Impulse Buying Behaviour

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    Retail Management

    ABSTRACT In this research paper, we take a peek into the organized retail sector of India. It started making its presence felt nearly a decade after the first lot of entrepreneurs set up shop. A brief introduction and evolution shows how the organized retailing changed its gears over the period from Panwala dhukan to chain stores across the length and breadth of India. The market size and related details gives a statistical view of increasing market in a few major areas of retailing. The major market

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    Strategic Management

    design as a vehicle for communication and branding is growing in competitive markets for packaged food products. This research utilized a focus group methodology to understand consumer behavior toward such products and how packaging elements can affect buying decisions. Visual package elements play a major role, representing the product for many consumers, especially in low involvement, and when they are rushed. Most focus group participants say they use label information, but they would like it if simplified

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    Packaging and Purchase Decision

    design as a vehicle for communication and branding is growing in competitive markets for packaged food products. This research utilized a focus group methodology to understand consumer behavior toward such products and how packaging elements can affect buying decisions. Visual package elements play a major role, representing the product for many consumers, especially in low involvement, and when they are rushed. Most focus group participants say they use label information, but they would like it if simplified

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    An Overview of Advertising

    An Overview of Advertising Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction If we look up the word ‘advertise' in the New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (1990) we find the following definition: ‘Make an announcement in a public place; describe or present goods publicly with a view to promoting sales.'; Right after that we find advertisement defined as: ‘A public announcement (formerly by the town-crier, now usually in newspapers, on posters, by television, etc)' It was Daniel Starch (1926), one of the early

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    “RURAL MARKETING” Executive Summary A debate continued for a long time amongst the Indian marketers, both practitioners & academicians, on the justification for the existence of the distinct discipline of rural marketing. Consequently, two schools of thought emerged. The first school belived that the products/services, marketing tools & strategies that are successful in urban areas, could be transplanted with little or no more modifications in rural areas. However, the second school

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    The Technological Environment

    Technological Environmental Innovations Joseph Huber Der Hallesche Graureiher 2005-1 Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Institut für Soziologie 2005 Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Soziologie Emil-Abderhalden-Straße 7 D-06108 Halle (Saale) Postanschrift: 06099 Halle (Saale) Telefon: 0345 /5524251 Telefax: 0345 /5527150 e-mail: Druck: Druckerei der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

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    Ikea - When Brand Meets Space: a Study of Customers' Perception Onto Ikea's Spatial Configuration as a Branding Blueprint

    1.0 – INTRODUCTION 1.1 –INTRODUCTION The chapter provides a radius of the background of study at hand into deducing the problems or issues that encompass it. Next to that, will be a statement of the aim as well as the objectives of this study in order to comprehend the matter in more depth as well as a succinct overview of the following chapters. 1.2 – BACKGROUND OF STUDY Human civilization is dependent upon signs and systems of signs, and the human sign is inseparable from the functioning-if indeed

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    Global Marketing Summary

    Summary Global Marketing A market-responsive approach Svend Hollensen Second Edition 2001 ISBN 0-273-64644-3 -1- PART 1 Chapter 1 THE DECISION WHETHER TO INTERNATIONALIZE Global marketing in the firm SME: small medium sized enterprises LSE: large scale enterprises Companies wit little international experience and a weak position in their home market have little reason to try to perform on global markets. Instead they should try to establish a stronger position on their

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    Final Project on Event Mngt

    Chapter 1 Situation Analysis Due to the fact that Options Weddings & Events has to be built from the ground up on the Indian market, it is essential to research this new environment thoroughly before defining the mission and vision of the company and its strategy. Thus, this chapter will give an overview of the external analysis and will present the information and data about the Indian events market as well as competition and trends in the events branch. 1.1 The market environment and its

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    International Business Management

    8 Vertical Collaboration in the Supply Chain Sanda Renko Faculty of Economics & Business University of Zagreb Croatia 1. Introduction Supply chain is a research area which has attracted the attention of many researchers for more than 20 years (Mehrjerdi, 2009) due to costs and time involved in managing materials, information and financial flows from the point of origin to the point of consumption. The simplest definition of the supply chain suggests (Waters, 2003) that it consists of

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