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Becoming an Effective Leader


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ASSIGNMENT TASK for Unit - Becoming an effective leader Centre Number | Centre Name : DISTANCE LEARNING COLLEGE AND TRAINING | Learner Registration No:91270513 | Learner Name: ANDREW MPANDE | TASKThe purpose of this unit is to develop knowledge and understanding of effective leadership as required by a practising or potential middle manager.NoteAn ILM Assessment Task provides an opportunity to relate your learning directly to your current organisation. It is recommended that you discuss the assignment with your line manager to explore and agree how the task could be used to support the needs of your employer (as well as evidencing your learning as part of completing your ILM qualification).If you are not currently working within an organisation, then you may complete this task in relation to an organisation with which you are familiar. This could include experience working in a voluntary capacity.NOTE:You should plan to spend approximately 31 hours researching your workplace context, preparing for and writing or presenting the outcomes of this assignment for assessment.The nominal word count for this assignment is 2500 words: The suggested range is between 2000 and 3000 words, however individuals have different writing styles, and there is no penalty if the word-count range is exceeded. | Please use the headings shown below when writing up your assignment | Assessment Criteria | Understand own ability to fulfil key responsibilities of the leadership roleThe first part of this task is to evaluate own ability to use two or more leadership styles, in different situations and with different people, in order to fulfil the leadership role, and to use theories of emotional intelligence to review and make judgements on the effect of emotions on own and others’ performance | Evaluate own ability to use a range of leadership styles, in different situations and with

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