that are beyond earth? in ¨Zero Hour¨ by Ray Bradbury and The War of the Worlds by HG Wells both authors discuss alien invasions. In both stories the characters had time to prepare for the invasions, but they doubted that it was going to happen therefore they were surprised and unprepared. All of the characters in both stories act a specific way because of the martians. As it states in the text ¨Zero Hour¨, ¨We’re having trouble with guys

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    Chickamauga Bierce Analysis

    “Chickamauga,” a short story written by Ambrose Bierce, tells a story about a six-year-old boy, son of a veteran, who wandered by his lonesome, into the forest. The little boy was happy because he now had a sense of freedom from control and happiness because he has the opportunity to explore and adventure. He has dreams of himself in battle, killing enemies, just like his father once did. But somewhere along the way, he looses sight of reality. After one day of his adventure, lost in the forest,

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    Proving Hemingway Wrong

    implore (Wheatley 411.28)!” Wheatley is asking the General to listen to all American, not only the high society individuals, but also ordinary people, and slaves as America begins its journey to independence. Wheatley’s poem shows that regardless of how you came to be in America, freedom of speech is something that even a once enslaved black woman could achieve. Moreover, freedom of speech does not always come in the form of a complaint. Wheatley is hoping for a future that includes a new Republic

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    component that keeps bragging relevant. Beowulf practically tells a resume of all the monsters he has slain and how he has never been defeated by them. In the epic poem, Beowulf competes in a swimming competition with his friend Brecca. Halfway through the competition, dangerous sea monsters come to attack them but Beowulf decides to stop and defeat them so his competitor can swim safely. In result, he loses the race but compensates by vaunting how he acted so bravely and with valor. This technique is

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    The Lottey

    Literature 20 April 2013 “The Lottery” In this short story by Shirley Jackson, this story feels very unique and exciting for everyone in this town when it should not be. The author did well on making the story easy to understand and of course unique in its own way. When I first read the story, I understood what was going on and this event was very important to the people in town especially the black box. The beginning of story express how important the black box was to the town. It represents the

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    Qualities of Leadership

    innovation, the ability to lead in a war time atmosphere and possibly having religious influence. In Udall Brady’s short story “He Becomes Deeply and Famously Drunk” the author shows how even a small Spanish man can possess great leadership qualities. Apparently all the other ranch hands do not teach the narrator a whole lot about being a rancher. Instead, Jesus, who is a part time worker on the ranch, actually teaches the narrator the ins and outs of ranching. Brady tells this by saying “He’s worked for

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    Flannery O Connor

    sorts of characterization:  "static" and "dynamic."  A static character, in this vocabulary, is one that does not undergo important change in the course of the story, remaining essentially the same at the end as he or she was at the beginning.  A dynamic character, in contrast, is one that does undergo an important change in the course of the story.  More specifically, the changes that we are referring to as being "undergone" here are not changes in circumstances, but changes in some sense within the

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