apply to all levels of the organization (from the lower level to the executive level). * Because the AUP is there for the benefit for everyone and everything related to the organization. So even if you are the janitor or the CEO, they are still implied by the AUP.
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including the increased marketing costs. 3) What minimum quantity do you need to sell to make the plan break even? For the next set of questions, use the quantity you computed in question 3. 4) Compute the change in demand due to his plan. 5) Compute the implied retail elasticity assuming a retail margin of 35% and perfect pass through of the price change. 6) Imagine that the ad campaign was responsible for 20% of the increased sales. Compute the same price elasticity as in question 5. 7) Do you want to proceed
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options implied volatility. Our empirical strategy generates a risk-adjusted alpha of 1.8% per month for a hedged winner-minus-loser portfolio over the 1996–2011 period, during which the simple momentum strategy fails to perform. The results are stronger and clearer if we use call options compared with put options, which are consistent with managers’ tendency to reveal good news and hide bad news. Our results are robust to transaction costs, choice of options’ moneyness, elimination of implied volatility
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01.1. In a plot of the volatility smile, what are each of the axes and how is the function line plotted? Y axis is implied volatility. X axis is strike price (K), K/S, K/Forward, or option delta. The line plots volatility (sigma) that, given an observed market price (c), solves for option price (c) = BSM[S,K, sigma, T,rho,(q)]. There is not an analytical solution, we must iterate (goal-seek) to solve for the volatility that returns a model price equal to observed market price. 01.2. Identify
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one-day in maturity [pic] 4. All options are European and the stock does not pay a dividend. Which option is relatively more expensive? Explain. (Hint: Compute implied volatility). a. S = $50, C (X=$60) =$14 [pic] b. S = $50, C (X=$65) =$10 [pic] Option (a) is relatively more expensive because the higher Implied
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Q U A N T I T A T I V E F I N A N C E V O L U M E 2 (2002) 45–60 INSTITUTE O F PHYSICS PUBLISHING RE S E A R C H PA P E R Dynamics of implied volatility surfaces Rama Cont1,3 and Jos´ da Fonseca2 e Centre de Math´ matiques Appliqu´ es, Ecole Polytechnique, F-91128 e e Palaiseau, France 2 Ecole Superieure d’Ingenierie Leonard de Vinci, F-92916 Paris La D´ fense, e France E-mail: and jose.da Received 20 September 2001 Published 4
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1) Using Excel’s standard deviations function to calculate the variability of the stock returns of California REIT, Brown Group, and the Vanguard Index 500. Standard Deviation Vanguard 500 4.61% California REIT 9.23% Brown Group 8.17% Brown Group and California REIT stock returns both have large variability compared to the Vanguard 500. Brown Groups variability is substantially larger that of the Vanguard 500, and California REIT variability
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assumption and implication. Immediate applications on risk management, equity and option evaluation and trading, etc are also presented. Keywords: Nonlinear model, Random walk, Stock price, Option pricing, Default risk, Realized volatility, Local volatility, Volatility skew, EGARCH. This paper is self-funded and self-motivated. The author is currently working as a quantitative analyst at J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. All errors belong to the author. Email: or hdpang@gmail
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1080/07474930701853509 REALIZED VOLATILITY: A REVIEW Michael McAleer1 and Marcelo C. Medeiros2 2 School of Economics and Commerce, University of Western Australia Department of Economics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 1 Downloaded At: 15:53 5 September 2008 This article reviews the exciting and rapidly expanding literature on realized volatility. After presenting a general univariate framework for estimating realized volatilities, a simple discrete time
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NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES FINANCIAL RISK MEASUREMENT FOR FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT Torben G. Andersen Tim Bollerslev Peter F. Christoffersen Francis X. Diebold Working Paper 18084 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 May 2012 Forthcoming in Handbook of the Economics of Finance, Volume 2, North Holland, an imprint of Elsevier. For helpful comments we thank Hal Cole and Dongho Song. For research support, Andersen
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