C a s e St u d y CASE o' STUDY Sie m e n s Clicks with Click2procure in ce 1999 , Siemens has sp en t over $870 million buildi ng its e-procuremen t sys tem call ed Click2procure, us ing t echn olo gy provide d by Com merce On e and SAP, the Austrian m anufactur er of a wide ly adopte d ERP syste m . Click 2procure is one of the world's largest private b uy-side Net m arketplaces. Siemens is a German electri cal engin eering and electronics gia n t with approximately 475,000 em ployees in 190
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Riemannian Factors and Reversibility L. Harris Abstract ˜ Let η ≤ E. Recent interest in associative, analytically partial, discretely quasi-extrinsic curves has centered on deriving t-symmetric subalegebras. We show that every left-integrable factor is connected. This could shed important light on a conjecture of Euler. Moreover, this reduces the results of [27] to well-known properties of Lagrange functors. 1 Introduction Is it possible to construct conditionally anti-Levi-Civita
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A Case Study in Approximate Linearization: The Acrobot Example Richard M. Murray Electronics Research Laboratory University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 John Hauser Department of EE-Systems University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089–0781 Memorandum No. UCB/ERL M91/46 29 April 1991 Electronics Research Laboratory College of Engineering University of California, Berkeley 94720 A Case Study in Approximate Linearization: The Acrobot Example Richard M. Murray∗ Electronics
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10 pages doi:10.4061/2011/809341 Review Article Hypothyroidism and Thyroid Substitution: Historical Aspects J. Lindholm and P. Laurberg Department of Endocrinology, Aarhus University Hospital, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark Correspondence should be addressed to J. Lindholm, j.lindholm@ofir.dk Received 15 January 2011; Accepted 17 March 2011 Academic Editor: Marian Ludgate Copyright © 2011 J. Lindholm and P. Laurberg. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
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alphabets of most other western European languages, including English. According to the Real Academia Española, which is considered the arbiter of what's official Spanish, the following letters make up the Spanish alphabet: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, ñ, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z The following chart shows the capital letters along with name of each letter. |Letter |Name |Letter |Name
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Blackboard Security Assessment M. van Eekelen, R. Ben Moussa, E. Hubbers en R. Verdult Institute for Computing and Information Sciences Radboud University Nijmegen Technical Report ICIS-R13004, April 2013 Radboud University Nijmegen LaQuSo1 July 15, 20112 1 2 LaQuSo is a joint activity of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven and Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen published April 15, 2013, after a mutually agreed responsible non-disclosure period Contents I Advice in connection with the LaQuSo
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This paper seeks to find out and elaborate the term Early Warning Scores (EWS) while also showing its vital role in early identification and quick treatment of a patient who is experiencing a fast deterioration of health. There are other diverse scores that are similar to the Early Warning Score (EWS). For example, there is the ‘Modified Early Warning Score’ and the ‘National Early Warning Score’. The above scores have different terms because they use different set of parameters and variables in
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Charles Martin S3134484 1 The advantages of differing views on organisational culture theory: the benefits of a multiparadigm approach The purpose of this essay is to outline the advantages and disadvantages of robust debate surrounding the field of organisational culture. To achieve this, this essay presents the benefits of robust debate which has led to multiple paradigms surrounding the field of organisational culture within organisational theory. It will then be demonstrated how the
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Journal of Business Ethics (2009) 85:147–156 DOI 10.1007/s10551-008-9934-6 Ó Springer 2008 What’s Wrong with Executive Compensation? Jared D. Harris ABSTRACT. I broadly explore the question by examining several common criticisms of CEO pay through both philosophical and empirical lenses. While some criticisms appear to be unfounded, the analysis shows not only that current compensation practices are problematic both from the standpoint of distributive justice and fairness, but also that
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Ebola virus was reported in three of Guinea’s Conakry city districts named Gueckedou, Macenta, and Kissidougou, in Liberia’s Foya district, and in Sierra Leone (Dixon, Meredith G., and Ilana J. Schafer). On October 23, 2014, there was the first recorded Ebola case in the United States. There would be three more confirmed cases before the news would declare that the United States was Ebola-free. Those that had been infected with the virus had picked them up while in Guinea and had been transported
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