505 Zahirul Hoque School of Accounting, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia Abstract Purpose – The purpose of paper is to present a review of the literature on management accounting innovations (MAIs). Specifically, it explores recent developments in research on MAIs and offers suggestions for future research. The review differs from existing reviews by its specific focus on MAIs and the recent time period covered. In this paper, MAIs refer to the adoption of “newer” or modern forms of management
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Review of Literature Michelle Banker Saint Leo University Many corporations have traditionally focused on being “customer first” and maintaining customer satisfaction in order to help drive profit. Recently, companies have shifted their focus on employee satisfaction. According to Argenti (2013), managers and senior level executives recognize that employees have more to do with the success of a business more then any other constituency. Prior to the 21st Century, internal communication primarily
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Implementing Empowerment in an IT Organization By Student X GM591: Leadership and Organizational Behavior Dr. Ron Stone Keller Graduate School of Management Introduction 3 Problem Statement 5 Literature Review 5 Causes 14 Solutions 16 Reflection 19 Appendix 21 Introduction The organization I chose to study is Software Engineering (SE) in the Internal Information Services (IIS) unit of Defense Contractor X’s Information Technology (NGIT) Sector. The mission
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A Study of Alienation among Knowledge Workers Submission of Thesis Proposal Nisha Nair Doctoral candidate Organizational Behavior Area Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) India Email: nishan@iimahd.ernet.in Telephone +91-79-6632-6216 Mobile: +91-9327309000 Advisor Information Dr. Neharika Vohra Organizational Behavior Area Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) ‘The hidden conflict between the knowledge workers view of himself as a professional
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This study explores the positive effects of effective communication on employee motivation and performance. Specifically, in intends to compare the results between service employees and manufacturing employees in terms of communication as a motivating factor. The theories used in this study to create a conceptual framework are Herzberg Two factor theory, Goal Theory, and the circular theory of communication. The concept is that when hygiene and motivator factors are high, goals can be developed,
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A CLOSE ALIGNMENT OF ORGANIZATION STRATEGY WITH HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (HRD), AS A WAY TO IMPROVE INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE There is increased need of human resources development to meet today’s organizations’ needs, which are ever changing due to globalization that has resulted into more competition in the global markets (Garavan, Heraty, & Barnicle, 2002). According to Hyland (2005), human resource development (HRD) refers to the process of enhancing human
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likely to re-purchase or re-use a company’s products/services and recommend them to others. Customer retention is, therefore, basically a product of customer loyalty and value which in turn is a function of the level of customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction (Reichheld, 1996). Oliver
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conducting a literature review of the current commentary on the definition of ‘talent management’. Furthermore the impact any lack of clarity around the concept of talent management may have on the national and international markets which organisations source ‘talent’ from and any impact of Human Resource Management practices in terms of employee retention and exit strategies being managed fairly and ethically will also be looked at. After careful analysis of the academic literature on talent management
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Effects of Motivational Factors on Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study on Malaysian Gen-Y Administrative and Diplomatic Officers Nargess Mottaghi Golshan1, Aznur Hafeez Kaswuri2, Betsabeh Aghashahi3, Muslim Amin4, Wan Khairuzzaman Wan Ismail5 1 International Business School, University Technology Malaysia Abstract. Purpose - This study examines the relationship between motivator and hygiene factors of the two-factor theory and job satisfaction of Gen-Y. Design/ Methodology/ Approach -
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It highlights four potential threats to remaining employees: trust, job satisfaction, motivation, and stress. The paper provides several suggestions for mitigating these impacts, including communication to retain trust, acting ethically to ensure satisfied employees, seeking an understanding of employee perspectives to build employee motivation, and providing good planning along with training and development to reduce employee stress. INTRODUCTION Globalization provides organizations with more options
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