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    Communications and Collaboration Paper

    learning styles and compliment the personality types of the members. A learning style is the way the mind takes in and processes information. This process differs for everybody. Howard Gardner has broken learning styles into eight multiple intelligences based on individuals strengths and weaknesses. It is important to know and understand a person’s learning style before employing strategies to make use of it. A person with intrapersonal learning style is self-driven, assertive, and understands

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    Anastasi and Urbina (1997) note that all psychological tests are tools that can be beneficial or harmful depending upon how they are applied to people and situations. Their first chapter cogently explores all of the contributing reasons to their assertions about both positions. Basically, there are several elements that determine the quality and suitability of a psychological test’s ability to be a good predictor of one’s behavior. First, the test should be an objective and standardized measure

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    Emotional Intelligence

    Article 5 Building Emotional Intelligence in Group Emotional intelligence has to do with your ability to accurately understand and manage your emotions and to recognize how your emotions influence or affect the people around you through self- awareness, self-regulation and social competence. The impact of emotional intelligence in any group work cannot be overemphasized as it helps to enhance and also determine success in team projects with high level of interpersonal elements. Now the question

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    then, that music has a great effect on how humans think and act, possibly even affecting intelligence. Several studies have been conducted on this theory; though some results are questionable, the consensus view seems to be that music has the capacity for both positive and negative effects. As a background activity, listening to music has been shown to positively affect mood, productivity, and even intelligence. As stated on the Reverse Spins website: “simply listening to music in the background

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    Academic Reflection

    and in the text it shows kinesthetic as being my strongest Perceptual learning style and then after that comes Auditory which mean I also perceive by hearing (reciting key points) Multiple Intelligences Verbal/Linguistic, Visual/Spatial, and Body/Kinesthetic are my top three strong Multiple Intelligences. Out of these three I prefer Visual/Spatial or Verbal/Linguistic it just feels natural and I guess I am most comfortable with these two because I tend to learn better hands on and one on one communication

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    Organizational Behaviour

    abilities; intellectual abilities (or intelligence), which involve the capacity to perform various cognitive tasks and physical abilities, which refer to the capacity to perform various physical actions. Intellectual abilities or Intelligence * Cognitive intelligence – able to understand complex ideas, adapt effectively to the environment, learn from experience, engage in various forms of reasoning and overcome obstacles by careful thought. * Practical intelligence – adeptness at solving the practical

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    Standard Based Instructional Practices

    Instructional practices for standards-based curriculum is more than knowing and understanding state and district standards; posting objectives, standards, or learning goals in the classroom; referencing standards in lesson plans; covering concepts or following a teacher’s manual claimed to follow state standards. Instead, it is about consistently and effectively developing lessons with activities designed to meet the needs of all students. Standards Based Curriculum The foundational reason supporting

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    Becoming an Effective Leader

    responsibilities of the leadership roleThe first part of this task is to evaluate own ability to use two or more leadership styles, in different situations and with different people, in order to fulfil the leadership role, and to use theories of emotional intelligence to review and make judgements on the effect of emotions on own and others’ performance | Evaluate own ability to use a range of leadership styles, in different situations and with

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    progressing or not. 4. In assessing learning, teachers must consider learners’ ;earning styles and Multiple Intelligences and so must come up with a variety of ways of assessing learning: Educators should consider the different learning styles and multiple intelligences of the students. Therefore, we should make assessments that would focus as many learning styles and multiple intelligences as possible. 5. To contribute to the building of the culture of success in the school, it is pedagogically

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    Service Innovation

    Service Innovation Proposal Abstract When a company’s main business focus is service and clients, service innovation becomes vital to the success of the company’s lifeline.  The company can use an approach such as the one in the proposal, Innovation Business Design Model (IBDM), to create a 5-step roadmap (University of Phoenix, 2009) when applying the steps to create a service innovation proposal.  The following proposal provides a definition of what service means to a company, a description of

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