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    Robert Morgan Westward Expansion Analysis

    In all the following text and paintings the authors talk about westward expansion. All the text mention one of their great figures in that time. If the United States didn’t expand westward there wouldn’t be enough room for the all of us. Robert Morgan’s central idea is that he wants the United States to stretch from coast to coast across America. “Thomas Jefferson, the quintessential American dreamer, whose vision of the future republic had from the beginning stretched over the mountains to the

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    Facts About Gangs

    When people hear the word “gang”, they often think of guns, drugs, and violent crimes, and for good reason. Gangs threaten the safety of many, and young people can often feel very pressured to join them. But while gangs inflict fear in youth and adults alike, we can also learn from gangs, such as what not to do and the type of people to avoid. In the past five years, there has been an 8 percent increase in number of gangs, an 11 percent increase in members, and a 23 percent increase in gang-related

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    Gang Violence Research Paper

    Missing connection for young men and gangs Gangs have brought fear in the eyes of Americans for centuries, however what people fail to understand is that these rebel groups may just be a connection to a person finding acceptance, guidance, and love and protection. Terry Frieden, CNN Justice Producer states that CNN FBI report claims that over 1.4 million people are active in gang memberships in America. The FBI also reports that over the past 3 years gangs have increased 40%. Some people believe

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    Gang Violence And Gang-Related Crimes

    Gang violence can be prevented and put down; people should be aware on what is happening in their communities and tell and or educate people on how to prevent these kinds of things from happening. Every where in the world local and ton of local communities suffer from crimes that aren’t even related to them due to gangs being a major problem in their area this needs to be brought to the spot light so we can put a end to gangs/gang related crimes and by doing this and educating the younger generation

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    Jim Crow Laws In The United States

    poorer education, and are faced with a neglectful society. When Kermit Alexander and his family moved from New Iberia, Louisiana to Los Angeles, California they looked to escape the segregated South in hope for a better future with more equal opportunity. Kermit Alexander and his family were escaping the Jim Crow South and moving to hopefully a more progressive city in Los Angeles. Jim Crow Laws were a set of state and local laws which enforced racial segregation in the Southern states of the United

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    Film Noir: A Brief History Of Film Noir

    The early films noir (before being considered noir) were influenced by pulp stories and hard-boiled fiction by authors such as Hammett, Chandler and Caine, whose novels were often a base for the films; as a matter of fact, many of their novels were adapted to films. The attempts to explain film noir were often challenged by the fact that there is no official explanation instead various scholars have formed their own view on what film noir is starting by identifying it either as a genre, cycle,

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    Characteristics and Environments of Human Service

    ambiance that strives to offer a variety of services to those in need within the community. They are located in South Central Los Angeles and are very well supported within the community around them. The mission and vision of APCH is specially designed to help the community and is very achievable. Their mission states, “A Place Called Home is a safe haven in South Central Los Angeles where underserved youth are empowered to take ownership of the quality and direction of their lives through programs

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    Oedipus Chorus Song

    Chrous: Gangster version Al Capone and polo, We all call on Al Capone and polo, You heard me: Al Capone and polo, Yeah Al Capone and polo, Why are you not answering, Look at all the suffering, Everybody dying, And u not responding man, Al Capone and polo, We call on Al Capone and polo, Screw Al Capone, They ain’t doin nothing, If you don’t wanna help, We got more persons, Aaytis and Thea We all call on: Aaytis and thea, You heard me: Aaytis and thea, Yeah Aaytis and thea

    Words: 362 - Pages: 2

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    2009). Gangs are made up of all types and kinds of human beings from men, to woman, and even children. A good amount of the crime in several communities around the U.S. is victimized by the gang related activity. Gang activity is higher in cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Arizona and New York, with more than half of all homicides thought to be gang related homicides (Muhlhausen, 2007). Overall organized crime is anywhere and every where, this is a very difficult area for law enforcement to keep control

    Words: 1902 - Pages: 8

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    Gangs and Organized Crime in the United States

    Gangs and Organized Crime in the United States Criminal Justice Janaree Nagel 10/15/2011 Gangs and Organized Crime in the United States is on the rise. With the increase in turf wars, position and the financial gains, gang wars and Organized Crime are linked together in many ways. Within this paper, I will show how they are all tied together in. The M-13’s are the largest reported gang controlling large areas of our states. However, the largest area to which the MS-13’s control

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