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    Current Affairs

    Pakistan Supreme Court annulled New Law Protecting the Prime Minister Supreme Court of Pakistan on 3 August 2012 annulled the new law called Contempt of Court Act 2012(COCA 2012). Pakistan’s Supreme Court 3 August 2012 struck down a law designed to protect the new prime minister from being charged with contempt and thrown out of office like his predecessor. The court ousted the previous prime minister, Yousuf Raza Gilani, from office in June by charging him with contempt of court for failing to reopen

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    Impressionism - Mini Essay

    The expression "Impressionist" was initially begat in the mid-1870s, as a discriminatingly disparaging term, of the light- and shading centered canvases of a little band of Paris-based craftsmen, the alleged "Salon des Refusés" (Salon of the Can't) - among them Manet, Renoir, Degas, and particularly Monet, whose "Impression, soleil levant" propelled the name. The usage of the term to music, from the 1880s, was a somewhat unsurprising extension, however most writers to whom it was connected disavowed

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    Major Biological Community: Taig Taiga Biome

    A biome is a major biological community that occurs over a large area of land. Each biome is characterized by precipitation, temperature, wind, soil conditions, availability to water, amount of sunlight, and land. For example, the taiga is very cold in the winter, hot and humid during the summer, receives 30-85 cm of precipitation annually, and the soil is thin and poor in nutrients. There are different types of biomes and each of them have different characteristics. The tundra is the coldest of

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    [3][4] Her Roman equivalent is Ceres.[5] Etymology Didrachme from Paros island, struck at the Cyclades and representing Demeter Demeter's character as mother-goddess is identified in the second element of her name meter (μήτηρ) derived from Proto-Indo-European *méh₂tēr (mother).[6] In antiquity, different explanations were already proffered for the first element of her name. It is possible that Da (Δᾶ) (which became Attic Ge (Γῆ)) is the Doric form of De (Δῆ), "earth", the old name of the chthonic

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    A Influência Do Surf No Turismo

    A INFLUÊNCIA DO SURF NO TURISMO Anteprojeto apresentado como requisito parcial ao desenvolvimento de trabalho de conclusão do Curso de Turismo do Centro de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Veiga de Almeida, orientada pelo(a) Professor(a) Ana Luísa Verdejo Nunez. Rio de Janeiro 2012 1. Apresentação O Surf é um fenômeno social característico dos séculos XIX-XX que só recentemente tem crescido significativamente como o deporte das sociedades industriais modernas, englobando uma indústria

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    Swastika Research Paper

    History of The Swastika The Swastika, an ancient symbol, used by many cultures millennia before Adolf Hitler ever used it for the Nazis. In many of those ancient cultures, the Swastika was a symbol of power and was put on many different ancient artifacts, all leading up to its eventual use in World War Two. As one of the most visually powerful symbols ever concocted, the Swastika wasn’t originally contrived by the Nazi’s in World War Two, it was, in fact, first developed and used by the people of

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    geëmigreerd is. Omdat de meeste koerden moslim zijn, is er sprake van een eenheid. Maar er zijn ook ideologische stromingen in de islam, zoals de soennieten en de sjiieten. Gemeenschappelijke geschiedenis: De meeste Koerden stammen waarschijnlijk af van Indo-Europese stammen. Vroeger leefden de koerden in stammen en voelden zich verbonden met hun stam. Ten tijde van de islamitische veroveringen in de negende eeuw werd de naam ‘Koerd’ gebruikt ter aanduiding van nomaden aan de westerse rand van het Iraanse

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    India, Israel to explore joint defence equipment manufacturing, R&D 1 of 3 India will send a business delegation to Tel Aviv to participate in a defence and security seminar to be held from Feb.21 to 25 in order to explore investment and manufacturing opportunities in collaboration with Israeli companies. The Indian delegation, consisting of enterprises with interests in defence, aerospace and security, will look

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    Archerfish Research Paper

    Archerfish The archerfish is native to the Indo-Pacific region. Commonly found in small rivers and stream across Asia (The Editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica). They are mostly found in fresh waters and occasionally in brackish salt water. According to the Rosamond Gifford Zoo, they can live 5 to 8 years while in captivity but only around 2 in the wild. The archer fish is most commonly known for their ability to shoot land-based insects down using water from their mouths. When the archer fish

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    Mercury Surface

    The surface of Mercury is very similar to that of Earth's moon. It is covered in a fine sand, much like moon dust, and many craters caused by the impact of asteroids and comets, which have left a debris field around many of these craters. Some of the craters are so deep that, despite the scorching heat on Mercury (over 750 degrees Fahrenheit), its deepest craters and crevices contain ice because they are so deep that they never get any direct sunlight. The surface is also marked by a raisin-like

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