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    Richard Pinker's The Crusades

    discussing humanity’s inner demons the most widespread, with the vastest body count is undeniably ideology. Pinker accurately describes Western Society habit of mistaking religious ideology with morality. This is most likely done because many ideologies describe types of behaviors that are completely evil and behaviors that are holy with no place of human

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    Hidden Agendas

    make the effort to facilitate subordination of the disenfranchised and powerless amidst the easily perceived promising future of equality. In the following response, I will argue the integration of humanist ethical ideologies that illicitly and surreptitiously generate racist ideologies that subjugate the colonized non-Western “other”. Social Darwinism, eugenics, imperialism, nationalism, cultural relativity, and multiculturalism are the main ideas that support my argument which will be subsequently

    Words: 1800 - Pages: 8

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    Philosophy of Andres Breivik on Kantianism

    To apply this phenomena into ethically philosophical aspects, other than Utilitarianism, Kantianism created by Immanuel Kant, is another perspective to be considered as well. The major points being discussed in this journal are the motivations leading Anders Breivik to have the intention he has claimed, leading him to embark on the massacre, a universal law of Nature and the history of Western Europe. As for motivations, the first idea is the multiculturalism, Islam threatens the survival of Europe

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    Firehouse Communication

    I believe that some of the factors involved in the procedure violations are due to the culture of the organization and the discourse surrounding what it takes to be a “real” firefighter. The ideologies within the organization seem to support not following procedure. Many types of power could be at play including reward, coercive and referent. Rookie status probably includes some kind initiation process, which includes taking some risks, to be accepted in the organization. The atmosphere appears to

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    Examine the Ways Which State Policy Effect Families and Households.

    New right ideology has always viewed state policy as the reason why the traditional family institution is in decline in Britain today. Whether this is an accurate reflection on state policy will be assessed in this essay. Functionalists have always had a traditional view on family ideology where there is a clear segregation of tasks between the man and the women which is seen as natural or God given. But through the introduction of government policies in order to cater for the changing image of

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    Social Science

    Social science is described by Sills as a house with each room containing their own social science disciplinary. Social science involves social structures and public issues amongst their disciplines, with each discipline using their own concepts to achieve a common understanding. It is has multiple disciplines which covers subjects like Economics, history, and geography. Sills explains that the significance of social science allows for the better understanding of oneself in the world. He states thatsocial

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    Discuss the Idea That There Is Little Difference Between the Conservatives and Labour Party

    little difference in the ideology of modern day "Cameron's Compassionate Conservatism" and Miliband's "One Nation Labour", despite their aims to appeal to different classes and sectors. However they are considered now extremely similar due to their ideologies that can be taken from their manifestos in the 2005 General Election. A party's ideology is a set of promises or regulations that the party follows, this results in bills and policies being made that follow the party ideology to make the nation suit

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    JOURNALISM JNL210 The way in which ideology is analysed can be followed back to the days of early Marxists. In translation ideology is said to be as old as history itself. The Marxists back in the days were in favour of the whole idea of having a revolution socially, which depended on the working class. They wanted the idea of having a social revolution not to be dependent on the rulers. In this day and age, ideology can now be seen as the structure of ones belief from a certain perspective

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    Is Natinoaism Necessarlity Aggressive and Expaisnitst

    necessarily aggressive and expansionist (45 Marks) Nationalism has been viewed as the ideology which has an aggressive and expansionist view on life. The reason of this can be blamed on the ideologies very selfish view, always wanting what is best for the group of people involved rather than the collective like if we go to the ideology of socialism or liberalism. However to really view and to see if the ideology of nationalism is expansive and aggressive the best thing to do would be to look at the

    Words: 318 - Pages: 2

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    Totalitarianism Hannah Arendt Analysis

    definitions of ideologies and totalitarianism. Ideologies when used by a political leader drive their totalitarian movement. Elements such as rascism or anti-Semitism are real issues, however they become ideologies when a dictator pretends to frame a group of people, the Jews for example, for the fall of their nation. It is unfortunate and unfathomable to think the Nazi Party could rule over the nation on a foundation of lies. Enough people were brainwashed into believing that race ideology was “a living

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